First, as you alread wrote, changing the collation of an already existing installation is dengerious,
second, as far as I know, the database creation page (of ManagementPortal) offers you "Cache/IRIS-standard" and "Cache/IRIS-standard string" only. Nevertheless, changing to "standard string" only affects the collation and not the display, i.e. string subscripts will be displayed quoted but numeric subscripts are not quoted.

I'm quite shure, the above code won't work as expected, or with the words of Joseph Weizenbaum: “A computer will do what you tell it to do, but that may be much different from what you had in mind.”

The content of your myf variable is always 0 (the result of comparing nullstring with a filename), the size of tmpFile stream is also 0 (you never write into the stream).

Sometimes it's faster to write a "oneliner" to solve a simple problem then searching and downloading a solution from openexchange or from whereever... That's the beauty of the ObjectScript.

And if you think, the oneliner is worth to be reused, then make it to a method, add some small adjustments for a general usability...

The oneliner

s str="",tmp=##class(%File).TempFilename("txt") o tmp:"NWRU":0 i $t { u tmp zw ^||fruit s s=$zpos r:'$zseek(0) str#s c tmp:"D" }

The more general version

ClassMethod ToString(ref,max=32000)
    s tmp=##class(%File).TempFilename("txt") o tmp:"NWRU":0 q:'$t ""
    u tmp zw @ref s siz=$zpos r:'$zseek(0) str#$s(siz>max:max,1:siz) c tmp:"D" q str

Use it as

write ##(your.class).ToString($na(^||fruit))

The simplest way is to create a classmethod, which returns the desired name:

Class DC.Evgenys.Data Extends %Persistent
/// which: 0=Fullname, 1=Schemaname, 2=Tablename
ClassMethod TableName(which = 0) [ CodeMode = objectgenerator ]
    set sch=%compiledclass.SqlSchemaName, tab=%compiledclass.SqlTableName
    do %code.WriteLine($c(9)_"quit $p("""_sch_"."_tab_","_sch_","_tab_""","","",which+1)")
    quit $$$OK

So you can do something like this:

for i=0:1:2 write ##class(DC.Evgenys.Data).TableName(i),!

A possible work-around could be the class below. In short, you work with your json property as intended, merely before saving the object, you save the json-property into a stream and after opening an instance, you restore the json-property from the the stream - that's all. The drawback, no SQL over the json property...

Class DC.Dyn Extends %Persistent
Property json As %DynamicObject [ Transient ];
Property jstr As %GlobalCharacterStream [ Internal, Private ];

ClassMethod MyTest(kill = 0)
   if kill do ..%KillExtent(1,1)

   set obj=..%New()
   set obj.json.short="A short test text"
   set obj.json.maxstr=$tr($j("",$$$MaxStringLength)," ","X")
   do obj.json.%Set("hugedata",,"stream")

   write "Status : ",obj.%Save(),!
   set id=obj.%Id()
   write "ID : ",id,!
   kill (id)

   set obj=..%OpenId(id)
   write "short : ",obj.json.short,!
   write "maxstr : ",$e(obj.json.maxstr,1,20),"... Size: ",$length(obj.json.maxstr),!
   set stream=obj.json.%Get("hugedata",,"stream")
   write "hugedata: ",stream.Read(20),"... Size: ",stream.Size,!

ClassMethod stream(obj)
   set stream=##class(%Stream.TmpCharacter).%New()
   do stream.Write(obj.json.short)
   do stream.Write(obj.json.maxstr)
   do stream.Write(obj.json.maxstr)
   quit stream

Method %OnOpen() As %Status [ Private, ServerOnly = 1 ]
   if ..jstr {
      do ..jstr.Rewind()
      set ..json=##class(%DynamicAbstractObject).%FromJSON(..jstr)
   Quit $$$OK

Method %OnAddToSaveSet(depth As %Integer = 3, insert As %Integer = 0, callcount As %Integer = 0) As %Status [ Private, ServerOnly = 1 ]
   do ..jstr.Clear(), ..json.%ToJSON(..jstr)
   Quit $$$OK

Some testing...

IDEV:USER>d ##class(DC.Dyn).MyTest(1)
Status  : 1
ID      : 1
short   : A short test text
maxstr  : XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX... Size: 3641144
hugedata: A short test textXXX... Size: 7282305

If your code uses obj.%Reload() then %OnReload() and %OnOpen() should contain the same code.

Your solution is just perfect. And fast.

But yes, you can avoid string manipulations... This one, for example, uses math only, merely it's neither short nor looks elegant:

 set dt=$h write $zd(dt,8)*100+($p(dt,",",2)\3600)*100+($p(dt,",",2)#3600\60)*100+($p(dt,",",2)#60)

but gives the same result as your short and nice solution...

 set dt=$h write $zd(dt,8)*100+($p(dt,",",2)\3600)*100+($p(dt,",",2)#3600\60)*100+($p(dt,",",2)#60),!,$tr($zdt(dt,8)," :")

On the other hand, you can install new brakes on your car, as suggested by others... ;-))

Just compare those codes with yours:

set h=$h, t=$zh for i=1:1:1E6 { set x=$tr($system.SQL.TOCHAR($h,"YYYY^MM^DD^HH24^MI^SS"),"^") } write $zh-t,!

set h=$h, t=$zh for i=1:1:1E6 { set x=$tr($zdt(h,8)," :") } write $zh-t,!

The choice is yours...