I would create my "custom" datatype extending %Library.DateTime:

Class Community.dt.CustomDateTime Extends %Library.DateTime

ClassMethod LogicalToXSD(%val As %TimeStamp) As %String [ ServerOnly = 1 ]
    Set %val=##class(%Library.TimeStamp).LogicalToXSD(%val)
    Quit $translate(%val,"TZ"," ")

ClassMethod XSDToLogical(%val As %String) As %TimeStamp [ ServerOnly = 1 ]
    Set $e(%val,11)="T"
    Quit ##class(%Library.TimeStamp).XSDToLogical(%val)


Then in your class define your property as:

Property OPDT As Community.dt.CustomDateTime;

Are you sure you really need %Library.DateTime and not %Library.TimeStamp?
The difference is the JDBC/ODBC format. From the documetation:

%DateTime is the same as %TimeStamp (is a sub-class or %TimeStamp) with extra logic in the DisplayToLogical and OdbcToLogical methods to handle imprecise datetime input T-SQL applications are accustomed to.

If you prefer using %Library.TimeStamp, then change the superclass in my sample code.

After that:

USER>Set reader = ##class(%XML.Reader).%New()
USER>Set sc=reader.OpenString("<NewClass2><OPDT>2023-11-30 11:07:02</OPDT></NewClass2>")
USER>Do reader.CorrelateRoot("Samples.NewClass2")
USER>Do reader.Next(.ReturnObject,.sc)
USER>Do ReturnObject.XMLExport(,",indent")
  <OPDT>2023-11-30 11:07:02</OPDT>
USER>Write ReturnObject.OPDT
2023-11-30 11:07:02


You have setup your REST Web application "Allowed Authentication Method" as "Unauthenticated", therefore your REST code/application runs under the "UnknownUser" account/user.

My guess is that the UnknownUser user does not have enough privilege (Role(s)) to run your code.
If this is just a private, isolated test system, try adding %All role to the UnknownUser user account.


"CALL returns an empty result"

How did you determine that? After that 3 lines, run this:

For  {Set rset=sqlResult.%NextResult() q:rset=""  do rset.%Display() Write !}

I get:

1 Row Affected
1 Row Affected
1 Row Affected
1 Row Affected
name    age     home_city
Jorge   32      Tampa
Enrico  29      Turin
Dan     25      Miami
Alexy   21      London
4 Rows(s) Affected

You may want to check the documentation:

Returning Multiple Result Sets


I don't have details of your project but when you say  "I want to use %SYSTEM.Event to process queues" and ask "Is there a way to store the queue with their messages in a Global?" I think that what you describe is exactly what an IRIS interoperability production does.

In fact, an IRIS interoperability production internally use %SYSTEM.Event to process queues and messages are indeed queued and persisted (in globals).
Within an IRIS interoperability production queued messages are preserved across system restart (and crash!), in addition messages are traced, can be resent etc etc.

So my question is, given your requirements, why not using an interoperability production instead of reinventing (or reimplementing) the wheel?


Hi Luis,

how can you possibly get a <MAXSTRING> error extracting a stream from a base64 encoded property that is imported from a JSON string that is limited itself by the MAXSTRING value?

In the line:

set bodyJson = %request.Content.Read()

You get the whole JSON into a string limited to string max size.

To avoid this, you can import directly the content stream into a dynamic object:

set dynamicBody = {}.%FromJSON(%request.Content)


Your question reports:

Product version: Ensemble 2018.1

My answer is for that version.

Sorry, I don't have any 2014 version available and I really don't remember if/what something is available in that old version regarding JSON.

For sure I can tell you that ##class(%Object).%FromJSON(pInput) makes no sense.
I pretty sure that %DynamicObject was not available back then (so, no {} object).

It's about time to upgrade or in fact, migrate to IRIS. 😊


Are you calling %FromJSON passing a valid JSON or an invalid JSON?
If you have an invalid JSON, whatever you do, it will fail.

If you pass an invalid JSON, then:

USER>w $zv
Cache for Windows (x86-64) 2018.1.2 (Build 309U) Mon Mar 4 2019 15:05:44 EST
USER>Set stream=##class(%Stream.TmpCharacter).%New() 
USER>Do stream.Write("{""facility_id"":""123456789"", ""print_job_request""}")
USER>Set dynOBJ={}.%FromJSON(stream)
<THROW>%FromJSON+37^%Library.DynamicAbstractObject.1 *%Exception.General Parsing error 3 Line 1 Offset 48

If you pass a valid JSON:

USER>w $zv
Cache for Windows (x86-64) 2018.1.2 (Build 309U) Mon Mar 4 2019 15:05:44 EST
USER>Set stream=##class(%Stream.TmpCharacter).%New() 
USER>Do stream.Write("{""facility_id"":""123456789"", ""print_job_request"":""123""}")
USER>Set dynOBJ={}.%FromJSON(stream)
USER>write dynOBJ.%ToJSON()

POST or GET depends on what's your goal, what your service is supposed to do.


I see a few issues in your sample.

First, it's no clear what' your goal, what do you need to do with the received json?

Note that what is posted:
{"facility_id":"123456789", "print_job_request"}
is not a valid json, so whatever you do, it will fail.

The ObjectToJSONStream() method "convert" an object to a JSON stream.
In your case you have a json stream and.....I'm not sure what you need to do.

Assuming the json is valid (and now isn't) you can load the json stream into a %Library.DynamicObject using:

Set dynOBJ={}.%FromJSON(pInput)

Now you can access properties like:

Set ^data=dynOBJ."facility_id" ; quotes are needed because of _

To get the json string back:

Set ^data(1)=dynOBJ.%ToJson()



Hi Anna,

the error you are getting is due to the missing (not started) Java Gateway using port 55555.
You can get your sample working starting the default java gateway using the Management portal System Administration -> Configuration -> Connectivity -> External Language Servers, there you can customize the "%Java Server" and start it.
Note that the default "%Java Server" uses port 53273, so if you want to use it, you need to change 55555 with 53273, or you can define and start your own Java Server using port 55555.

Please note that you are using a legacy feature that should work for backward compatibility but it's no longer documented (the documentation page you have linked before editing your question is from Ensemble 2018, not IRIS).
The new documented way to call external languages, including Java, is using InterSystems External Servers ($system.external)

The following is a rewrite of the old version sample described in this page using the new External Server for Java that implement the same functionality.

    Set paramsJSON="{""origin"" : ""philadelphia"", ""destination"" : ""boston""}"
    ; Get the Java Gateway, if needed this will also start the gateway.
    ; You may need to configure Java Home from Management Portal:
    ; System Administration -> Configuration -> Connectivity -> External Language Servers
    ; there you can cofigure the "%Java Server" 
    Set jgw=$system.external.getJavaGateway()
    Do jgw.addToPath("/path/to/jars/gson-2.10.1.jar")

    Set inputJSON=jgw.new("com.google.gson.JsonParser").parse(paramsJSON)
    Set jsonObject = inputJSON.getAsJsonObject()
    Set origin = jsonObject.get("origin").toString()
    Set destination = jsonObject.get("destination").toString()
    Set URLsource=jgw.new("java.net.URL","http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/directions/json?origin="_origin_"&destination="_destination_"&sensor=false")

    Set in=jgw.new("java.io.BufferedReader",jgw.new("java.io.InputStreamReader",URLsource.openStream(),"UTF-8"))
    Set outputJSON=jgw.new("com.google.gson.JsonParser").parse(in)
    Do in.close()
    Set jsonObject = outputJSON.getAsJsonObject()
    Set response = jsonObject.toString()
    ; just for testing write the output to terminal
    Write response

Please note that this sample does not require any Java side code, just the libraries/jars used in the sample.
For complex Java code a Java side wrapper class (or classes) can be developed to simplify the IRIS/Java interface.


I'm afraid you cannot use the syntax shortcut () within a StrReplace function.
You can use the () syntax to assign a constant string to ALL the repeating fields, like:

<assign value='"PDF"' property='target.{PIDgrpgrp().ORCgrp().OBXgrp().OBX:ValueType}' action='set' />

In your case you need to iterate in each of the 3 repeating segments using foreach actions, like:

<foreach property='source.{PIDgrpgrp()}' key='k1' >
    <foreach property='source.{PIDgrpgrp(k1).ORCgrp()}' key='k2' >
        <foreach property='source.{PIDgrpgrp(k1).ORCgrp(k2).OBXgrp()}' key='k3' >
            <assign value='..ReplaceStr(source.{PIDgrpgrp(k1).ORCgrp(k2).OBXgrp(k3).OBX:ValueType},"ED","PDF")' property='target.{PIDgrpgrp(k1).ORCgrp(k2).OBXgrp(k3).OBX:ValueType}' action='set' />


Hi Ian, I guess in the copy/paste something went wrong 😉
Same code with different formatting:

ClassMethod ValidNHS(pNHS As %String = "", Output pFailReason) As %Boolean
    IF pNHS'?10N {
        set pFailReason = "Num"
        Quit 0
    set nCheckdigit = $Extract(pNHS,10,10)
    set nChi9Digits = $Extract(pNHS,1,9)
    set nMultFact = 2
    set nCalcCheckdigit = 0
    for i = 9 : -1 : 1 {
        set nThisDigit = $Extract(nChi9Digits,i,i)
        set nCalcCheckdigit = nCalcCheckdigit + (nThisDigit * nMultFact)
        set nMultFact = nMultFact + 1
    set nCalcCheckdigit = (nCalcCheckdigit # 11)
    set nCalcCheckdigit = 11 - nCalcCheckdigit
    if (nCalcCheckdigit = 10) {
        set pFailReason = "ChkDig"
        Quit 0
    if (nCalcCheckdigit = 11) {
        set nCalcCheckdigit = 0
    if (nCheckdigit = nCalcCheckdigit) {
        set pFailReason = ""
        Quit 1
    } Else {
        set pFailReason = "ChkDig match"
        Quit 0