this might do it:

Class User.Scott 
ClassMethod Clean(infile, outfile) As %Status
  set in=##class(%Stream.FileCharacter).%New()
  do in.LinkToFile(infile)
  set out=##class(%Stream.FileCharacter).%New()
  set out.Filename=outfile
  do in.Rewind()
  while 'in.AtEnd {
    set line=in.ReadLine()
    set last=($e(line,*)="|")
    if last set sc=out.WriteLine(line)
    else  set sc=out.Write(line)
  do in.%Close()
  set sc=out.%Save()
  quit sc

Just to understand your requirements correctly.
- a linebreak  $c(13,10)  would only be acceptable if it follows a segment terminator "|" 
- IF YES Is this just a pipe | or a double pipe || as in your example?
This could be a processing rule to check the last chars of the line
and ignoré the linebreak at a mismatch.   



in SMP IRIS you see this header as in Caché / Ensemble

but click to more  has a surprise in IRIS

Select foreground and you get all %session, .... that you look for.
Recorded with SPOOL , device 2
%application=<OBJECT REFERENCE>[356@%CSP.UI.Portal.Application]
%obj=<OBJECT REFERENCE>[362@%ZEN.Component.html]
%page=<OBJECT REFERENCE>[20@%CSP.UI.Portal.SQL.Home]
%request=<OBJECT REFERENCE>[1@%CSP.Request]
%response=<OBJECT REFERENCE>[2@%CSP.Response]
%session=<OBJECT REFERENCE>[3@%CSP.Session]
%sqlcontext=<OBJECT REFERENCE>[433@%Library.ProcedureContext]
%tStatement=<OBJECT REFERENCE>[369@%SQL.Statement]
<Private variables>

Reverse engineering of the SMP page uncovered this new checkbox to me.
Could be it is documented somewhere


I could imagine 2 variants:

  • creating a "clone" of the CSP based "synchronous" Queries we know from C/E to have the unique session
  • just using xDBC based tools such as Squirrel, DBeaver, WinSQL, ..... which is probably better since SMP mimics ODBC mode, but doesn't use real xDBC connection
  • external xDBC provides a 1:1 connection as a terminal session would do.     

In Caché/Ensemble SMP uses straightforward CSP and you have %session object and %request ...
I verified IRIS 2022.2 and 2022.3:
- SMP runs Queries differently and  neither %session nor %request is visible
by variable »  %inBackground = 1 it indicates working in background
and once completed the Job is gone, but SMP is still around

I use the suggested common method for length calculation

/// write ##class(Golf.Task2).length()
ClassMethod length(
	class = {$classname()},
	method = "Build") As %Integer
  #dim methodObj As %Dictionary.MethodDefinition
  set methodObj = ##class(%Dictionary.MethodDefinition).IDKEYOpen(class, method)
  quit methodObj.Implementation.Size

also in terminal:
         s (b,h)="*" f L=f:-1:1  w ?L,b,! s b=b_h_h
         F i=1:1:f K s,c S ($P(s," ",f-i+1),$P(c,"#",i*2))="" W s,c,!

You are on the right path, I use deuw and see

some differences grown by history

  • sort ÄÖÜ + ß (sharp S) after Z as by ASCII
  • sort Ä after A, Ö after O, Ü after U  but before Z
  • ignore trema. sort Ä=A, Ö=O, Ü=U   no idea about ß

4 and 5 may contribute to the lastest nonsense of German Language Authoroties
that introduced sharp_S also in uppercase.
<we lived since ever without it and didn't miss anything>

Your case:
You can't change the collation of an existing Global
But you can apply a different collation before first use in SMP
to overwrite default collation of the  DB
System > Configuration > Local Databases > Globals > New Global 

So you set up a global ^TEMP3  with collation German3
and run MERGE ^TEMP3=^TEMP  and have a new collation.

Some time back I set that to have different index collations for
German, Hungarian, Italian, French, Slovenian, ...
see my post Multi Language Sort