I'm using server-side editing.  I followed the steps you showed, I have authentication saved, i can browse and see namespace classes etc without issue, but auto complete doesn't auto complete.

I appreciate Studio is depreciated and the world loves VSCode because its saves ISC time and money but please can someone release a hook to the old studio even if isn't maintained.

I can't say more as I really don't want my community account banned again for 'criticising' ISC...

Hi Thom,

  I suggest you don’t use recordmapper at all or DTLs neither are good for very wide csvs,  use a file reader and save the input to a quickstream. Pass the stream id to a custom process which walks the quickstream changes each line and saves to a new quick stream, pass final quickstream to outbound.  This will prevent sending individual lines to processes or Dtls (which if your csv is huge would be a massive overhead).  You can contact me and I’d be happy to help.

Hi All,

  Thanks for the replies, I certainly haven't explained the problem very well!, so short summary;

CSP page shows file browser (working) that takes a stream (working) sends the file to a Method (working) and then returns a new file into the same CSP page session (not working)

I appreciate this means the CSP will be "stuck" while the method creates the new file.  I have limited access to change any of this under the hood to send to a directory or use an integration engine or any other alternative.

   For Excel we use activate, as said the Excel and sending the file is not the problem.


The use case is some live software is not creating legacy index "sometime", logic looks good but some "combination" misses the index create.  In test works fine.  SO want to add lots of auditing and have a common call to an debug audit to record variables, objects etc.  Hence want to record the name of the variable used when calling the audit.

Anyway the $STACK pointed me at what I need and its all done and working...Thanks!

Hi Christian,

   You don't need to run the install demo command and create a demo installation (but this can help), you can manually create each HS namespace you need, you can do this from the Healthshare portal manager, there is a Wizard and you select Bus/Edge/etc, this will then create the HS namespace you need.

As for export all of the HS configuration options from Dev (I'm assuming including subscriptions etc?) there isn't (too my knowledge) a standard way to do this.  It would be best to create an install script (using the standard %Installation scripts (look at the one for MU2 as an example)) to create all the items you want.  Ofcourse this will be based on you manually pulling the data out of dev. 

You can alternatively find the location of all the settings and write your own export.  I would suggest you ask a third party to help with this as I know many of them have these tools already.

       This is all IMHO..!