I haven't tested the code below, but in your subclass you can override MakeRequest(), call the original superclass version of MakeRequest() and then you should be able to set the header before returning from your custom method.

Something like this:

Method MakeRequest(pRequestMethod As %String, pPayload, pRequestPath As %String, pQueryString As %String, ByRef pHeaders) As %RegisteredObject
    set ..%HttpRequest = ##super(pRequestMethod, pPayload, pRequestPath, pQueryString, .pHeaders)
    do ..%HttpRequest.SetHeader("Some Header Name", "Some Header Value")
    return ..%HttpRequest

I agree with Vic that this is probably not worth the complexity. The rule definitions are stored as XML -- to change them you'll need to fetch the XML, modify it, then save the changed XML and re-compile the class. It would look something like this:

    set tMyRuleClassName="My.RoutingRuleClass"
    &SQL(select %id into :tXDataID from %Dictionary.XDataDefinition where parent = :tMyRuleClassName and Name='RuleDefinition')
    if (SQLCODE > 0) {
        // Query returned no results. Do some error handling

    set tRuleDefinition=##class(%Dictionary.XDataDefinition).%OpenId(tXDataID)

    /* This stream contains the raw XML of the RuleDefinition. It looks like this:
    <ruleDefinition alias="" context="EnsLib.HL7.MsgRouter.RoutingEngine" production="TESTINGPKG.FoundationProduction">
        <ruleSet name="" effectiveBegin="" effectiveEnd="">
            <rule name="">
                <when condition="1">
                    <send transform="" target="HL7.File.Out"/>
    set tRuleDefinitionXMLStream=##class(%Stream.GlobalCharacter).%New()
    do tRuleDefinitionXMLStream.CopyFrom(tRuleDefinition.Data)

    // Use XML classes to manipulate the stream
    // (docs about XML classes: https://docs.intersystems.com/irislatest/csp/docbook/DocBook.UI.Page.cls?KEY=GXML_intro)
    // ...
    // ...
    // ...
    // Ok, done making changes to the stream

    // Copy the changed XML back into the RuleDefinition
    do tRuleDefinition.Data.CopyFrom(tRuleDefinitionXMLStream)

    // Save the changees to the rule definition XData
    set tSC=tRuleDefinition.%Save()
    // Check if tSC indicates an error and do something about it
    if $$$ISERR(tSC) {
        // Do some error handling

    // Recompile the rule class
    set tSC=$System.OBJ.Compile(tMyRuleClassName,"cuk",.errorlog,1)

    // Check if tSC indicates an error and do something about it
    if $$$ISERR(tSC) {
        // Do some error handling

You can definitely do the OAuth requests using basic HTTP calls.

Doing it in OnInit won't work because the token you receive has an expiration time.

You'll need to:
- For every message your Operation receives you'll need to check if the cached token's expiration time has passed (or if there's no cached token).
- If you need a new token, do your POST call to get a new token and cache it.

You'll probably want to check with the vendor to confirm where they expect to see it. One possibility is to pass it to GetAccessTokenClient as a property.


Also, this sample assumes that they're using the client credentials grant type. This is the most likely option, but it would be worth confirming.

Here's a cheat sheet I put together on creating an OAuth client definition:

Go to System Administration >> Security >> OAuth 2.0 >> Client

Choose “Create Server Description”

Enter the endpoint URL provided for the OAuth server and select the TLS config you created for the OAuth server. Click “Discover and Save”. It should populate details about the OAuth server.

After saving, a new server entry will appear. Click “Client Configurations” and then “Create Client Configuration”

Enter the name details, select the TLS config, and choose Client Credentials as the grant type. The redirect URL won’t actually be used, but you’ll need to enter something for hostname anyway.

Keep track of what you enter for “Application Name”. You’ll need to put this in your custom code.

Switch to the “Client Credentials” tab and enter the Client ID and Client Secret you were given.

This snippet uses the built-in OAuth client to request a token and then add it to the HTTP header.

You'll need to configure an entry for the OAuth server with a sub-entry for this specific client:

In the case of the sample code below, the client I configured is named TestClientA.

    set isAuth=##class(%SYS.OAuth2.AccessToken).IsAuthorized("TestClientA",,"*",.accessToken,.idtoken,.responseProperties,.error)


    if 'isAuth {
        set tSC=##class(%SYS.OAuth2.Authorization).GetAccessTokenClient("TestClientA", "*",, .error)        
        set isAuth=##class(%SYS.OAuth2.AccessToken).IsAuthorized("TestClientA",,"*",.accessToken,.idtoken,.responseProperties,.error)

        if 'isAuth {
            quit $$$ERROR(5001,"Problem authenticating")

    $$$TRACE("access_token: "_accessToken)
    $$$TRACE("expires_in: "_responseProperties("expires_in"))
    $$$TRACE("scope: "_responseProperties("scope"))
    $$$TRACE("token_type: "_responseProperties("token_type"))
    s tSC=pRequest.HTTPHeaders.SetAt("Bearer "_accessToken,"Authorization")

Here's a working example based on Craig's original sample. It sends a request with 3 mime parts: a form variable with a value, an XML file, and a PDF file loaded from disk.

    set tURL="http://some.url/path/to/upload"

    set tHttpRequest = ##class(%Net.HttpRequest).%New()    
    // ----------------------------------------
    // Instantiate reportId MIME Part
    Set reportId = ##class(%Net.MIMEPart).%New()

    // Define/Set the Content-Disposition header indicating how this MIME part is encoded and what it contains.
    // Final string looks like: form-data; name="reportId"
    S tContentDisp = "form-data; name="_$CHAR(34)_"reportId"_$CHAR(34)
    Do reportId.SetHeader("Content-Disposition", tContentDisp)

    // Write the reportId to the MIME Part body.
    Set reportId.Body = ##class(%GlobalCharacterStream).%New()
    Do reportId.Body.Write("RptID12345")
    // ----------------------------------------    
    // Instantiate file1 (XML Doc) MIME Part
    Set file1 = ##class(%Net.MIMEPart).%New()

    // Define/Set the Content-Disposition header indicating how this MIME part is encoded and what it contains.
    // Final string looks like: form-data; name="file1"; filename="<pRequest.CaseNumber>.xml"
    S tContentDisp = "form-data; name="_$CHAR(34)_"file1"_$CHAR(34)_"; filename="_$CHAR(34)_"xmlfile.xml"_$CHAR(34)
    Do file1.SetHeader("Content-Disposition", tContentDisp)

    // Write XML to the MIME Part body.
    Set file1.Body = ##class(%GlobalCharacterStream).%New()
    Set file1.ContentType = "application/xml"
    do file1.Body.Write("<myXML><element1>value</element1></myXML>")
    // ----------------------------------------
    // Instantiate file1 (PDF Report) MIME Part
    Set file2 = ##class(%Net.MIMEPart).%New()

    // Define/Set the Content-Disposition header indicating how this MIME part is encoded and what it contains.
    // Final string looks like: form-data; name="file1"; filename="<pRequest.CaseNumber>.xml"
    S tContentDisp = "form-data; name="_$CHAR(34)_"file2"_$CHAR(34)_"; filename="_$CHAR(34)_"PDFFile.pdf"_$CHAR(34)
    Do file2.SetHeader("Content-Disposition", tContentDisp)

    // Get the content for the PDF file
    set tFile=##class(%Stream.FileBinary).%New()
    do tFile.LinkToFile("C:\Projects\test.pdf")

    // Write PDF content to the MIME Part body.
    Set file2.Body = ##class(%GlobalBinaryStream).%New()
    Set file2.ContentType = "application/pdf"
    do file2.Body.CopyFrom(tFile)

    // ----------------------------------------
    // Pack everything up and send the request

    // Package sub-MIME Parts into Root MIME Part
    Set rootMIME = ##class(%Net.MIMEPart).%New()
    Do rootMIME.Parts.Insert(reportId)
    Do rootMIME.Parts.Insert(file1)
    Do rootMIME.Parts.Insert(file2)
    // Write out Root MIME Element (containing sub-MIME parts) to HTTP Request Body.
    Set writer = ##class(%Net.MIMEWriter).%New()
    Set sc = writer.OutputToStream(tHttpRequest.EntityBody)
    if $$$ISERR(sc) {do $SYSTEM.Status.DisplayError(sc) Quit}
    Set sc = writer.WriteMIMEBody(rootMIME)
    if $$$ISERR(sc) {do $SYSTEM.Status.DisplayError(sc) Quit}
    // Specify the Content-Type and Root MIME Part Boundary (required for multipart/form-data encoding.)
    Set tContentType = "multipart/form-data; boundary="_rootMIME.Boundary
    Set tSC = tHttpRequest.SetHeader("Content-Type",tContentType)

    // Call SendFormDataArray method in the adapter to execute POST. Response contained in tHttpResponse
    Set tSC=tHttpRequest.Post(tURL)
    If $$$ISERR(tSC) {
        // Oops, an error. Do something    