Thanks Phil. Can you provide more detail on how to create a business service with the EnsLib.HTTP.InboundAdapter to receive the JSON message on a REST end point? Would it allow external systems to post to with JSON data via http potocol (i.e. with header 'Content-Type: application/json')?

That would be the first step. I will worry about putting the JSON data in a message structure and passing it to and using it in the business process next.

Updated (jul 4th):

I followed the documentation on EnsLib.HTTP.InboundAdapter and created a business service, and a request message class.  So how do I go about testing it after instantiate this business service? What is would be the URL I post to? What other configuration do I have to do?

Class DEVTEST01PKG.HL7ProductionTest01.MyNewWebService Extends EnsLib.HTTP.Service


Parameter ADAPTER = "EnsLib.HTTP.InboundAdapter";

Method OnProcessInput(pInput As %GlobalCharacterStream, pOutput As %RegisteredObject) As %Status


set tsc=$$$OK

Set tData=pInput.Read(,.tSC)

If $$$ISERR(tSC)


do $System.Status.DisplayError(tSC)


//create request object to send

Set tRequest=##class(DEVTEST01PKG.HL7ProductionTest01.MyTestRequestMsg).%New()

//use a delimiter to separate the form variables

Set list=$LISTFROMSTRING(tData,"&")

//examine each element and extract the relevant data

Set ptr=0

While $LISTNEXT(list,ptr,key) {

If $PIECE(key,"=") = "MRN" {

Set tRequest.MRN = $PIECE(key,"=",2)


Elseif $PIECE(key,"=") = "name" {

SET = $PIECE(key,"=",2)


Elseif $PIECE(key,"=") = "NoteID" {

Set tRequest.NoteID = $PIECE(key,"=",2)



//send to lookup process

Set tSC=..SendRequestSync("EHTTP.LookupProcess",tRequest,.tResponse)

//define output for OnProcessInput

Set pOutput=tResponse

Quit tSC


Method OnInit() As %Status


Set ..Adapter.ParseBodyFormVars=1

Quit 1

