For a handful of methods the manual method is likely the fastest... in case, you have a real big bunch of methods to copy put this "short" method into a class and let it run...

/// Transfer all or selected methods from a class into
/// individual classes
/// cls : the donor class
/// list: list of methods to be transfered: "method1,method2,..."
///       or empty to transfer all methods
ClassMethod Transfer(cls, list = "")
    s old=##class(%Dictionary.ClassDefinition).%OpenId(cls)
    s:list]"" list=$lfs(list)
    i old {
        f i=old.Methods.Count():-1:1 {
            s met=old.Methods.GetAt(i)				// grab the next method
            i list]"",'$lf(list,met.Name) continue	// skip if not to copy
            s new=old.%ConstructClone()				// duplicate old class
            s tmp=old.Name							// grab the old classname
            s $p(tmp,".",*)="Parts."_met.Name		// create a new classname
            s new.Name=tmp
            s new.Abstract=1						// make the class abstract
            s new.Super=""							// remove all superclasses
            s dup=met.%ConstructClone()				// duplicate the old method
            s dup.Name=met.Name						// but keep the old name
            d new.Properties.Clear()					// remove all properties
            d new.Parameters.Clear()				// remove all parameters			
            d new.Methods.Clear()					// remove all methods
            d new.Methods.Insert(dup)				// insert the copied method only
            d old.Methods.RemoveAt(i)				// Remove this method from old class
            i old.Super="" { s d="" } else { s d="," }
            s old.Super=old.Super_d_new.Name		// add the new class to extends-list
            s st=new.%Save()						// save the new class
            w new.Name,"-->",$s(st:"OK",1:$system.Status.GetOneErrorText(st)),!
            // Possibly compile the class: do $system.OBJ.Compile(...)
        s st=old.%Save()							// save the old class
        w old.Name,"-->",$s(st:"OK",1:$system.Status.GetOneErrorText(st)),!
        // Possibly compile...

COS does not have a pointer operator so instead of "unsigned *rx and *tx" (those are char arrays) in COS you can use string variables. By the way, C counts from 0 to N-1, COS counts from 1 to N, where N ist the size of the character array respectively the length of the string.

Class DC.CtoCOS [ Abstract ]

/// Encode a whole string (and return a string)
/// Use the below $ziswide(str) function to check for allowed characters
ClassMethod Encode(str As %String) As %String
	f i=$l(str):-1:1 s $e(str,i)=$c($a(str,i)#16+32, $a(str,i)\16+32)
	q str

/// Decode a whole string (and return a string)
/// Use the below $match(str,...) function to check for allowed characters
ClassMethod Decode(str As %String) As %String
	f i=$l(str):-2:1 s $e(str,i-1,i)=$c($a(str,i)-32*16+$a(str,i-1)-32)
	q str

/// Encode a characyter into a string (variable)
/// Use: do ##class(...).Encode1("A", .res)
///      write res --> !$
ClassMethod Encode1(chr As %String, chrs As %String)
	i $ziswide(chr) throw ##class(%Exception.General).%New("WIDE",,,chr)
	s chrs=$c($a(chr)#16+32, $a(chr)\16+32)

/// Encode an integer (byte value) and return a string
/// Use: write ##class(...).Encode2("A") --> !$
ClassMethod Encode2(val As %Integer) As %String
	i val>255 throw ##class(%Exception.General).%New("WIDE",,,val)
	q $c($a(val)#16+32, $a(val)\16+32)

/// Decode two characters and return one character
/// Use: write ##class(...).Decode1("!$") --> A
ClassMethod Decode1(chrs As %String) As %String
	i $match(chrs,"[ -/]{2}") q $c($a(chrs,2)-32*16+$a(chrs)-32)
	throw ##class(%Exception.General).%New("RANGE",,,chrs)

/// Decode two characters and return an integer
/// Use: write ##class(...).Decode2("!$") --> 65
ClassMethod Decode2(chrs As %String) As %Integer
	i $match(chrs,"[ -/]{2}") q $a(chrs,2)-32*16+$a(chrs)-32
	throw ##class(%Exception.General).%New("RANGE",,,chrs)


What does a nervous twitching guitarist has to do with this developer community? I thought, this is a community of professionals and not of script kiddies. It's sorry to say, but under such circumstances I do not want to participate here. Just to make it clear, I have nothing against a video which demonstrates a Cache or IRIS feature, or which is a recording of a webinar or something similar but it should have something in common with development, with the database or at least with the lanuages or tools we use.

Create an abstract class and add it to all your classes, where a list of properties (for whatever reason) is needed 

Class DC.ClassInfo [ Abstract ]

/// Return property info: %PropNames(all)
/// all: 1 = Return a list of all properties<br>
///      0 = Return a list of storable properties only
ClassMethod PropNames(all = 0) As %String [ CodeMode = objectgenerator ]
    s (prop(0),prop(1))=""
    f i=1:1:%compiledclass.Properties.Count() {
        s p=%compiledclass.Properties.GetAt(i), s=p.Storable
        s prop(s)=prop(s)_$e(",",prop(s)]"")_p.Name
    d %code.WriteLine($c(9)_"s stor="""_prop(1)_"""")
    d %code.WriteLine($c(9)_"q $s(all:"""_prop(0)_$e(",",prop(0)]"")_"""_stor,1:stor)")
    q $$$OK


For example

Class My.Person Extends (%Persistent, DC.ClassInfo)
Property Name As %String;
Property Age As %Integer;

Putting all together

write ##class(My.Person).PropNames() --> Age,Name
write ##class(My.Person).PropNames(1) --> %%OID,%Concurrency,Age,Name

// That way, in your application, you can easily check,
// if a property exists or not
if $length(##class(My.Person).PropNames(), ",", "TestProp") -->0
if $length(##class(My.Person).PropNames(), ",", "Age") -->1

If I interpret the situation correctly, you started a (direct mode) job in a terminal session and want to stop it without loosing (i.e. avoiding a rollback) the already deleted records. I think (but not tested) a simple Ctrl + C should be do the trick. After typing "Ctrl+C" you should see


Now type TC+<Enter>. This commits the already deleted item and you can exit your terminam session with the usual Halt command.  As above said, not tested but maybe some of the Gurus here can agree (or disagree) with this procedure.

I'm sorry to say, but this kind of information is an essential part of the task, and as such should be written before the recurring "As usual, the shortest ..."

Also, it would be nice, if the output example would show this trivia (the invisible spaces)!

I just saw "input = 3" and the output showed no trailing blanks!

And I saw the Notice with two links
- how to compute the size
- test examples
I wasn't interested in opening them, first, I know how to compute code size and second, I make the examples myself.
Hiding information in a side notice is a questionable practice.

ClassMethod Pyramide(n)
	s a="#" f i=1:1:n w ?n-i,a,?2*n-1,! s a=a_"##"

For a test use

w $c(27)_"[7m" d ##class(your.class).Pyramide(5) w $c(27)_"[0m"

 and you should get   

The bad news is,
you have to be careful when you adapt delimited list to $list(). A stubborn change from a delimited list to $list() can become dangerous. The reason:

set $piece(var,del,1) = value // piece 1 of var is ALWAYS a string
set $list(var,1)      = value // listitem 1 is either a number or a string

kill x set $piece(x,",",1) = 100+1 write $zhex($p(x,",")) --> 257
kill x set $list(x,1)      = 100+1 write $zhex($li(x,1))  --> 65

kill x set $piece(x,",",1) = 100 write $zhex($p(x,",")) --> 256
kill x set $list(x,1)      = 100 write $zhex($li(x,1))  --> 64

kill x set $piece(x,",",1) = "100" write $zhex($p(x,",")) --> 256
kill x set $list(x,1)      = "100" write $zhex($li(x,1))  --> 256

In other words, $list() retains the type of the expression whereas $piece() always converts it to a string.

The good news is,
there are just a few situations, where this could cause a problem, to tell the truth, in a nutshell, I can only think of two possibilities: $zhex() and $zboolean(). But who knows, what a mad programmer accomplish...

If you want to reorder JSON properties (alphabetically or just put some of them at the beginning) then use a utility method, like this, especially if you have several object(types) to reorder

Class DC.Utility Extends %RegisteredObject
/// Reorder a JSON Object or Array
/// obj:  JSON-Object
/// 	  ord: prop1, prop2, ...	Desired order for (some) properties
/// 	       (Properties not listed are copied in the order in which they were created)
/// 	       If ord not present, properties will be reordered in aplphabetical order
/// obj: JSON-Array
/// 	 ord: pos1, pos2, ...	Desired order for (some) array items
/// 	      (Items not listed are copied in ascending order)
ClassMethod ReOrder(obj As %DynamicAbstractObject, ord... As %String)
	i obj.%Extends("%DynamicObject") {
		s new={}, itr=obj.%GetIterator()
		i '$g(ord) {
			while itr.%GetNext(.k) { s done(k)=0 }
			s k="" f  s k=$o(done(k)) q:k=""  d new.%Set(k,obj.%Get(k))
		} else {
			f i=1:1:$g(ord) { s k=ord(i),done(k)=1 d:$e(obj.%GetTypeOf(k),1,2)'="un" new.%Set(k,obj.%Get(k)) }
			while itr.%GetNext(.k,.v) { d:'$d(done(k)) new.%Set(k,v) }
	} elseif obj.%Extends("%DynamicArray") {
		s new=[], itr=obj.%GetIterator(), max=obj.%Size(), done=""
		f i=1:1:$g(ord) { s k=ord(i) i k,k<=max d new.%Push(obj.%Get(k-1)) s $bit(done,k)=1 }
		while itr.%GetNext(.k,.v) { d:'$bit(done,k+1) new.%Push(v) }
	} else { s new=obj }
	q new

Some examples

s car={"color":"red", "fuel":"diesel", "maxspeed":150, "maker":"Audi", "model":"Quattro Q5", "power":300, "available":true, "rating":8, "allWheel":true }
s car1=##class(DC.Utility).ReOrder(car) // order all props alphabetically
s car2=##class(DC.Utility).ReOrder(car,"maker","model","available") // start with maker, model, etc.

w car.%ToJSON(),!,car1.%ToJSON(),!,car2.%ToJSON() --->
{"color":"red","fuel":"diesel","maxspeed":150,"maker":"Audi","model":"Quattro Q5","power":300,"available":true,"rating":8,"allWheel":true}
{"allWheel":"1","available":"1","color":"red","fuel":"diesel","maker":"Audi","maxspeed":150,"model":"Quattro Q5","power":300,"rating":8}
{"maker":"Audi","model":"Quattro Q5","available":"1","color":"red","fuel":"diesel","maxspeed":150,"power":300,"rating":8,"allWheel":"1"}

Is NOT the same. You can it prove by adding a label to the line with the read command and a new line at the end

    // Use fic
old Read *R:20 Else  Do  Quit    ;;;;  comando else aplicado a read.
    . Use 0 Write !!!,"Expired time."
    If $c(R)="a" d
    . Use 0 Write !!!,"A letter a has been read."
    . Quit
    write !,"If there are more lines, they will be executed",!

    // Use fic
new Read *R:20
    If $Test {
    Use 0 Write !!!,"One character read"
    Else {
    Use 0 Write !!!,"Expired time."
    write !,"If there are more lines, they will be executed",!

now let run both of them...

do old // let the timeout occur
do old // now with some input
do new // let the timeout occur
do new // now with some input

Do you see the difference? If there are more lines (at end) they will be executed in opposite cases (timeout/notimeout)

Things are not so easy as they seem, you have to consider scopes too. Take the above class (DC.LineNumber) and add three more methods:

ClassMethod CaseA(x)
    if x goto zTest
    quit "A0"
zTest quit "A1"

ClassMethod CaseB(x)
    if x goto Test
    quit "B0"
Test quit "B1"

ClassMethod Test()
    write ..CaseA(0),..CaseA(1) set linenumber=..SrcLineNumberFromStack(.routine,.label,.offset,.src) do prt
    write ..CaseB(1),..CaseB(0) set linenumber=..SrcLineNumberFromStack(.routine,.label,.offset,.src) do prt
    // debug
prt	write !,"routine: ",routine
    write !,"label: ",label
    write !,"offset: ",offset
    write !,"linenumber: ",linenumber
    write !,"src:",src,!!

and now do the test:

do ##class(DC.LineNumber).Test()

and check the output... 

OK, I know, this is a (very) constructed case and shouldn't coincide with an everyday development style, but who knows, what a mad programer sometimes produces...