User bio

The first two systems I worked with using InterSystems technology were a PDP-11 running M11+ and a VAX 11/750 running M/VX. Too many years ago to count! 😊
Since then I've used most, if not all, InterSystems products up to IRIS and HealShare today.
I'm italian living in Switzerland and I work as Senior Consultant at GAIVOTA consultin SA, we provide professional services for InterSystems and other technologies.
Curiosity: apart from DC, I don't have ANY social account! 😁

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Member since Aug 4, 2017

ISO 8601 date format is not an accepted format for the SQL DATEPART function.

You can check the supported formats in the DATAPART SQL Documentation.

If I remove the trailing Z (for Zulu / UTC time) and leave the T, DatePart works fine

I'm afraid it does not woks fine:

select 'YEAR: '||DATEPART(YEAR,'2024-06-23T06:03:00') 


YEAR: 1900


select 'YEAR: '||DATEPART(YEAR,$TRANSLATE('2024-06-23T06:03:00Z','TZ',' '))

In my opinion, if you need to encode a file/stream "as is", without any conversion, so that the counterpart receiver get EXACTLY what your source file/stream is/was, then use %Stream.FileBinary.

If you need some character conversion (say, Unicode/UTF8 or others), then use %Stream.FileCharacter (with appropriate parameters...) that can handle the conversion.

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