Hi All! We have a new online course that those of you who do integration work / create data transformations may be interested in: Editing Data Transformations via Code. This course is meant to build familiarity with the code behind data transformations in InterSystems products, enabling you to identify their class structures, logical elements, and more.

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Hi All! For those of you who are users of our cloud services, you may have been introduced to Health Connect Cloud. One topic within that cloud service that can be a little tricky is understanding how GitLab and the source control workflow fit seamlessly into your integration workflow in Health Connect Cloud. I recently presented a lightboard video explaining how this works, including the slightly different workflows for building interfaces via code versus building via the Management Portal UI. If you use Health Connect Cloud, let me know if this is helpful or if you have questions!

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· Oct 13, 2023
New Podcast Episode on Mirroring

Hi All! You may be interested to hear we've just released a new podcast episode all about mirroring, featuring conversations with @Chad Severtson from InterSystems and Greg King from J2. Take a listen and chime in on the conversation here if you have thoughts!

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Hi All! If you have looked into Health Connect Cloud at all, you may know that the cloud-native environment presents a few differences from traditional deployments of InterSystems integrations. If you've taken a classroom course at InterSystems, you may have used "in" and "out" folders in productions to simulate receiving and outputting HL7 messages.

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Hi All! Thought I would share our most recent podcast episode, which featured a conversation I had with Heather Capel and Chi Nguyen-Rettig of LEAD North. They talked about their journey from the beginning with InterSystems products, some of the challenges and opportunities building a team for healthcare integrations, and more.

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Hi All! For those of you who are early adopters of Health Connect Cloud, you might be interested in our latest video -- a tutorial on how to create firewall rules, as well as obtain important network addresses, in your Health Connect Cloud deployments. Let us know if you have questions or interest in learning more about Health Connect Cloud.

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· Jul 13, 2023
New Video: FHIR FAQs

Hi all! Wanted to share a recent video we created with InterSystems FHIR expert, Russ Leftwich, covering some of the most frequently asked questions with FHIR. Let us know if you have more questions for a future iteration of this!

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Hi All! Wanted to share a recent video we released, for those of you who may be getting started with InterSystems HealthShare Health Connect Cloud. This video walks through all the management tasks you can complete via the InterSystems Cloud Services Portal that you use with Health Connect Cloud. Feel free to reach out if you have questions!

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· Feb 16, 2023
New Podcast on Columnar Storage

In our latest episode of Data Points, @Brenna Quirk and I had a conversation with @Benjamin De Boe about the all-new columnar storage feature in InterSystems IRIS. Benjamin tells us a bit about what columnar storage is, why it's important for InterSystems IRIS users running analytical queries, and how you can learn more. Take a listen!

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In our latest episode of Data Points, I had a conversation with George James, CEO of George James Software, about the importance of source control and developer tools, George James Software's own solutions, and their partnership with InterSystems. Take a listen, and visit https://georgejames.com to learn more about George James Software!

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In our latest episode of Data Points, I had a conversation with @Thomas Dyar about AI Link, which helps bridge the gap between data scientists and business analysts. Our conversation talks about how AI Link fits with IntegratedML and Adaptive Analytics, as well, as what new features are on the horizon for IntegratedML. Take a listen!

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In our latest episode of Data Points, I had a conversation with Carmen Logue and Mary Ann Fusi about Adaptive Analytics and Smart Data Fabrics. A lot has changed and improved since the last time we discussed this product on the podcast, so take a listen!

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Hi All - we recently released an updated version of Configuring Alerts for Clinicians with Healthcare Action Engine. This exercise for HealthShare customers allows you to get a taste of the key features of Healthcare Action Engine, which was recently announced at Global Summit. You will build decision support that results in clinical actions in this exercise. Feel free to check it out if you are a HealthShare customer!

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Hi All! We have recently updated the Exploring Healthcare Analytics with InterSystems exercise to a new version. Originally from a 2021 Virtual Summit experience lab, this exercise now focuses more specifically on using InterSystems IRIS Adaptive Analytics with InterSystems IRIS for Health. It features a new and improved data model and exercise to explore. Feel free to give it a try!

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In our latest episode of Data Points, I had a conversation with @Michelle Spisak and @Adam Coppola about Learning Services initiatives at next week's Global Summit in Seattle. Take a listen to hear about the various things LS is taking part in, and hopefully we'll see you there!

For more information and to subscribe to the podcast, head over to https://datapoints.intersystems.com.

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In our latest episode of Data Points, I had a conversation with Senior Instructional Designer @Michelle Spisak about accessibility in Online Learning and in the tech industry as a whole. We discussed some of the ways the Online Learning team at InterSystems has improved accessibility in our learning content and some of the ways it can still be improved in the future! For more information and to subscribe to the podcast, head over to https://datapoints.intersystems.com.

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· Mar 15, 2022
NEW: Certification Podcast Episode

Hi all - we just released the second episode of Season 2 for our Data Points podcast by Learning Services. This episode features a conversation with @Shane Nowack about InterSystems certification exams. If you're interested in how exams are developed, what's new with current and future exams, and how you could get involved with beta testing or writing questions, check it out! For more information, head over to https://datapoints.intersystems.com.

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Hi all - we just released the first episode of Season 2 for our Data Points podcast by Learning Services. This episode features a conversation with @Bob Kuszewski about Embedded Python. If you're a Python developer, or if you're simply interested in the functionality, check it out! For more information, head over to https://datapoints.intersystems.com.

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· Jan 12, 2022
New Kubernetes Exercise!

Hi All! For those of you who attended experience labs at the 2021 Virtual Summit, you may recall that one of the lab sessions was around Kubernetes. We've now converted that lab to be fully on-demand. You can launch a small cluster of VMs and follow the exercise to manage your Kubernetes cluster, deploy InterSystems IRIS containers to it, and watch its self-healing nature when destroying a pod.

It's a great introduction to Kubernetes if you are interested! See here: Achieving High Availability with InterSystems IRIS and Kubernetes

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