go to post Robert Cemper · Jun 26, 2023 win docker desktop not just consumes fast-growing vhdxbut also a lot of temp files, that get never deleted or shrinkednot even with deinstall / reinstalltypically in C:\Users\<usename>\AppData\Local\Temp\docker-scout\sha256 C:\Users\<username>\.docker\scout\sbom\sha256C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Temp\ *.ico, *.vhdx
go to post Robert Cemper · Jun 20, 2023 If I find no acceptable equivalent in PYI wrap such functions, methods, variables, ... in 1 line COS (class)methods.kind or embedded COS 😏
go to post Robert Cemper · Jun 19, 2023 in the production view you should find description and adapter description BUT !!!! This only works if the source is well documented. And that is often ignored by designers. even in ENSDEMO.If it is missing it is kind of a quality issue
go to post Robert Cemper · Jun 17, 2023 in Caché it is %installdir%/mgr/cconsole.logand you can see it from MgmtPortaland it would be helpful if you uncover the primary language you use
go to post Robert Cemper · Jun 17, 2023 in your namespace you can map not just full Globals to a different Database but also parts of a Global.This works over Global Subscript DetailsIF your structure is ^HISTORY(yyyymm, ....) [yyyymm as first subscript ]? eventually also your IDKEY ?this is a possible way to set ^HISTORY(201606) >> 201606_HIPAA.dat ^HISTORY(201607) >> 201607_HIPAA.dat But if yyyymm is just somewhere in your data, you need to reorganize your globalI assume this is something you have to do anyhow with your history ATTENTION: this is total static.so for 120 DBs you need 120 mapping lines
go to post Robert Cemper · Jun 16, 2023 just a hint:Webterminal uses 2 connections: http/https wss/ws websockets this might cause problems. just my guess In WEBCOMMAND I use just 1 connection (rather straight CSP)with less comfort
go to post Robert Cemper · Jun 9, 2023 Confirmed! Also if zipped typical IRIS.DAT is not accepted by GitHub because of size.If cut to smaller pieces performance and flexibility are lost.
go to post Robert Cemper · Jun 9, 2023 If not disabled all global SET and KILL and also transactions are documented in JOURNALthere are also related search utilities available in %SYSthere is no equivalent feature for Global READ.if you just look for the fact that there was a SET or KILL at object levelDSTIME could be an option see example: https://community.intersystems.com/post/synchronize-data-dstimeit is easier to handle than JOURNAL
go to post Robert Cemper · Jun 9, 2023 I had some doubt in your initial question. NowYOUR mistake is evidentyou compose a JSON array args=[arg1value,agr3value,arg3value,..]using %Push(..) to %SQL.Statement this is just kind of a strange structured String%SQL.Statement doesn't deal with JSON Arrays or Objects with arg... you have to pass a local variable arraywhich is a core structure of Object Script (since ever)arg=3 ;;<max subscript count>arg(1)=arg1value arg(2)=arg2valuearg(3)=arg3valueas already described by @Julius Kavay
go to post Robert Cemper · Jun 6, 2023 Thank you @Irène Mykhailova 🌷I'm really sorry I couldn't attend the event after my45 years with InterSystems 1978 - 2023
go to post Robert Cemper · May 25, 2023 done on Caché 2018.*s txt="-123.45E6789" if txt w "true" >>> truetrue/false stops checking Strings at the first nonzero numeric sign to set $T=1almost since ever
go to post Robert Cemper · May 20, 2023 see doc on Variable Number of Parameters Summary: args = number of params passed args(n) = n-th param modify as you need, it's just a local variable
go to post Robert Cemper · May 18, 2023 Great improvement! 🥂for me: Emojis are the emotional equivalents to single-character commands in M 🌷
go to post Robert Cemper · May 17, 2023 one of my (former) customers suggested this approach: Train COS not on IRIS but on some Caché/ENS 2018 instances with Studio or on some older IRIS version As they run pure COS they have Studio for Training. An no need of new features once all the logic works they may move the result to some final IRIS (if ever they migrated)
go to post Robert Cemper · May 16, 2023 Just to rephrase your issue: you expect a JSON array of JSON objects [{..},{..},{..} ] but you get a JSON object containing that array {"cursos": [{..},{..},{..} ]} ;; asssumptio input holds the received obj set jobj={}.%FromJSON(input) ; convert to obj set jarray=jobj.%Get("cursos") ; content of "cursos" = [..] set output=jarray.%ToJSON() ; convert to string docu: %Library.DynamicObject
go to post Robert Cemper · May 15, 2023 There is still another critical directory for Windows Docker Desktop C:\Users\<yourusername>\AppData\Local\Temp\docker-scout\sha256 There some GB of Generated/Downloaded images are kept and NEVER clearedI didn't miss anything when I deleted them manually after stopping Dockergetting back some more GB