Somehow I don't get you right. To save obj.%Size() in a variable, just do a simple assign

set myVariable = obj.%Size()

but I'm pretty shure, this was not your intended question.

I suppose, you have JSON formatted data (a string or a stream) and you want to store those data in a table. Am I right?

If yes, then follow the next steps:

1) create a class which describes your JSON objects (strings)

Class DC.SehindeRaji Extends (%Persistent, %JSON.Adaptor)
Property byr As %String(%JSONFIELDNAME = "byr:");
Property iyr As %String(%JSONFIELDNAME = "iyr:");
Property eyr As %String(%JSONFIELDNAME = "eyr:");
// do the same for all other fields

ClassMethod Import(data)
    set obj=..%New()                    // create a new DC.SehindeRaji object
    set sts=obj.%JSONImport(data,"")    // import the (JSON) data
    if sts {
        set sts = obj.%Save()
        if sts {
            write "Saved, ID=",obj.%Id(),!
            quit 1
        } else {
            write "Not saved, Err=",$system.Status.GetOneErrorText(sts),!
            quit 0
    } else {
        write "Can't import: ",$system.Status.GetOneErrorText(sts),!
        quit 0

2) You can create some test data (interactively) in a terminal session

set dynObj = {"byr:":"1937", "iyr:":"2017", "eyr:":"2020"}
set data = dynObj.%ToJSON()

or get your data somehow from an input (possibly from a file),  the only important thing is, your data should look like this

write data  -->  {"byr:":"1937","iyr:":"2017","eyr:":"2020"}

3) import those data

write ##class(DC.SehindeRaji).Import(data) --> Saved, ID=1

4) Now open the saved data and check the result

set oref =  ##class(DC.SehindeRaji).%OpenId(1)

write oref.byr  --> 1937
write oref.iyr  --> 2017

write oref.%JSONExportToString(.exported,"") --> 1
write exported  --> {"byr:":"1937","iyr:":"2017","eyr:":"2020"}

zw ^DC.SehindeRajiD

I hope, this is what yoy want to do...

The facts:
1) According to the error message: "The system cannot find the file specified."
2) Futhermore, the error message shows slashes and backslashes, mixing is rarely good, Windows uses "\", Unix "/"

What to do is:
1) check the filename, you want to send (including the path)
2) check the existence of the file
3) Under which user accont is IRIS/Cache running?
4) May this user read the file?

It's not clear to me what you want to do.

A property like

Property MyData as %(Global-or-File)Stream;

means, the size of MyData can be something between 0 and the free space on your (hard) drive.
That's the reason, why is MyData defined as a stream and not as a %String.

On the other hand, in an excel cell you can put no more then 32767 characters, hence the plan to extract those data to an spreadsheet will work only if the MyData properties do not have more then 32767 chars, see

Nevertheless, you could use the following stored procedure to extrac the first 32767 chars from those stream data:

Class Your.Table Extends %Persistent
Property StreamData As %GlobalCharacterStream;
// other properties
ClassMethod StreamDataAsText(ID) As %String [ SqlProc ]
    set obj = ..%OpenId(ID,0), text = ""
    if obj { do obj.StreamData.Rewind() set text obj.StreamData.Read(32767) }
    quit text

Now you can get, beside the other data, the first 32767 chars of those stream data too

select Your.Table_StreamDataAsText(ID), * from Your.Table

If you can call a JavaScript function, then you could do something like this...


    function changeFavicon() {
        var lid=document.getElementById("fav");
        if (lid) {
<button onclick="changeFavicon();")>Change my favicon</button><br>

The (red and green) icons are just a demo example.

[1,2,,3] is equally arguably as [1,2,3,,] or [1,2,3,,,,,] and IRIS/Cache accepts all of them.

Nothing against a system which is input tolerant (forgiving, with your words) but then this tolerance should be obvious and in some way logical. An example, I tolerate trailing comma(s), becuse they could be leftovers of editing. So I would say, all the arrays


have a size of 3 - there are three elements, no more. But IRIS/Cache says the sizes are 3, 4 and 6. So let check  the last one

set obj=[].%FromJSON("[1,2,3,,,]")
write obj.%Size() --> 6
for i=0:1:9 write i,?3,obj.%Get(i),?7,obj.%GetTypeOf(i),!

The output of the FOR-Loop is:

0  1   number
1  2   number
2  3   number
3      unassigned
4      unassigned
5      unassigned
6      unassigned
7      unassigned
8      unassigned
9      unassigned

The elements with index 3, 4 and 5 are unassigned and in some kind, I can understand that. But if the higher indices, like 6, 7, 88 or 1000 etc. are also unassigned then I ask you, why is the size 6 and not, say 12 or 573?
For me the logical size should be 3 because there are three intendeed elements, the others are a result of tolerated delimiters! 

Finally, I don't want to start a war, how to interpret JSON strings. It was just my 2cc to a theme, which is out-of-round, according to my opinion.

OK, take a more simple case:

set obj=[1,2,,3]  // again, this is a SYNTAX
set obj=[].%FromJSON("[1,2,,3]") // this is OK

but in both cases, the problem was the bouncing comma-key on my keyboard.

The first was told by compiler the second was "forgiven" by JSON-Reader! BUT the real question is, WHAT IS the third item in the above array? The latter shows obj has a size of 4, so the, and the desired thrid element could be null, 3 or maybe something else!

I wrote my very first program somewhere in 1971 or 1972, I can't remember anymore. But one thing I have learned is, one should accept checked data only.

Imagine, you accept those incorrect (aka forgiven) data and beside processing, store the data in your database, then later, for whatever reason, you send the (original string) data to an external party.... bang! They can't read it, because it's not JSON conform.

For the sake of completness, there is one more validator:  (which shows the above settings.json file as incorrect).

One more problem, it seems IRIS (and Cache) speaks with a forked tongue (but has nothing to do with the above problem) :

set string = "{""Value"":123, }"    // note the extra comma!
set stream=##class(%Stream.TmpCharacter).%New()
do stream.WriteLine(string)
set obj1={"Value":123, }  --> gives a SYNTAX
set obj2={}.%FromJSON(string) --> accepts the incorrect (json)string!

Long time ago I did some connections to external databases (MySql and PostGres).
The essential parts such a connection are:

1) First, you have to create in your OS the corresponding ODBC Data Source entries
   (System-DSN) after installing the required DB-Driver

2) The connection

    set gtwConn=##class(%SQLGatewayConnection).%New(), gtwHandle=0
    if gtwConn.Connect(OdbcName, OdbcUser, OdbcPass) {
        if gtwConn.AllocateStatement(.gtwHandle) {
            // check gtwConn.GatewayStatus
            // etc.
        } else { write "Can't Allocate: "_OdbcName }
    } else { write "Can't connect to "_OdbcName }

3) SQL-Commands

    do gtwConn.CloseCursor(gtwHandle)
    if gtwConn.PrepareW(gtwHandle, sqlStatement) {
        if gtwConn.Execute(gtwHandle) {
        } else { /* check gtwConn.GatewayStatus */ }
    } else { /* check.gtwConn.GatewayStatus */ }

4) Finish

    if gtwConn {
        do gtwConn.DropStatement(gtwHandle), gtwConn.Disconnect()
        set gtwConn="", gtwHandle=""

There is a keyword %NOINDEX indexname1, indexname2, ... to prevent the SQL-Enginne to use specific indices but there is no keyword for the opposite, something like %USEINDEX indexname, sadly.

Maybe someone with more SQL experience knows what is preventing the SQL engine to use the existing index over the numDossiersMER property...

But, and this is the great thing with IRIS and Cache, if everything else fails, you can always create your custom query.

Class User.TestList.Data.Titre Extends (%Persistent, %Populate)
Property numTitre As %Integer;
Property millesime As %Integer;
Property codeProduit As %String;
/// Old field which will be replaced by the next one
Property numDossierMER As %Integer;
Property numDossiersMER As list Of %Integer;
Index titreIdx On (numTitre, millesime, codeProduit) [ PrimaryKey ];
/// Old index
Index numDossierMERIdx On numDossierMER;
Index numDossiersMERIdx On numDossiersMER(ELEMENTS);

Query Select(num...) As %Query(CONTAINID = 1, ROWSPEC = "ID:%Integer,Dossier:%Integer,codeProd:%String") [ SqlProc ]

ClassMethod SelectExecute(par As %Binary, num...) As %Status
   kill par, ^||tmpSelectQry
   for i=1:1:$g(num) set nr=$g(num(i)) merge:nr]"" ^||tmpSelectQry(nr)=^User.TestList.Data.TitreI("numDossiersMERIdx",nr)
   set par=$na(^||tmpSelectQry)
   quit $$$OK

ClassMethod SelectFetch(par As %Binary, row As %List, end As %Integer) As %Status
   set par=$query(@par)
   if par="" { set end=1, row="" }
   else {
      set end=0, id=$qs(par,2)
      set row=$lb(id, $qs(par,1), ..codeProduitGetStored(id)) // and other fields...
   quit $$$OK

ClassMethod SelectClose(par As %Binary) As %Status
   kill par, ^||tmpSelectQry
   quit $$$OK

ClassMethod Test()
   write "Using a ResultSet...",!
   set rs=##class(%ResultSet).%New("User.TestList.Data.Titre:Select")
   if rs.Execute(230,3590,40110,507550,6094,70071,820096,9380148,8,592) {
   set t=$zh
   while rs.Next() { write rs.Data("ID"),?10,rs.Data("Dossier"),?30,rs.Data("codeProd"),! }
   write "Time: ",$zh-t*1E3,!!
   write "Direct usage of the query methods...",!
   do ..SelectExecute(.par,230,3590,40110,507550,6094,70071,820096,9380148,8,592)
   set t=$zh
   for  do ..SelectFetch(.par,.row,.end) quit:end  zwrite row
   write "Time: ",$zh-t*1E3,!

Storage Default
<Data name="TitreDefaultData">
<Value name="1">
<Value name="2">
<Value name="3">
<Value name="4">
<Value name="5">
<Data name="numDossiersMER">
<Property name="%%CLASSNAME">
<Property name="%%ID">
<Property name="codeProduit">
<Property name="millesime">
<Property name="numDossierMER">
<Property name="numTitre">
<SQLMap name="IDKEY">
<SQLMap name="numDossierMERIdx">
<SQLMap name="titreIdx">
} }

Some examples after do ##class(..).Poulate(1E6)

USER>d ##class(User.TestList.Data.Titre).Test()
Using a ResultSet...
700556    8                   R7369
696384    230                 R6776
952257    592                 E8624
209184    3590                Q7863
239874    6094                N7969
497500    40110               W6490
188796    70071               O9708
145090    507550              S3705
803994    820096              S20
97986     9380148             W6598
Time: .787

Direct usage of the query methods...
Time: .894

There are two solutions, either you use the property numDossiersMER as array instead of list, as suggested by David Hockenbroch, or in case when existing application use list methods like insert and FOR-loops to acces list elements, then you can change this property to a kind of list-table property (see below).

Either of the above gives you the possibility to use queries like:

select Titre->ID, Titre->numTitre, Titre->millesime, Titre->codeProduit, Titre->numDossierMer, numDossiersMER
from User_TestList_Data.Titre_numDossiersMER
where numDossiersMER in (123, 234, 345)

The following guidance is based on the fact that Cache/IRIS uses the so called "schema evolution" in class storage, see also:

I use to say list-table property if in a class definition a property shows up as

Property PropName As list of WhateverDataType;

but the SQL-projection is array-like

Property PropName As array Of WhateverDataType;

The steps to create a list-table property depends on the state of your project:

a) You not yet have any data (or the data you have can be deleted):

a1) Delete the possibly existing data

a2) Delete the storage definition (Studio-->Inspector-->Storage-->RightClick-->Delete)

a3) Change the property definition to array:

Property numDossiersMER As array of %Integer;

a4) Compile the class

a5) Change the property definotion to list:

Property numDossiersMER As list Of %Integer;

a6) Compile the class

Voila, you got a list-table property:

do obj.MyProp.Insert(data) to add data items
and query property data as it would be a table: select * from class.name_MyProp 

b) You want to keep your data and you want to retain the property name numDossiersMER (because you don't want to change existing applications). Before proceeding, make a backup of your class globals, then:

b1) Rename the existing property and then add it again as a new array property:

from: Property numDossiersMER as list of %Integer
to  : Property OLDnumDossiersMER as list of %Integer

change the property name in the storage definition too

from:  <Value>numDossiersMER</Value>
to  :  <Value>OLDnumDossiersMEROLD</Value>

then add the new property as array

Property numDossiersMER as array of %Integer;

b2) Compile the class

b3) Change the property's collection from array to list

Property numDossiersMER as list of %Integer;

b4) Compile the class

b5) Transfer the list data from old storage to the new and potentially delete the old list data

set id=0
for  {set id=$order(^User.TestList.Data.TitreD(id)) quit:'id
        set obj=##class(User.TestList.Data.Titre).%OpenId(id)
        if 'obj write id,"  ??",! continue
        for i=1:1:obj.OLDnumDossiersMER.Count() do obj.numDossiersMER.Insert(obj.OLDnumDossiersMER.GetAt(i)
       // obj.OLDnumDossiersMER.Clear()
      do obj.%Save()

or you use an SQL statement instead of $order(...)

b6) Rebuild the indexes.

c) You want to keep your data and you want to have a new property name too. Again, before proceeding, make a backup of your class globals, then:

c1) Add the new property as an array    

Property numNewDossiersMER As array Of %Integer;

c2) Compile the class

c3) Change the new property collection from array to list    

Property numNewDossiersMER As list Of %Integer;

c4) Compile the class

c5) Transfer the list data from numDossiersMER to numNewDossiersMER according to b5)

It's IMPORTANT to follow the above steps in the given sequence!

Just to keep things complete, the other way around (array items stored as list items) is also possible. You have just to swap the definition sequence: define as list, compile, redefine as array, compile.

Both possible structures are considered. Here, I use the  examples from my previous posting:

set obj=##class(DC.Rick.MemberData).%OpenId(1)
do obj.%JSONExport() --> {"members":[{"dob":"1990-07-18","firstName":"Bob","memberId":123956}]}
set obj=##class(DC.Rick.MemberData).%OpenId(2)
do obj.%JSONExport() --> {}

The second example outputs {} only and not {"members":null}, I don't know why. Maybe there is a parameter which control this behavior, please ask WRC. 

From the view of data value, you can consider {} and {"members":null} as equal.

write {"members":null}.%GetTypeOf("members") --> null
write {}.%GetTypeOf("members") ----------------> unassigned

Both representation mean, the members property has no value. But, yes, but you can philosophize about it ...