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• classmethod CompileList(ByRef list As %String = "", qspec As %String = "", ByRef errorlog As %String, ByRef updatedlist As %String) as %Status

Compile a list of items specified in 'list' and separated by commas, or an array list("item.MAC")="". You can also use ? or * wild cards and if you wish to exclude items pass ' before the item name which also supports wild card, e.g. "User.*.cls,'User.T*.cls". Each item on the list is sufixed by the type of item it is so to compile a class and a routine you could specify 'class.cls,routine.mac' The order of compilation is INT, CLS, MAC, CSR, CSP.
qspec is a list of flags or qualifiers which can be displayed with 'Do $system.OBJ.ShowQualifiers()' and 'Do $system.OBJ.ShowFlags()'. Note that while /mapped=0 qualifier applies to the pattern passed in by only searching the default routine database, however any compile is done in the current namespace. So it is possible a routine/class found with /mapped=0 may not be visible in the current namespace or may be a different version if there are complicated package mappings.

I tried to create an account on

Just the welcome mail never arrived.
the page proposed to contact admin in this case   

Note: If you do not receive an email, it might be that the username or email address entered is not registered for an account. If you are unable to remember the username or email address you used to sign up for an account, please contact your system administrator for assistance.

No further notice. Who is that system admin? Which mail ?
Not so impressive