go to post Marc Mundt · Jan 10, 2020 I would be tempted to, as a next troubleshooting step, take the BPL and JDBCGateway out of the equation and test the stored procedure calls using the same JDBC driver from a Java-based SQL query tool such as Squirrel. It's not SQL Server specific, but this step-by-step walkthrough for using Squirrel to connect to Caché might save some time. [Edit: should have said "queries of the views" rather than "stored procedure calls"]
go to post Marc Mundt · Jan 10, 2020 It looks like that error message is coming directly from SQL Server and has something to do with the linked-server config within SQL Server: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/archive/blogs/mdegre/access-to-the-remo...
go to post Marc Mundt · Jan 8, 2020 Business rule classes store the rules as XML in an XData block with the name "RuleDefinition": Class Demo.Rule.GenericRouter Extends Ens.Rule.Definition { Parameter RuleAssistClass = "EnsLib.MsgRouter.RuleAssist"; XData RuleDefinition [ XMLNamespace = "http://www.intersystems.com/rule" ] { <ruleDefinition alias="" context="EnsLib.MsgRouter.RoutingEngine" production="TESTINGPKG.FoundationProduction"> <ruleSet name="" effectiveBegin="" effectiveEnd=""> <rule name=""> <when condition="1"> <send transform="Demo.DTL.Generic" target="Test.DummyOperation"></send> <return></return> </when> </rule> </ruleSet> </ruleDefinition> } } One approach would be to find all of your business rule classes, retrieve the "RuleDefinition" XData block for each one, and then parse the XML to see which DTLs are called. To find the business rule classes, have a look at %Dictionary.ClassDefinition. You could do a query like this to find your business rule classes: select ID from %Dictionary.ClassDefinition where super='Ens.Rule.Definition' Then, for each business rule class you can find the %Dictionary.XDataDefinition for the RuleDefinition XData block with a query like this: select ID from %Dictionary.XDataDefinition where parent='Demo.Rule.GenericRouter' and name='RuleDefinition' The raw XML from the XData block can be accessed via the stream object stored in the "Data" property of the %Dictionary.XDataDefinition row.
go to post Marc Mundt · Jan 3, 2020 Have you considered using web services to exchange messages between the productions? This has the advantage of allowing the two productions to later be placed on separate instances. If you want to do it through the mapped DB, you could write a custom business operation to store the records in a custom table which is mapped to from both namespaces and then write a custom business service that polls that table for new entries. I have 2 productions A and B on the same IRIS instance sharing one operational database. To be sure the two productions aren't conflicting with each other, I'm assuming that only custom tables/globals are mapped to the shared database and not any of the Ens* globals/tables/routines/packages.
go to post Marc Mundt · Jan 3, 2020 The error is complaining that the message doesn't have a doctype category. In the message trace for this test message, under "Body", what is the value of the "DocType" field?
go to post Marc Mundt · Jan 2, 2020 Are these standard HL7 batch headers and footers (BHS/BTS, FHS/FTS, etc) or something custom to your organization? If they are one of the HL7 standards, have a look at these docs on HL7 batches:https://docs.intersystems.com/healthconnect20191/csp/docbook/Doc.View.cl... One tricky part will be triggering when an old batch ends/new batch begins -- this will depend on your local requirements. If they are custom, there are a few approaches you can consider: You could use the Record Mapper to define a record map class with header/footer and a single field record for the HL7 content. You would then use one of the EnsLib.RecordMap.Operation.* classes instead of EnsLib.HL7.Operation.FileOperation: https://docs.intersystems.com/healthconnect20191/csp/docbook/DocBook.UI.... In particular, have a look at RolloverSchedule and/or RolloverLimit to control when a new batch file is created. If you're comfortable creating a custom class that extends EnsLib.HL7.Operation.FileOperation, you could override the outputDocument method. In your custom version of outputDocument you could check if the file already exists using ##class(%File).Exists(pathToFile) and if it doesn't you would write out the footer to the previous file and the header to the new file before calling the standard version of outputDocument using ##super. https://docs.intersystems.com/healthconnect20191/csp/docbook/Doc.View.cl...
go to post Marc Mundt · Jan 2, 2020 A few questions: You didn't mention what format these files are in -- XML? flat-file/CSV? Something else? Which InterSystems product are you working with and what kind of application is this (interoperability production, web service, etc.)? If these are flat-files or CSV, and if you're working with a Health Connect or IRIS interoperability production, you can look at using the Record Mapper, which will read a flat file using a format you define and allow you to work with records from the file as objects:https://docs.intersystems.com/healthconnect20191/csp/docbook/DocBook.UI.... If the files are XML you can do something similar by importing an XSD and using XML virtual documents, or use %XML.Adaptor methods:https://docs.intersystems.com/healthconnect20191/csp/docbook/DocBook.UI....
go to post Marc Mundt · Dec 4, 2019 How about: &sql(select count(*) into :tDefined from ENS_Config.Item where Name=:tHostName and Production=:tProductionName)
go to post Marc Mundt · Oct 21, 2019 Ok, EnsLib.REST.GenericOperation also expects to receive an EnsLib.HTTP.GenericMessage. Are you using EnsLib.File.PassthroughService to pick up the files? If so, it is sending an Ens.StreamContainer message to the target component (your business operation). You'll need to create a data transformation that creates a new EnsLib.HTTP.GenericMessage and populates it with the stream content from the Ens.StreamContainer. Then you'll need a router in the middle to run the data transformation and send the resulting EnsLib.HTTP.GenericMessage to the business operation.
go to post Marc Mundt · Oct 21, 2019 Neerav, I'll just note that if you use Jenna's suggestion your code doesn't need to be a part of a business service -- it can be any normal ObjectScript code and can be called from anywhere (CSP, scheduled task, etc.). And your code can make as many calls as it needs to and can receive response messages. It will appear in message traces as if a business service sent requests to the process or operation, but in reality it's just your code sending the requests. Jenna's approach is a good one, and it's the standard way to achieve what you describe. Having said that, if you can provide more details on your use case and/or why this approach doesn't fit your need we can help you explore alternatives.
go to post Marc Mundt · Oct 9, 2019 Which business service are you using to read the file? Are you using EnsLib.RecordMap.Service.FileService and specifying the record map type in the configuration? It sounds like you might be using EnsLib.File.PassthroughService
go to post Marc Mundt · Sep 4, 2019 You could use Apache's mod_rewrite to take all requests that fall under a certain sub-path and transform them on the fly to point to your CSP page. It could add the information about which specific page/resource was requested as a URL parameter that could be accessed by your CSP page.For example, if a client makes a request for:http://myserver/reporting/Dashboard1/resource2.jsmod_rewrite could change it to:http://myserver/csp/dashboards/proxy.csp?targetResource=Dashboard1/resou...After mod_rewrite changes the URL in the request, Apache continues processing it as usual using the new URL. Since the new URL refers to a CSP page Apache will pass it to CSP Gateway as we want.
go to post Marc Mundt · Jul 8, 2019 Here's a stored procedure that accepts a setting name and returns the setting value for all components that have it. It's not SQL, but can be executed from SQL :)You can call it this way -- this example returns the port setting for all components that have it: call Sample.Util_SettingsByName('Port') Here's the source code as XML export format. Copy this into a file and then import it using Studio, terminal, or the System Management Portal. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <Export generator="Cache" version="25" zv="Cache for Windows (x86-64) 2016.1.1 (Build 108U)" ts="2016-10-12 16:15:39"> <Class name="Sample.Util"> <Super>%RegisteredObject</Super> <TimeChanged>64203,58380.929948</TimeChanged> <TimeCreated>64202,44682.614801</TimeCreated> <UDLText name="T"> <Content><![CDATA[ /* ***************************************************** * ** N O T I C E ** * * - TEST/DEMO SOFTWARE - * * This and related items are not supported by * * InterSystems as part of any released product. * * It is supplied by InterSystems as a demo/test * * tool for a specific product and version. * * The user or customer is fully responsible for * * the maintenance of this software after delivery, * * and InterSystems shall bear no responsibility nor * * liabilities for errors or misuse of this item. * * * ***************************************************** */ ]]></Content> </UDLText> <Query name="SettingsByName"> <Type>%Query</Type> <FormalSpec>SettingName:%String</FormalSpec> <SqlProc>1</SqlProc> <Parameter name="ROWSPEC" value="BusinessHost:%String,SettingName:%String,SettingValue:%String"/> </Query> <Method name="SettingsByNameExecute"> <ClassMethod>1</ClassMethod> <FormalSpec><![CDATA[&qHandle:%Binary,SettingNames:%String=""]]></FormalSpec> <ReturnType>%Status</ReturnType> <Implementation><![CDATA[ s qHandle=##class(%ArrayOfObjects).%New() &sql(select %DLIST(id) into :tHostIDs from ENS_Config.Item order by Name desc) s tHostIDList=##class(%Library.ListOfDataTypes).%New() s tSC=tHostIDList.InsertList(tHostIDs) s tSC=qHandle.SetAt(tHostIDList,"HostIDs") s tSC=qHandle.SetAt(##class(%ArrayOfDataTypes).%New(),"Counters") s tSC=qHandle.GetAt("Counters").SetAt(0,"CurrHost") s tSC=qHandle.GetAt("Counters").SetAt(0,"CurrSetting") if ($L(SettingNames)>1) { s SettingNames=$ZCONVERT(SettingNames,"U") s tFilterList=##class(%Library.ListOfDataTypes).%New() s tSC=tFilterList.InsertList($LISTFROMSTRING(SettingNames)) s tSC=qHandle.SetAt(tFilterList,"FilterList") } Quit $$$OK ]]></Implementation> </Method> <Method name="SettingsByNameClose"> <ClassMethod>1</ClassMethod> <FormalSpec><![CDATA[&qHandle:%Binary]]></FormalSpec> <PlaceAfter>SettingsByNameExecute</PlaceAfter> <ReturnType>%Status</ReturnType> <Implementation><![CDATA[ Quit $$$OK ]]></Implementation> </Method> <Method name="SettingsByNameFetch"> <ClassMethod>1</ClassMethod> <FormalSpec><![CDATA[&qHandle:%Binary,&Row:%List,&AtEnd:%Integer=0]]></FormalSpec> <PlaceAfter>SettingsByNameExecute</PlaceAfter> <ReturnType>%Status</ReturnType> <Implementation><![CDATA[ s tCurrHost=qHandle.GetAt("Counters").GetAt("CurrHost") s tCurrSetting=qHandle.GetAt("Counters").GetAt("CurrSetting") s tHostIDs=qHandle.GetAt("HostIDs") s tFilterList=qHandle.GetAt("FilterList") s oHost=qHandle.GetAt("Host") do { if ('$IsObject(oHost)||(oHost.VirtualSettings.Count()<tCurrSetting)) { if (tCurrHost=tHostIDs.Count()) { s AtEnd=1 q } s tCurrHost=tCurrHost+1 s tCurrSetting=1 s tHostID=tHostIDs.GetAt(tCurrHost) s oHost=##class(Ens.Config.Item).%OpenId(tHostID,0) s tSC=oHost.PopulateVirtualSettings() s tSC=qHandle.SetAt(oHost,"Host") s tSC=qHandle.GetAt("Counters").SetAt(tCurrHost,"CurrHost") } s tSettings=oHost.VirtualSettings s tSetting=tSettings.GetAt(tCurrSetting) s tStngName=$LISTGET(tSetting,2) s tStngValue=$LISTGET(tSetting,3) s tCurrSetting=tCurrSetting+1 } while ($IsObject(tFilterList)&&('tFilterList.Find($ZCONVERT(tStngName,"U")))) if ('AtEnd) { s Row=$LB(oHost.Name,tStngName,tStngValue) } s tSC=qHandle.GetAt("Counters").SetAt(tCurrSetting,"CurrSetting") Quit $$$OK ]]></Implementation> </Method> </Class> </Export>
go to post Marc Mundt · Jun 27, 2019 Ens.StreamContainer's %New() method expects a string as the first parameter rather than a stream object.Something like this should work: set tRequest=##class(Ens.StreamContainer).%New() set tSC=tRequest.StreamSet(pInput) Or if you're trying to send one Ens.StreamContainer for each line from the input file you could do this: while 'pInput.AtEnd { set tReadLength=32000 set tLine=pInput.ReadLine(.tReadLength,.tSC) set tRequest=##class(Ens.StreamContainer).%New(tLine) //... do other stuff } One other thing you should be aware of. The following will not work if TargetConfigNames has more than one target selected: set tSC = ..SendRequestAsync(..TargetConfigNames,tRequest) You should add a loop using $LENGTH and $PIECE and do a SendRequestAsync for each item in TargetConfigNames' comma-separated string.
go to post Marc Mundt · Jun 13, 2019 The resulting XML files can be imported again using %System.OBJ.Load().If you prefer GOF format you can use %Global.Export() instead, however it doesn't accept wildcards so you would need to first put together a list of which globals you want to export.For automation you can execute these methods from your own custom class or routine. If you want to schedule it to run automatically, you can create your custom class as a %SYS.Task.Definition and schedule it to run using Task Manager.You're correct -- you can't restore specific globals from an Online Backup (.cbk) file.
go to post Marc Mundt · Jun 13, 2019 Have a look at %System.OBJ.Export():https://irisdocs.intersystems.com/irisforhealth20192/csp/documatic/%25CSP.Documatic.cls TESTING>s itm="*.GBL" TESTING>s file="C:\Projects\export_mm.xml" TESTING>d $System.OBJ.Export(.itm,.file,,.errors) Having said that, since this is just for backups you might also consider just using the standard Online Backup utility which will backup all globals in the selected database(s) into a file: https://irisdocs.intersystems.com/irisforhealth20192/csp/docbook/DocBook.UI.Page.cls?KEY=GCDI_backup#GCDI_backup_methods_online
go to post Marc Mundt · Jun 6, 2019 Here's a (very simple) working example of uploading to an AWS S3 bucket. I used essentially the same approach that Cliff originally used to generate the hex. I didn't experience the same problem, but I may have just been lucky and not had any zeroes in the value I'm converting. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <Export generator="Cache" version="25" zv="Cache for Windows (x86-64) 2017.2.1 (Build 801_3U)" ts="2018-10-04 08:14:32"> <Class name="Demo.Cloud.Storage.Util"> <Super>%RegisteredObject</Super> <TimeChanged>64925,29407.276303</TimeChanged> <TimeCreated>64924,56047.115234</TimeCreated> <Method name="TestS3Upload"> <ClassMethod>1</ClassMethod> <Implementation><![CDATA[ set tAccessKeyId="[Shh... it's a secret]" set tSecretAccessKey="[Shh... it's a secret]" set tAWSRegion="us-east-1" set tAWSService="s3" set tHost="s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com" set tPort="443" set tBucket="MyBucket12345" set tContentType="text/plain; charset=UTF-8" set tSSLConfig="AWS" set tUseHTTPS=1 set tContentStream=##class(%Stream.TmpCharacter).%New() do tContentStream.Write("this is some test content oh yeah!") do tContentStream.Rewind() set tHorolog=$h set tDateKey=$System.Encryption.HMACSHA(256,$ZD(tHorolog,8),"AWS4"_tSecretAccessKey) set tDateRegionKey=$System.Encryption.HMACSHA(256,tAWSRegion,tDateKey) set tDateRegionServiceKey=$System.Encryption.HMACSHA(256,tAWSService,tDateRegionKey) set tSigningKey=$System.Encryption.HMACSHA(256,"aws4_request",tDateRegionServiceKey) set tHashedPayload=..BytesToHex($System.Encryption.SHAHashStream(256,tContentStream,.tSC)) set tTmpTime=$ZDT(tHorolog,2,7) set tHeaderDate=$ZD(tHorolog,11)_", "_$E(tTmpTime,1,11)_" "_$E(tTmpTime,13,*-1)_" GMT" set tAmzDate=$TR($zdt(tHorolog,8,7),":","") set tKeyName="test_"_tHorolog_".txt" set tCanonicalURI="/"_tBucket_"/"_tKeyName set tCanonicalURI=$zconvert(tCanonicalURI,"O","URL") set tHttpVerb="PUT" set tCanonicalHeaders="content-length:"_tContentStream.Size_$c(10)_"content-type:"_tContentType_$c(10)_"host:"_tHost_$c(10)_"x-amz-content-sha256:"_tHashedPayload_$c(10)_"x-amz-date:"_tAmzDate_$c(10) set tSignedHeaders="content-length;content-type;host;x-amz-content-sha256;x-amz-date" set tCanonicalRequest=tHttpVerb_$c(10)_tCanonicalURI_$c(10,10)_tCanonicalHeaders_$c(10)_tSignedHeaders_$c(10)_tHashedPayload set tStringToSign="AWS4-HMAC-SHA256"_$c(10)_$TR($zdt(tHorolog,8,7),":","")_$c(10)_$zd(tHorolog,8)_"/"_tAWSRegion_"/"_tAWSService_"/aws4_request"_$c(10)_..BytesToHex($System.Encryption.SHAHash(256,tCanonicalRequest)) set tSignature=..BytesToHex($System.Encryption.HMACSHA(256,tStringToSign,tSigningKey)) set tAuthHeader="AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential="_tAccessKeyId_"/"_$zd(tHorolog,8)_"/"_tAWSRegion_"/"_tAWSService_"/aws4_request,SignedHeaders="_tSignedHeaders_",Signature="_tSignature set tHReq=##class(%Net.HttpRequest).%New() set tHReq.Server=tHost set tHReq.Port=tPort set tHReq.SSLConfiguration=tSSLConfig set tHReq.Https=tUseHTTPS do tHReq.SetHeader("Authorization",tAuthHeader) do tHReq.SetHeader("Content-Type","text/plain") do tHReq.SetHeader("Content-Length",tContentStream.Size) do tHReq.SetHeader("Host",tHost) do tHReq.SetHeader("x-amz-content-sha256",tHashedPayload) do tHReq.SetHeader("x-amz-date",tAmzDate) do tHReq.EntityBody.CopyFrom(tContentStream) //do tHReq.OutputHeaders() s tSC=tHReq.Put(tCanonicalURI) do $System.OBJ.DisplayError(tSC) write "Status Code:",tHReq.HttpResponse.StatusCode,! //Do tHReq.HttpResponse.OutputToDevice() if $isobject(tHReq.HttpResponse.Data) { s ^zresp=tHReq.HttpResponse.Data.Read(1000000) } else { s ^zresp=tHReq.HttpResponse.Data } ]]></Implementation> </Method> <Method name="BytesList"> <ClassMethod>1</ClassMethod> <FormalSpec>pBytes:%String</FormalSpec> <ReturnType>%String</ReturnType> <Implementation><![CDATA[ s l=$LISTFROMSTRING(pBytes," ") f i=1:1:$LL(l) s st=$G(st)_$CHAR($ZHEX($LISTGET(l,i))) return st ]]></Implementation> </Method> <Method name="BytesToHex"> <ClassMethod>1</ClassMethod> <FormalSpec>pBytes:%String</FormalSpec> <ReturnType>%String</ReturnType> <Implementation><![CDATA[ set tHex="" for i=1:1:$L(pBytes) { set tHexByte=$ZHEX($ASCII($E(pBytes,i))) if $L(tHexByte)=1 s tHexByte="0"_tHexByte set tHex=tHex_tHexByte } return $ZCONVERT(tHex,"L") ]]></Implementation> </Method> </Class> </Export>
go to post Marc Mundt · Apr 12, 2019 Yes, you can loop through items in your source document and generate one HL7 message for each. In this case the looping would be done in a business process (BPL), and you would call the transformation once for each outbound HL7 message.
go to post Marc Mundt · Apr 10, 2019 Have you tried setting "DefCharEncoding" to UTF-8 in the settings for EnsLib.HL7.Operation.HTTPOperation?Here are the details from the popup-help. Especially note the highlighted line. Using "!UTF-8" will cause the operation to ignore what's in MSH:18 and always use UTF-8. Default Character Encoding to use when reading or writing HL7 messages. If MSH field 18 (Character Set) is empty, this encoding will be used. Choices you can use for this setting include: Native: Use the default character encoding of the installed locale of the IRIS server. latin1: The ISO Latin1 8-bit encoding. This is the default. ISO-8859-1: The ISO Latin1 8-bit encoding. UTF-8: The Unicode 8-bit encoding. Unicode: The Unicode 16-bit encoding (Little-Endian). UnicodeBig: The Unicode 16-bit encoding (Big-Endian). Any other NLS definitions installed on this IRIS server. @<ttable>: <ttable> means a raw InterSystems character translation table name. A prefix of '@' means to use the named table. Putting ! before the encoding name will force the use of the named encoding and will ignore any value found in MSH:18.
go to post Marc Mundt · Apr 10, 2019 Hi Joseph,I developed something like this for a POC last year. It includes wizards to generate Business Services and Business Operations and related message objects based on a source query or stored procedure.It's not currently in a state where I can share it, but I'm planning to eventually clean it up and post it on Open Exchange. I'll let you know when I do.-Marc