The first two systems I worked with using InterSystems technology were a PDP-11 running M11+ and a VAX 11/750 running M/VX. Too many years ago to count! 😊
Since then I've used most, if not all, InterSystems products up to IRIS and HealShare today.
I'm italian living in Switzerland and I work as Senior Consultant at GAIVOTA consultin SA, we provide professional services for InterSystems and other technologies.
Curiosity: apart from DC, I don't have ANY social account! 😁
Out of curiosity, are these jobs listed form SQL using:
call Ens.Job_Enumerate()
all Ens_Util.Statistics_EnumerateJobStatus('<YourBpNameHere>')
Is return supposed to return a boolean (0/1) or the non empty value of check1?
I'm asking because you write "will return false even for non-empty strings (due to conversion to integers for string prefixes)".
In general to check for not empty string (check1'="") is used.
If you need to return a boolean depending of empty/not empty, then you can use:
return (check1'="")
Hi @Eduard Lebedyuk , I was testing various options for configuring Apache (RHEL in my case), so I read the documentation (unbelievable, isn't it? 😂) and performed a number of tests, the I found this article in the community and....I was kind of surprised because you suggest using CSP On/Off within a <VirtualHost> directive block.
I was surprised because the I excluded using <VirtualHost> directive block since the documentation suggests not using it (emphasis mine):
My my first thought was, well, this is a case where the documentation is wrong, sometimes it has happened.
At that point I was puzzled, so I tried using <VirtualHost> and, to my surprise, it worked!
Then I tried to validate my Apache config using "apachectl configtest" and:
Not only is documented that using CSP On/Off within a <VirtualHost>, there is also some code implemented in IRIS module to check for this and provide a warning message that says this is not supported.
Personally I'll avoid using CSP On/Off within a <VirtualHost> (at least) in production systems, unless some more info is found on this.