We are seeing more and more customers being lured with latest infrastructure technologies, particularly Composable Infrastructure. Coming with all sorts of data center consolidations and costs savings.

Question is: are there any concerns for HealthShare/TrakCare being run on these platforms or things to look out for? Anyone out there, already on these platforms?

To be more specific this is HPe Synergy with 480 Compute blades booting as bare metal.



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· Feb 19, 2020
Disabling Telnet

Good Day;

looking at disabling Telnet - on Windows - Cache 2012,2017. The security scans don't need it on network.

But still leave users able to use `Terminal - direct - on the box should be fine.

am posting here for quick refs (as this is a common security vulnerability out there).



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Sounds odd - but I encountered it - twice now. Cache was restarted. in that period the primary journal directory was full and it was writing to the secondary journal directory. So upon start-up, it was quite obvious that it was not going to write to the primary. Cache reported this but was able to continue with the start-up but writing to the secondary. All of a sudden it doesn't recognize the 'primary' config any more and started saying 'Alternate and primary journal directories are the same'.

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Can Cache Monitor (^MONMGR) and System Monitor be configured to also send 'OK' messages? With the first bad email, you still wonder if things are still broken, when in-fact normalcy has been restored, some even within some seconds.

typical examples : -

------ - - - -- - - - -- - -- --- - -- -- -- - - - -- -- -- - --- - - - -- - - -- - - -- --- - - -- -- -- - - --- - - - - --- -- --- - - -- -- --- - - --- - --- -- - - -- -

Sent: Monday, 14 November 2016 11:51 AM

To: Email

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ISCAgent is automatically installed with Cache, runs as a service and can be configured to
start with the system. This is fine – but the complication comes when this is on VCS clusters with
Mirroring on. When installing a Single Instance of Cache in a Cluster, point number 2. Says “Create
a link from /usr/local/etc/cachesys to the shared disk. This forces the Caché registry and all
supporting files to be stored on the shared disk resource you have configured as part of the
service group.”

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