I see right now,  cut-and-paste without looking-and-checking isn't good! Sorry, for some stupid reason, I copied the wrong lines. The correct ones are:

ClassMethod Diamond(n)
   f n=1:1:n w ! f j=1:1:n,n-1:-1:1 w !?n-j f i=1:1:j,j-1:-1:1 w i

ClassMethod Infinite(n)
   f n=1:1:n w ! f j=1:1:n,n-1:-1:1 w !?n-j f i=1:1:j,j-1:-1:1 w i#10

Also, Dimond() works from 0 thru 9 (and not thru 10). The line lengths (with 63 and 66 chars) were correct. Finally, the correct output:

do ##class(DC.CodeGolf).Diamond(3)




OK, you want it short and endless? You can get it!

Diamond() works from 0 thru 10 using 63 chars

Infinite() works from 0 thru Cache's maxint and has 66 chars of source code.

ClassMethod Diamond(n)
   f n=1:1:n w ! f j=1:1:n,n-1:-1:1 w !?n-j f i=1:1:2*j-1 w i#-j+j

ClassMethod Infinite(n)
   f n=1:1:n w ! f j=1:1:n,n-1:-1:1 w !?n-j f i=1:1:2*j-1 w i#-j+j#10
Some output

Maybe there are shorter solutions, but somebody must start the game... (I hope, class- and method name does not count)

Class DC.CodeGolf Extends %RegisteredObject
/// Diamonds from 1 thru 9 (max)
ClassMethod Diamond9(n)
  f n=1:1:n f i=1:1:n-1,n,n-1:-1:1 {s a=$e(1234567890,1,i-1) w ?n-i,a,i,$re(a),!} w !

/// Diamonds from 1 thru 16 (max)
ClassMethod Diamond16(n)
   f n=1:1:n f i=1:1:n-1,n,n-1:-1:1 {s a=$e("1234567890abcdef",1,i) w ?n-i,a,$re($e(a,1,*-1)),!} w !


If your input (date and time) format is the same as the example you provided,

set inpDateTime = "12/10/2019 21:41"

then use this one:

write  $tr($zdt($zdth(inpDateTime,1,2),8,1),": ")  --> 20191210214100

and if you want it "a little bit faster", the try this one

write  $tr("abcdefghijkl00","ef/gh/abcd ij:kl",inpDateTime)  --> 20191210214100

and you will get a speed gain of over 33%

Happy New Year!

(But this time, without Covid-19, if possible!)

To make things clear, the mentioned popup message should be seen by someone, who is (most of the time) working on the servers console. Is it so? Or you want to popup this message on an arbitrary desktop, where a user works?

If I need to send a message to a user, either I send an email or I activate a popup message in my client (I have a very special client-UI).

By the way, you wrote, I quote "an email is NOT a realistic expectation and far from reliable". Today, (almost) everybody has a smartphone and I think, if somebody does not read an email, he/she won't read thos popup messages either. Of course, you should send short plain text messages and not those fancy bloated colorful emails.

So, a way to a solution... you could write a  small program (C++, VB, Delphi, etc.) which is started after user login.  The program should listen on a TCP port for messages from an arbitrary Cache/Iris (possibly background) application. If such a message arrives, this helper program changes to foreground, displays the message with or without an OK button. That's it.

Store only hashed passwords... that's all.

Class DC.MyUsers Extends %Persistent
Property Name As %String;
Property Password As %String;
Property passHash As %String [ Internal, Private, ReadOnly ];
Property passSalt As %String [ Internal, Private, ReadOnly ];
Parameter ITER = 1024;
Parameter LENGTH = 20;
Method PassCheck(psw) As %Boolean
  set salt = $system.Encryption.Base64Decode(..passSalt) 
  set hash = $system.Encryption.Base64Decode(..passHash)
  quit $system.Encryption.PBKDF2(psw, ..#ITER, salt, ..#LENGTH)=hash
Method PasswordSet(psw) As %Status
  // optionally, quality/requirement-check
  if '..pswQuality(psw) quit $$Error^%apiOBJ(5001,"Poor password quality")
  set salt=$system.Encryption.GenCryptRand(8)
  set hash=$system.Encryption.PBKDF2(psw, ..#ITER, salt, ..#LENGTH)
  set i%passHash=$system.Encryption.Base64Encode(hash)
  set i%passSalt=$system.Encryption.Base64Encode(salt)
  quit $$$OK

Method pswQuality(psw) As %Boolean
  quit 1

There are two points,

the first (catchwords: server, interaction) was already answered by Dmitriy Maslennikov 

the second is your 10 second popup button.

In my over 40 years of IT-experience, there is one thing (along with others) I have learnd, is: every timeout is wrong, but messages with timeouts are evil! Whatever time you use, it's either too short or too long.

Imagine, the phone is ringing abd the user has a hot 20 minute discussion on the phone, in the meantime, your popups comes and goes! Unseen! Sometimes several times!

The only resonable solutions are,

- if the message is (just) informative and the message text never changes, then put it into a logfile and show nothing.  If the message text is a variable text ("Data is saved" vs. "Can't save: No disk space available") then do the popup with one button (or textinput), see below, but DO NOT use timeouts! 

- if the situation allows the user to choose between multiple answers, then let the popup window with those OK, YES, NO, CANCEL, etc. buttons stay there, as long as the user chooses one of them, or as an alternative (application dependent), offer an ordinary text input and at sometime the user types the answer and pushes the enter key.

Messages with (possible with short) timeouts requires a user all the time gazing on the display - which you can't expect.


Instead of inserting debug_macros, try Intersystems TRACE utility.

write $$DIR^TRACE("c:\Temp") ; to set an output directory
write $$ON^TRACE(jobnr) ; the pid of the process you want to trace
; zn "appNamespace"
; do ^yourProgram
; zn "%SYS"
write $$OFF^TRACE(jobnr) ; to stopp the trace
do ^TRACE ; to display the trace result

TRACE displays the function-/method-calls with arguments.

After seeing several solutions I got the idea to make a comparison.
The bottom line is, it's advisable to check how an algorithm (or function or method etc.) performs over another.
So try the below program snippet... you will be surprised!

Test //
   s date="20201121090000"
   s new=""
   s t0=$zh

   f i=1:1:1E6 s new=$e(date,1,4)_"-"_$e(date,5,6)_"-"_$e(date,7,8)_" "_$e(date,9,10)_":"_$e(date,11,12)_":"_$e(date,13,14)
   s t1=$zh
   f i=1:1:1E6 s new=$tr("abcd-ef-gh ij:kl:mn","abcdefghijklmn",date)
   s t2=$zh
   f i=1:1:1E6 s new=$zd($zdh($e(date,1,8),8),3)_" "_$e(date,9,10)_":"_$e(date,11,12)_":"_$e(date,13,14)
   s t3=$zh
   f i=1:1:1E6 s new=$system.SQL.TOTIMESTAMP(date, "YYYYMMDDHHMISS") 
   s t4=$zh
   s t5=$zh

   w "$e() only",?12,t1-t0,!
   w "$tr()",?12,t2-t1,!
   w "$e()+$zd()",?12,t3-t2,!
   w "SQL/class",?12,t4-t3,!
   w "SQL/static",?12,t5-t4,!

Of course, the results will depend on hardware,  on Cache/IRIS version and on utilisation of your system

Hello Kevin,

in most of the cases (but not always) the reason for this is the exhaustion of TCP ports, see


too. Grab a windows command prompt and start with

netsh int ipv4 show dynamicport tcp

this shows you how many ports you have.

netstat -ano | find "TCP"

shows you all the TCP ports in use (including the process numbers) and

netstat -an | find "TCP" | find "CLOSE"

shows you all the bad guys.

If this is your problem then the solution is:

- increase the number of ports (if it's possible)

- reduce the cases, where a new port is needed and immediate closing of unneeded ports