Simply replace the line:
//call here Do ##class(Ens.Util.XML.Reader).ChangeXMLStreamEncoding...

Set outputBinaryStream=##class(%Stream.FileBinary).%New()
Do ##class(Ens.Util.XML.Reader).ChangeXMLStreamEncoding(tStream, "ISO-8859-1",outputBinaryStream, .tSC)
//you may want to check tSC, just in case....
//now on use the header changed outputBinaryStream instead of tStream


Set inputBinaryStream=##class(%Stream.FileBinary).%New()
Set inputBinaryStream.Filename="\\server\your\share\file.xml"
Set outputBinaryStream=##class(%Stream.FileBinary).%New()
Set outputBinaryStream = ##class(Ens.Util.XML.Reader).ChangeXMLStreamEncoding(inputBinaryStream, "ISO-8859-1",outputBinaryStream, .tSC)

; Since the output stream is passed, you can just call (last line) with:
Do ##class(Ens.Util.XML.Reader).ChangeXMLStreamEncoding(inputBinaryStream, "ISO-8859-1",outputBinaryStream, .tSC)


EVERY interoperability session start from a Business Service, be it from a message/call received from an external system or triggered by a timed event, like in this case.
Your problem/question is:

"I need to trigger production process/operation every minute"

That's EXACTLY what my BS sample does, all you need is to call your "process/operation" that "exchange data with external system".

This is the way to implement it.

Purging every N days should keep the database size almost constant, assuming a constant number of messages.

Unless you have some other database classes that keep growing.

Are you purging message bodies too?

What kind of messages does your production use? HL7 only? Other messages?

You may have orphaned messages in your database.

Regarding moving a CACHE.DAT, can you stop the system for the time it takes to copy the file to a different filesystem/drive?


Very simple, just create a Business Service that use Ens.InboundAdapter.

The default behavior of Ens.InboundAdapter is to call the BS (ProcessInput()) every "CallInterval" seconds.

Something like:

Class Extends Ens.BusinessService

Parameter ADAPTER = "Ens.InboundAdapter";

Method OnProcessInput(pInput As %RegisteredObject, Output pOutput As %RegisteredObject) As %Status
	Set BpRequest=##class(Ens.Request).%New()
	Set sc=..SendRequestSync("YourBusinessProcessName",BpRequest,.BpResponse)
	; OR, if you don't need to wait for the BP to finish:
	;Set sc=..SendRequestAsync("YourBusinessProcessName",BpRequest)
	Quit sc


Add this service to your production, to trigger every one minute set the setting CallInterval=60 (seconds).


I've no idea why it does not works, however, why do you use % classes now days?
Today there is (IMO) a better way to implement system wide accessible classes/code without "messing" with % classes (or code in general) stored in the IRISSYS database.

Create a new database & namespace (creating namespace is optional but convenient), say you call it JIULIB and put all your system wide accessible code there with proper (unique) package naming.
In this case you can call your sample class pylib.Utility instead of %Zpy.Utility and save&compile it in your JIULIB namespace.

Then create the ("virtual") namespace called %ALL and map the package pylib to your JIULIB database and voilà, your pylib package is accessible from ALL namespaces currently defined and new ones created afterwards.

In this way you have all your lib code properly divided in your own database (may simplify upgrades) and is a more "container friendly" configuration.

Bonus: your python test works! (just tested in my system)

Today there is no good reason to use/make %* classes/code, leave %* to InterSystems.

Relevant documentation is here.


I'm not sure I understand your issue right, my understanding is that you receive an XML declared as UTF-8 that contains ISO-8859-1 characters.

If so, you can convert the encoding of the stream content using something like:

/// Convert the encoding of the content of a stream to UTF-8.
/// If OutStream is not passed (of any %Stream.* class), then a new %Stream.GlobalBinary is returned.
/// Note that OutStream IS NOT SAVED on exit
ClassMethod ConvertStreamToUTF8(InStream As %Stream.Object, ByRef OutStream As %Stream.Object = {##class(%Stream.GlobalBinary).%New()}) As %Status
	Set sc=$$$OK
	Set MaxRead=$$$MaxLocalLength\2 ; to be safe
	Try {
		While 'InStream.AtEnd {
			Set content=InStream.Read(MaxRead)
			Set sc=OutStream.Write($ZCONVERT(content,"O","UTF8"))
			If $$$ISERR(sc) Quit
	} Catch CatchError {
		#dim CatchError as %Exception.SystemException
		Set sc=CatchError.AsStatus()
	Quit sc

If the problem is different, please provide more info/details, maybe a sample XML (not necessarily the original XML).


do service.OnProcessInput(pInput,.pOutpt)

You are not supposed to call the OnProcessInput() callback method directly, instead the ProcessInput() method should be called.

Sometime calling OnProcessInput() works, sometimes create problems.

I think InterSystems should have made OnProcessInput() [private] as most of the callback methods (like %OnNew() for instance).


Again, difficult to tell from the limited info provided.

What are you doing after instantiating  HS.FHIRServer.API.Data.Request ?

HS.FHIRServer.API.Data.Request is a serial class, not a persistent class, are you using it in a SendRequest(Sync/Async) call? If so, then you cannot do that.

But again, this is only a guess, please provide more context.


Thank you Dan for your effort.

A possible place to share your project can be InterSystems Corporation Github where other samples like Sample.Person and other are available.

If possible it would be nice to include the next/fixed version of JDBC, if the fix it's only a new jar and not within IRIS.

Ideally all the relevant info should be added to the documentation.


The documentation includes a lot of info about INSERT OR UPDATE Sql command, including:

"An existing row is one in which the value being inserted already exists in a column that contains a unique constraint. For more details, see Uniqueness Checks."

"When using INSERT OR UPDATE, you can only insert IDKEY column values, not update them. If the table has an IDKEY index and another UNIQUE constraint, INSERT OR UPDATE matches these columns to determine whether to perform an insert or an update. If the other key constraint fails, this forces INSERT OR UPDATE to perform an update rather than an insert. However, if the specified IDKEY column values do not match the existing IDKEY column values, this update fails and generates an SQLCODE -107 error, because the update is attempting to modify the IDKEY columns."

I suggest to read carefully the relevant documentation page.


It seems that character 8211 (en dash) is not utf-8 but utf-16, google is your best friend and I'm not an expert in unicode, utf-8, utf-16 etc.! 😊

Set xml="<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""UTF-8""?>"
Set xml=xml_"<Text>This is n-dash "_$wc(8211)_" in xml</Text>"
Set xml=$ZCONVERT(xml,"O","UTF8")
Set sc=##class(%XML.XPATH.Document).CreateFromString(xml, .xmlDoc)
Write sc
Set sc=xmlDoc.EvaluateExpression("/Text","text()",.result)
Write result.GetAt(1).Value,!


This is n-dash – in xml
