Hello Robert!
ok I think I understand, thank you again for your time and code.

So in my first attempt I actually saved the object in the databas as a %DynamicObject but I could not get the indexing to work.
So saving as a %DynamicObject is not problem I am in control of how the information is saved.
Lets say JSON contains "firstName" how would i create the index directly without computed properties on just that property $.firstName

This below did not work and as far as I can tell it did not even understand that it was a object and just indexed the refrerence.
Index AnalyticIdx On (JSON) As %iFind.Index.Analytic(INDEXOPTION = 0, LANGUAGE = "en", LOWER = 1);

So I am still confused by this line below from the docs

Specify $ to index the entire JSON object. Specify $.key2 to index the JSON values at key2 and below...

ok but where should I specify $ or $.firstName, please answer if you know this.

Best regards,

Good morning all!
Whaow thank you for your time and effort! You all gave me a great start of a new day angel

I cannot still help to wonder about the few lines found in the documentation, how to you interpret these lines below.
"Indexing a JSON Object
You can create an iFind index for text stored in a JSON object. This index specifies the starting position in the JSON structure. iFind recursively indexes all text at that level and all nested levels below it. Specify $ to index the entire JSON object. Specify $.key2 to index the JSON values at key2 and below."

Link to documentation

So using my sample json I am thinking that it means that I can choose only to index firstName by creating the index and passing an argument like $.firstName something like 

Index AnalyticIdx On (JSON) As %iFind.Index.Analytic(KEY=$.firstName, INDEXOPTION = 0, LANGUAGE = "en", LOWER = 1);

Best regards,

Hello Marc!

Thank you for your answer.

Yes I have tried using properties and it is working fine but it is not what I need.

Adding a property for example called Name will results in a XML like

<urn:LogicalAddress xmlns="urn:registry:1" xmlns:hdr="urn:registry:1"><Name>Elmstreet 12</Name></urn:LogicalAddress>

The SOAP.Adressing class will result in for example with you example with the MessageID, 

<SOAP-ENV:Header><wsa:MessageID>The value here</wsa:MessageID>  </SOAP-ENV:Header>

I need the tag to be  <urn:LogicalAddress xmlns="urn:registry:1" xmlns:hdr="urn:registry:1">The value here</urn:LogicalAddress>

So that is why I need a custom SOAP header.


Best regards,



First thanks to everyone who contributed,  Mauri Kaatrasalo was the one who led me in the direction to my final solution but I learned something new from all of you.
So using FileStream setting Ensamble creates 2 files, one under the Ensamble installation and one in the stream folder of the namespace. Ensamble will delete the one under the ensamble installation after being done with it’s job, so the one left to care about is the one in the stream folder of the namespace.

What I ended up doing in short is… 
#Turned on the service’s UseFileStream propterty.
#Created a subclass of  EnsLib.FTP.InboundAdapter, where I added Property for “StreamedFileName”
#During processFile I save the filename ensamble gave the tempfile it is creating in “StreamedFileName” property.
#In the service after sending the file to the EnsLib.FTP.PassthroughOperation I delete the resulting stream file using the value in the ..Adapter.StreamedFileName property.

Best regards,
