I'm migration an existing integration to InterSystems. The upstream (external) system calls a JSON web service hosted in the interface engine, which converts the JSON data received to a HL-7 messages to send to the downstream system. I'm looking for direction and example of how to do the equivalent in InterSystems, so the the upstream system only has to modify the URL of the web service they call.

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I have succesfully installed IRIS client on MacOS (see bottom half of this post). What's next? How do I access the menu to launch IRIS Client, access Studio, and connect to remote server etc??




$$> sudo sh /Users/xxx/Downloads/HealthConnect-2023.1.3.517.0-macx64/irisinstall_client


Your system type is 'Mac OS X/x86/64-bit'.

Enter a destination directory for client components.

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· May 2, 2024
help with HL7 Transformation


I'm new to IS and the HL7 transformations using the DTL. I need some clarification on the foreach action.

I want to iterate over IN1 segments, and output only segments that contain certain allergy types in IN1-2 with foreach. Inside the foreach block, I check for allergy type "FA" in IN1-2 and, if found, send the segment with only the required fields (fields #1, #2, #3, and #5 to be exact). Please see the foreach block below:

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