· Dec 22, 2020 1m read

Marketing Analysis into the InterSystems website using website-analyzer

Hi community, I used website-analyzer - an app that uses InterSystems NLP and Crawler4J to extract all website content and do NLP on it. I limited to 200 pages and discovered this:

Top 10 Concepts - business and content topics in the InterSystems site:


Other frequency concepts, see the focus in the iris speed, scale and data value:


Top 10 Concept Dominance - business relations in the InterSystems site. See the InterSystems slogans ("first data platform", "intersystems data platform" and "healthcare data platform")


See the related concepts - the marketing message is: "customer choice", "leading provider", "excellence" and intersystems geo presence in the world, very well!


It is possible see cloud words around word "InterSystems", for example: (it is important to qualify the brand)


Cloud words using paths is very impressive to see general speeach in the website, see:


It is possible do benchmark with business competitors too, run the website-analyzer and see!

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