@Kevin An ,  
I really appreciate your suggestion. For a long list of candidates, 
BUT. with only 3..4 possible participants in the winning ranks the effort is acceptable.
So it provides for me a deeper insight into your creativity.
- AoC is the first filter >>> "outsourced"
- Code Quality is the second >>> "normalized and automated"
- Calculations + Results is the last. >>> by own hands for now.
I take this burden with pride.

Though this personal view shouldn't prevent anyone
to create a better template for NEXT year.

BIG THANKS to @Dmitry Maslennikov for your detailed analysis!

To me, this looks like Retro-Trip.
Back to NMP world  (No  Mouse Please)  with Terminal, Telnet, Console Interface.
It's a big chance for a broad revival of all the old command line utilities
that are still around and working well. (some still using dot syntax).

And thanks also to @Guillaume Rongier to underline the motivation
- "breaking down the monolith"
- "make the product more modular"

Other industries have shown us what that piece-by-piece dropping means.

Hi folks !

It's just another week to finalize Advent Of Code 2022. 
Though the ranking didn't change much recently there are still 14 exercises to be done.
- But keep in mind that the ranking is just the first hurdle to take.
- Next, your code in ObjectScript has to be provided in a public repo on GitHub
- Besides the formal verification with Code Quality (use the provided template)
also, the calculations will be verified with a neutral dataset that is not yours.

So good luck and happy coding.


Your example uncovers that you are mixing up 2 different things

There are Objects that extend  %RegisteredObject  (or some derivate of it.
properties in these classes get automatically generated methods.
like the ....Get you  @Eduard Lebedyuk  wrote this related article.

Useful auto-generated methods
you find those properties also in the realted %Dictioary classes.

Your example is a %DynamicObject and something total different.
There is the JSON style object
but it has nothing to do with the classic object architecture
implemented in Caché and IRIS.

Mixing of methods between those 2 implementations is just not foreseen.
%DynamicObjeckts have an Iterartor. Unknown to %RegisteredObject.
and many more