go to post Robert Cemper · Aug 8, 2023 My 5th Choice: use Native API for ObjectScript for access. especially %Net.DB.Iris
go to post Robert Cemper · Aug 4, 2023 BTW:whatever your method does it always terminate with Quit $$$OKso whatever happens it is equivalent toset SphereJauh=1I assume you look for a different return value ? Is it ?
go to post Robert Cemper · Aug 4, 2023 your ClassMethod GetSphereJauh(Id..... is located in some Class so just call it as any other class methodset SphereJauh=##class(classname).GetSphereJauh(ATTRDesc) the fact that this is used as part of a custom class query is totally irrelevant in this context.it is straightforward ObjectScript. nothing else
go to post Robert Cemper · Jul 18, 2023 check https://openexchange.intersystems.com/package/function-ISJSON-2 in OEXand https://community.intersystems.com/post/function-check-if-string-json-object in DC
go to post Robert Cemper · Jul 8, 2023 Hi @Vivian Lee !I think you had no chance to see the problem in docsYou mentioned a custom class that extends %Text.Englishthis might be the cause of your problem.The class is not visible in normal class reference (don't ask me why) Default %Text.English has a Parameter NOISEWORDS100 ="the of and a to in is you that it he for was on are as with his they at be this from I have or by one had not but what all were when we there can an your which their said if do will each about how up out them then she many some so these would other into has more her two like him see time could no make than first been its who now my made over did down only way find use may long little very after called just where most know get through back"; So you might be affected by these NOISEWORDS.I failed to find any useful public documentation on this parameter and also %Text.Text is not too useful
go to post Robert Cemper · Jul 7, 2023 Agree with @Julius Kavay Just read the documentation on %CONTAINSIt's a function specific to data type %TEXT and is language dependant (more details in docs)-------------------If you look for a functionality as SQL LIKE you better use LIKE or [ the contains operator of COS
go to post Robert Cemper · Jul 7, 2023 %Get() in %SQL.StatementResult. does NOT act like $Get() in ObjectScriptYou have to resolve the NULL value issue in your SQL statement using NVL() function with 2nd parameter.More NULL Handling Functions
go to post Robert Cemper · Jul 6, 2023 see official docs Release Notes Maintenance Release Changes for 2021.1.3 Incompatibility History for 2021.1.3
go to post Robert Cemper · Jul 5, 2023 #1 is correctYour calculation #2 is seriously wrong.reasonreading documentation you seedformat -2 $ZDATETIME returns an integer specifying the count of seconds from a platform-specific origin date/time. This is the value returned by the time() library function, as defined in the ISO C Programming Language Standard. For example, on POSIX-compliant systems this value is the count of seconds from January 1, 1970 00:00:00 UTC And that's the mistake:Your BirthDate is obviously considered as LOCAL timeAnd therefore the difference you see reflects the time offset of your machine to UTC-19800 sec => -5.5 hrssystem variable $ZTZ will show your offset to UTC in minutes => -330my guess: your machine is running at local time in India
go to post Robert Cemper · Jun 30, 2023 for $ZTDH:https://docs.intersystems.com/iris20231/csp/docbook/DocBook.UI.Page.cls?KEY=RCOS_fzdatetimehfor $ZDT:https://docs.intersystems.com/iris20231/csp/docbook/DocBook.UI.Page.cls?KEY=RCOS_fzdatetime USER>r x 1997-08-09 10:38:39.700000000 USER>w $ZDTH(x,3,,9) 57199,38319.7 USER>w $zdt($ZDTH(x,3,,9),3,7) 1997-08-09T08:38:39Z USER>w $zdt($ZDTH(x,3,,9),3,7,9) 1997-08-09T08:38:39.700000000Z USER>
go to post Robert Cemper · Jun 28, 2023 what you describe is explained in detail in the documentation:%SQL.StatementResult For a SELECT statement, if the cursor is positioned after the last row, the value of %ROWCOUNT indicates the number of rows contained in the result set.At any other time, %ROWCOUNT contains the number of rows retrieved thus far. rfm
go to post Robert Cemper · Jun 26, 2023 win docker desktop not just consumes fast-growing vhdxbut also a lot of temp files, that get never deleted or shrinkednot even with deinstall / reinstalltypically in C:\Users\<usename>\AppData\Local\Temp\docker-scout\sha256 C:\Users\<username>\.docker\scout\sbom\sha256C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Temp\ *.ico, *.vhdx
go to post Robert Cemper · Jun 17, 2023 in Caché it is %installdir%/mgr/cconsole.logand you can see it from MgmtPortaland it would be helpful if you uncover the primary language you use
go to post Robert Cemper · Jun 17, 2023 in your namespace you can map not just full Globals to a different Database but also parts of a Global.This works over Global Subscript DetailsIF your structure is ^HISTORY(yyyymm, ....) [yyyymm as first subscript ]? eventually also your IDKEY ?this is a possible way to set ^HISTORY(201606) >> 201606_HIPAA.dat ^HISTORY(201607) >> 201607_HIPAA.dat But if yyyymm is just somewhere in your data, you need to reorganize your globalI assume this is something you have to do anyhow with your history ATTENTION: this is total static.so for 120 DBs you need 120 mapping lines
go to post Robert Cemper · Jun 9, 2023 If not disabled all global SET and KILL and also transactions are documented in JOURNALthere are also related search utilities available in %SYSthere is no equivalent feature for Global READ.if you just look for the fact that there was a SET or KILL at object levelDSTIME could be an option see example: https://community.intersystems.com/post/synchronize-data-dstimeit is easier to handle than JOURNAL
go to post Robert Cemper · May 20, 2023 see doc on Variable Number of Parameters Summary: args = number of params passed args(n) = n-th param modify as you need, it's just a local variable
go to post Robert Cemper · May 16, 2023 Just to rephrase your issue: you expect a JSON array of JSON objects [{..},{..},{..} ] but you get a JSON object containing that array {"cursos": [{..},{..},{..} ]} ;; asssumptio input holds the received obj set jobj={}.%FromJSON(input) ; convert to obj set jarray=jobj.%Get("cursos") ; content of "cursos" = [..] set output=jarray.%ToJSON() ; convert to string docu: %Library.DynamicObject
go to post Robert Cemper · May 10, 2023 ClassMethod SortVersion(input As %DynamicArray) As %DynamicArray { Set sorted = [] Set val = "" Kill order For i=1:1:input.%Size() Set order(input.%Get(i-1))="" For { Set val=$o(order(val)) Quit:val="" do sorted.%Push(val) } Quit sorted }
go to post Robert Cemper · Apr 26, 2023 I have a straight Caché only Docker available for you:Here is the GitHub Repo until publication on OEX is approved
go to post Robert Cemper · Apr 25, 2023 If you need Caché in Docker you may use this examplehttps://community.intersystems.com/post/using-ecp-across-iris-and-cach%C3%A9An individual license is only required if you want to use ECPIt's the single user version 2018.* and should fit your needs