go to post Julius Kavay · Jan 10, 2023 The bad news is,you have to be careful when you adapt delimited list to $list(). A stubborn change from a delimited list to $list() can become dangerous. The reason: set $piece(var,del,1) = value // piece 1 of var is ALWAYS a string set $list(var,1) = value // listitem 1 is either a number or a string kill x set $piece(x,",",1) = 100+1 write $zhex($p(x,",")) --> 257 kill x set $list(x,1) = 100+1 write $zhex($li(x,1)) --> 65 kill x set $piece(x,",",1) = 100 write $zhex($p(x,",")) --> 256 kill x set $list(x,1) = 100 write $zhex($li(x,1)) --> 64 kill x set $piece(x,",",1) = "100" write $zhex($p(x,",")) --> 256 kill x set $list(x,1) = "100" write $zhex($li(x,1)) --> 256 In other words, $list() retains the type of the expression whereas $piece() always converts it to a string. The good news is,there are just a few situations, where this could cause a problem, to tell the truth, in a nutshell, I can only think of two possibilities: $zhex() and $zboolean(). But who knows, what a mad programmer accomplish...
go to post Julius Kavay · Dec 22, 2022 If you want to reorder JSON properties (alphabetically or just put some of them at the beginning) then use a utility method, like this, especially if you have several object(types) to reorder Class DC.Utility Extends %RegisteredObject { /// Reorder a JSON Object or Array /// /// obj: JSON-Object /// ord: prop1, prop2, ... Desired order for (some) properties /// (Properties not listed are copied in the order in which they were created) /// If ord not present, properties will be reordered in aplphabetical order /// /// obj: JSON-Array /// ord: pos1, pos2, ... Desired order for (some) array items /// (Items not listed are copied in ascending order) /// ClassMethod ReOrder(obj As %DynamicAbstractObject, ord... As %String) { i obj.%Extends("%DynamicObject") { s new={}, itr=obj.%GetIterator() i '$g(ord) { while itr.%GetNext(.k) { s done(k)=0 } s k="" f s k=$o(done(k)) q:k="" d new.%Set(k,obj.%Get(k)) } else { f i=1:1:$g(ord) { s k=ord(i),done(k)=1 d:$e(obj.%GetTypeOf(k),1,2)'="un" new.%Set(k,obj.%Get(k)) } while itr.%GetNext(.k,.v) { d:'$d(done(k)) new.%Set(k,v) } } } elseif obj.%Extends("%DynamicArray") { s new=[], itr=obj.%GetIterator(), max=obj.%Size(), done="" f i=1:1:$g(ord) { s k=ord(i) i k,k<=max d new.%Push(obj.%Get(k-1)) s $bit(done,k)=1 } while itr.%GetNext(.k,.v) { d:'$bit(done,k+1) new.%Push(v) } } else { s new=obj } q new } } Some examples s car={"color":"red", "fuel":"diesel", "maxspeed":150, "maker":"Audi", "model":"Quattro Q5", "power":300, "available":true, "rating":8, "allWheel":true } s car1=##class(DC.Utility).ReOrder(car) // order all props alphabetically s car2=##class(DC.Utility).ReOrder(car,"maker","model","available") // start with maker, model, etc. w car.%ToJSON(),!,car1.%ToJSON(),!,car2.%ToJSON() ---> {"color":"red","fuel":"diesel","maxspeed":150,"maker":"Audi","model":"Quattro Q5","power":300,"available":true,"rating":8,"allWheel":true} {"allWheel":"1","available":"1","color":"red","fuel":"diesel","maker":"Audi","maxspeed":150,"model":"Quattro Q5","power":300,"rating":8} {"maker":"Audi","model":"Quattro Q5","available":"1","color":"red","fuel":"diesel","maxspeed":150,"power":300,"rating":8,"allWheel":"1"}
go to post Julius Kavay · Dec 16, 2022 Is NOT the same. You can it prove by adding a label to the line with the read command and a new line at the end // DOT VERSION // Use fic old Read *R:20 Else Do Quit ;;;; comando else aplicado a read. . Use 0 Write !!!,"Expired time." If $c(R)="a" d . Use 0 Write !!!,"A letter a has been read." . Quit write !,"If there are more lines, they will be executed",! quit // LITTLE BIT MODERN VERSION // Use fic new Read *R:20 If $Test { Use 0 Write !!!,"One character read" Quit } Else { Use 0 Write !!!,"Expired time." } write !,"If there are more lines, they will be executed",! quit now let run both of them... do old // let the timeout occur do old // now with some input do new // let the timeout occur do new // now with some input Do you see the difference? If there are more lines (at end) they will be executed in opposite cases (timeout/notimeout)
go to post Julius Kavay · Dec 15, 2022 Things are not so easy as they seem, you have to consider scopes too. Take the above class (DC.LineNumber) and add three more methods: ClassMethod CaseA(x) { if x goto zTest quit "A0" zTest quit "A1" } ClassMethod CaseB(x) { if x goto Test quit "B0" Test quit "B1" } ClassMethod Test() { write ..CaseA(0),..CaseA(1) set linenumber=..SrcLineNumberFromStack(.routine,.label,.offset,.src) do prt write ..CaseB(1),..CaseB(0) set linenumber=..SrcLineNumberFromStack(.routine,.label,.offset,.src) do prt quit // debug prt write !,"routine: ",routine write !,"label: ",label write !,"offset: ",offset write !,"linenumber: ",linenumber write !,"src:",src,!! } and now do the test: do ##class(DC.LineNumber).Test() and check the output... OK, I know, this is a (very) constructed case and shouldn't coincide with an everyday development style, but who knows, what a mad programer sometimes produces...
go to post Julius Kavay · Dec 13, 2022 It seems, there is a problem or (at least) a change: the above works (tested right now) in Cache-2018.1.1, IRIS 2019.1 and IRIS-2021.2 If it doesn't work in 2022.1 then the question is, why?
go to post Julius Kavay · Dec 13, 2022 It seems, we have to wait for someone with the same version installed as you, or you ask WRC. By the way, does the release notes for 2022.1 mentioned changes in dynamic classes?
go to post Julius Kavay · Dec 13, 2022 If you have just a few breaks, one of the possible solutions has been given by Robert Cemper. In case, you have tons of those breaks, you could execute the unit test in background: job ^performUnitTest assumed, your unittest can work in background and all the output goes, for example, in a file. The solution for the case you let run the unittest in a terminal session, could be something like this do turnOffBreaks, performUnitTest, turnOnBreaks The only problem is, to turn breaks off (or on), you need one view command, one $view() function and one $zutil() function (to get the right address for the view-s). Unfortunatelly, the use of the above tools is discouraged, so your best bet is, to ask WRC for a help.
go to post Julius Kavay · Dec 13, 2022 Are you sure, ..ObjOrigem contains a VALID object reference? Your output shows just a string "%Library.DynamicObject". A valid OREF looks like "nn@%Library.DynamicObject". What is the output of $isobject(..ObjOrigem)? Anyway, the $method(oref, "Propname"_"Get") works in IRIS, at least, in my IRIS 2021.2 USER>set obj={"Id":"myId"} USER>write $property(obj,"Id") --> myId USER>write $method(obj,"IdGet") --> myId USER>write $zv --> IRIS for UNIX (Ubuntu Server LTS for x86-64) 2021.2 (Build 649U) Thu Jan 20 2022 08:49:51 EST USER>write obj --> 5@%Library.DynamicObject
go to post Julius Kavay · Dec 11, 2022 Oh, this is a misunderstanding. I thought, the screenshot is coming from a (not showed) link, and anticipated the link points to some ISC site.Anyway, ChatGPT and other ChatBots (nowadays, they often pop up on various sites, mainly on those of big companies) tries to mimic a human and often end up only with an reference to FAQs or with a wrong (inappropriate) answer.They all base upon AI (some says: AI=artificial intelligence, others say: AI=absent intelligence). My bottom line is, AI is for some areas already "usable" and for others, it still "will require some more time".
go to post Julius Kavay · Dec 10, 2022 You can't access the class name alone write $system.Version // is just a class name, something like write ##class(SYSTEM.Version) // (hence both lines gives you a syntax error) You have to specify a property or a method. Because $System.Version is an abstract class, you can specify a method only write $system.Version.GetVersion() Hope this clarifies things
go to post Julius Kavay · Dec 10, 2022 To be honest, I was also impressed, but not about ChatGPT rather about the suggested solution! I have no idea, who at ISC wrote this recommendation, but the five clicks on my IRIS-2021.1 end up in NOTHING. On the right-side panel I see 'System Information' but this can't be clicked, below is 'View System Dashboard', here you see everithing, except a version info. So dear ChatGPT, if someone asks you again, the (better) answer is:- login to management portal- click on 'About' (here you see the version and much much more)This works for all IRIS versions (until now) and for all Cache versions which have a Management Portal. For the older (over 20 years) Cache versions right-click on the cube and select 'Config Manager' (on Windows, of course. In that times, I didn't worked on other platforms, hence no advices).
go to post Julius Kavay · Dec 9, 2022 Did you read this article, especially the answer from Vitaliy Serdtsev ?
go to post Julius Kavay · Nov 17, 2022 First, the suggestion of Victor Gordillo is correct. do ##class(Some.Class).%BuildIndices() solves most index related problems. Second, there are a couple of things, we do not know, but you- did you made an in-place-upgrade or a clean install + data transfer- the class in question is the same on IRIS and Cache (i.e. no change was made)- is the class re-compiled (on IRIS)- what do you exactly mean when you say "Not opening an instance...": (1) you get an NULL-OREF or (2) you get an error- what do you provide as a NULL value: (1) "", (2) $c(0), (3) " " or something else as open parameter A shortened class definition (we don't need the whole definition) would be also helpfull, something like this Class Problem.Class extends %Persistent { Property Field1 as %String; Property Filed2 As %String; Index composite on (Field1, Field2) [ Unique]; }
go to post Julius Kavay · Nov 16, 2022 If your serial class is named Data.Serial (as in your example code) then you should use the same name for the serial property too Class Data.Persistent Extends %Persistent { Property MPID as %Integer; Property Name as Data.Serial; <--- !!!!! } The correct way to set the values Set Obj=##Class(Data.Persistent).%New() Set Obj.MPID=MPID Set Obj.Name.FirstName=FirstName ; <---- Set Obj.Name.LastName=LastName ; <---- Set tSC=Obj.%Save()
go to post Julius Kavay · Nov 14, 2022 I think, I have a solution for you ClassMethod GetImage() { s req=##class(%Net.HttpRequest).%New() s req.Server="www.distrelec.de" s req.SSLConfiguration="SSL" s req.ReadRawMode=1 // <<---- this is your solution d req.Get("/Web/WebShopImages/landscape_medium/_t/if/sortimentsboxen-1.jpg") q req.HttpResponse } To get the image s rsp=##class(Some.Class).GetImage() i rsp.StatusCode=200 { s file="c:\temp\imageName.jpg" o file:"nwu":0 i $t u file d rsp.Data.Rewind(),rsp.Data.OutputToDevice() c file } That's all...
go to post Julius Kavay · Nov 14, 2022 No, you can't revert, because the first chars (3 x '?') are replacement-chars. You could try to contact WRC.
go to post Julius Kavay · Nov 14, 2022 To download that image, you need just a few lines of code Class Some.Class Extends %RegisteredObject { ClassMethod GetImage() { s req=##class(%Net.HttpRequest).%New() s req.Server="www.distrelec.de" s req.SSLConfiguration="SSL" // use your SSL-Config-Name d req.Get("/Web/WebShopImages/landscape_medium/_t/if/sortimentsboxen-1.jpg",1) q req.HttpResponse } } So your code is more or less OK, but the rest of the process is ominous set rsp=##class(Some.Class).GetImage() zw rsp rsp=7@%Net.HttpResponse ; <OREF> +----------------- general information --------------- | oref value: 7 | class name: %Net.HttpResponse | reference count: 3 +----------------- attribute values ------------------ | ContentBoundary = "" | ContentInfo = "charset=UTF-8" | ContentLength = 17759 | ContentType = "image/jpeg;charset=UTF-8" | Data = "8@%Stream.GlobalCharacter" |Headers("CACHE-CONTROL") = "max-age=0" |Headers("CONTENT-LENGTH") = 17759 |Headers("CONTENT-TYPE") = "image/jpeg;charset=UTF-8" | Headers("DATE") = "Mon, 14 Nov 2022 10:57:10 GMT" | Headers("ETAG") = "a919e895229c7883864aecbfa2717516" |Headers("LAST-MODIFIED") = "Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:01 GMT" |Headers("SET-COOKIE") = "visid_incap_2373370=1U8JalxbRJOzRFviQpi05AYfcmMAAAAAQUIPAAAAAADRm" |Headers("STRICT-TRANSPORT-SECURITY") = "max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains; preload" | Headers("X-CDN") = "Imperva" | Headers("X-IINFO") = "5-19652015-0 0CNN RT(1668423430526 51) q(0 -1 -1 0) r(0 -1)" | HttpVersion = "HTTP/1.1" | ReasonPhrase = "OK" | StatusCode = 200 | StatusLine = "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" +----------------------------------------------------- The sender says, content type is "image/jpeg", which is OK, but charset=UTF-8 is, I think, a problem. A jpeg-image usually starts with (hex) bytes: FF D8 FF E0 00 10 4A 46 49 46 ... The HTTP-Response gives us do rsp.Data.Rewind() zzdump rsp.Data.Read(10) 3F 3F 3F 10 4A 46 49 46 00 01 ???.JFIF.. But I'm in no way a web-expert, but it seems to me, Cache tries to decode (according to content-type =image/jpg; charset=UTF-8) the incomming raw (jpeg) data. The first byte, FF, will already give an error (no utf-8 encoded byte can start with FF) and returns an "?" char as a replacement. The next two "?" (hex: 3F) chars are also arised from (inpossible) decoding. Why the same page works, if you try it with Chrome or Firefox: I think, they either ignore the charset=UTF-8 or just show the raw data after the first decoding error.
go to post Julius Kavay · Nov 12, 2022 OK, no punctuation, no empty words, etc.... My lowest bid: 74 chars ClassMethod Order(s) { f s p=$p(s," ",$i(i)),w=$tr(p,1/17),$p(z," ",$tr(p,w))=w ret:p=w $g(z) } By the way, the following three variants all have the same size of 74 f s p=$p(s," ",$i(i)),w=$tr(p,1/17),$p(z," ",$tr(p,w))=w ret:p=w $g(z) f{s p=$p(s," ",$i(i)),w=$tr(p,1/17),$p(z," ",$tr(p,w))=w ret:p=w $g(z)} 1 s p=$p(s," ",$i(i)),w=$tr(p,1/17),$p(z," ",$tr(p,w))=w q:p=w $g(z) g 1
go to post Julius Kavay · Nov 12, 2022 You say "No punctuation". OK, but then we have a contradiction: Example 4 of the test cases contains several commas, a dot and a question mark...