Assumimg you have both DB on the same instance but different namespaces "FROM" and "TO"

You may run a loop like this

set id=""
for cnt=1:1 {
  set id=$ORDER(^|"FROM"|Data(""),1,value) quit:id=""
  set ^|"TO"|Data(id+10000000)=value)
  if cnt#100000 write cnt,?10,id,!

For the connections of the host you may use ECP

For a more structured global you might need to use $QUERY()

The write is just to see progress

You may define properties by writing to ##class(%Dictionary.PropertyDefinition)
as part of a ##class(%Dictionary.ClassDefinition)

Parameters is then defined as array of %CacheString;  

And you set it just as any other array.  [SetAt() ..... ]

and then compile the class to use that property inside the class
This is nothing you may do on the fly.

YES it is !

Class %DeepSee.ResultSet has a method %CancelQuery that does the trick.

Chapter  Using the Result Set API tells you some more details.


If you used %ExecuteAsynch(), periodically check to see whether the query has completed. If the query uses any plug-ins, make sure that any pending results are also complete; pending results are the results from the plug-ins, which are executed separately from the query.

To determine the status of the query, call the %GetStatus() method of your instance. Or call the %GetQueryStatus() class method of %DeepSee.ResultSet. These methods return the status of the query and also (separately) the status of any pending results; see the class documentation for details.

Optionally, to cancel a query that has not yet completed, call the %CancelQuery() class method.

A practical example is seen in ##class( %DeepSee.UI.Analyzer). onunloadHandler()

Hi Scott,

analyzing  ##class( EnsLib.SQL.Common).ExecuteProcedureParmArray(.....)
I think you should be able to provide a prepared Snapshot to set  the required parameters.

At least $$$sysTRACE("Using initialized SnapShot "_(tNumRS+1))  points in this direction

So your code might look like this:

Set SelectPER355MC=##class(%ListOfObjects).%New()
Set preset=##class(EnsLib.SQL.Snapshot).%New()
Set preset.MaxRowsToGet=12000
do SelectPER355MC.SetAt(preset,1)

set tSC = ..Adapter.ExecuteProcedureParmArray(.SelectPER355MC,.output,SPQuery,"oi",.parm)

I have no environment to check the approach.
So it's up to you to verify it.

 ERROR 5540 - User "UnknownUser" is not privileged for the operation.
This tells me that you don't login with a managed user with enough privileges.

So you could have a dedicated user just for this purpose.
give "Unknown User" enough rights
make use of a Privileged Application to assign temporary required Resources (my guess "%Developer") 

more on this and pp.

Hi Ken,

There is an easier way.

Instead of fiddling around with unpredictable params you just pass your whole symbol table = local variables
to your background job like this and use what you need in background

JOB ##class(%SYSTEM.OBJ.FM2Class).All():(:1):5

look for process-params + switch  here


in SQL you have a CASE ... END block for selection

  WHEN search_condition THEN value_expression
  [ WHEN search_condition THEN value_expression ... ]
  [ ELSE value_expression ]

CASE value_expression
  WHEN value_expression THEN value_expression
  [ WHEN value_expression THEN value_expression ... ]
  [ ELSE value_expression ]

That's fine and nothing new.
You missed my point:

With the Class Query it's not self explaining if params got to Prepare() or to Execute()

I just learned from  John Murray a few comments above

Prepare() is for dynamic SQL, but in your case it's a class query you want to run.
So change your rs.Prepare call to be an rs.Execute one.

that you don't need a prepare with a Class Query.
I wasn't aware of that until a few hours ago.

Then it's obvious that any param has to go to Execute().