•  iristerm does NOT support ssh
  • you need to run ( + install ?) a SSH service in your  Linux SUSE 15 VM 
  • next, you connect from Win10 over any SSH terminal client (e.g. Putty, ...) to your SuSe VM console command line
  • there you can run iris session ...........  (the Linux equivalent of iristerm)

Just as described in your question

there is a basic misunderstanding:

inside the <CSP:WHILE...> block you are in HTML context
but you issue instead JavaScript >>>> which just prints it out.
To illustrate this see this simple example:
But changing to JS_context solved my simple demo with alert();

<csp:WHILE CONDITION="resultSet.Next()">     

 <!-- xValues.push(#(resultSet.Get("StatsDate"))#)
  yValues.push(#(resultSet.Get("Value"))#) -->
 <script LANGUAGE="JavaScript">


I just learned here that "NAMED PIPE" is significantly different in

  • UNIX/Linux where it is just a kind of file structure and
  • Windows where it offers the duplex feature I was looking for

So my workaround (by accident) turns out to be better for my needs than the Linux FIFO feature
as I'm able also to read partial lines and don't need newlines or similar as separators.

it was kind of Lucky Punch

  1. SMP > System Operation > Databases shows the size o your DB   8192 is the default you have to match te blocksize of your backup source
  2. /usr/lib/iris/mgr/ is IRISSYS or the HS equivalent a direct restore may destroy your running installation. restore it in a parallel DB and import only uncritical parts.
  3. in SMP > System Adnin > Config > Sys Config > Local DB  you can set the Blocksize of the DB before creation: Blocksize might be hardwired in Community Distribution 

Hi @Lorenzo Scalese 
I guess you are looking for class(%Utility).FormatString()

USER>set lb=$lb(1,"Lorenzo",2023,"RCC"_$c(13,10))
USER>write lb
USER>zzdump lb
0000: 03 04 01 09 01 4C 6F 72 65 6E 7A 6F 04 04 E7 07         .....Lorenzo..ç.
0010: 07 01 52 43 43 0D 0A                                    ..RCC..
;;;;;  this is it
USER>set viewlb=##class(%Utility).FormatString(lb)
USER>write viewlb
USER>zwrite viewlb

Your transformation produces  a YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:SS string
in contradiction 
Property DOB As %Date;   expects an Integer similar to +$h 
The error is reported during Validation before %Save() of  your record

  • either you change  Property DOB As %String;
  • or use '$zdateh(source.DOB,7,,,,,,,,"")'   then ##class(%Date).IsValid(...)  is happy