Good option @Eduard Lebedyuk, this article add an alternative to generate directly from client. But I will use your tip to a future scenario, where a FHIR resource retuns the results in a QRCode instead XML or JSON. Thanks the tip!

The %SYS.QRCode depends from Java JVM, I used a lib that is generating on the client, no need to go to the server, same to the vCard:

Doc ref: Use of this class requires that Java be installed on your system, and that the Java executable be accessible. The location of the Java executable which is used is determined in the following order: 1) The directory location returned by the configuration parameter JavaHome, located in the [SQL] section of the .cpf configuration file.
2) The directory location returned by the environment variable "JAVA_HOME".
3) Determined by your path variables. The minimum required Java version to run this package is 1.7. This method is not supported on VMS platforms and will return an error if called. This implementation depends on the open source ZXing ("zebra crossing") product. The needed jar files, fop/lib/fop-zxing-0.1.2-jar-with-dependencies.jar and fop/lib/javase-2.0.jar and are distributed in /fop/lib. ZXing uses the same Apache 2.0 license as other jars which are already redistributed with InterSystems IRIS.