Made some minor changes to your code and now everything works as expected.

ClassMethod ActivateSQL(customerIdAs %Status
  Quit $$$OK

ClassMethod ActivateOO(customerIdAs %Status
  Quit $$$OK

If mode=0 {
  Do $system.OBJ.DisplayError(objCust.ActivateOO(id))
else {
  Do $system.OBJ.DisplayError(objCust.ActivateSQL(id))
  Set objCust.Active = objCust.ActiveGetStored(id)


If mode=0 {
 Do $system.OBJ.DisplayError(objCust.ActivateOO(id))
else {
 Do $system.OBJ.DisplayError(objCust.ActivateSQL(id))
 Do objCust.%Reload()

Let's say you need to write a classmethod that updates a single property.

Update where: in memory or on disk?

Using SQL, you cannot update the value of a field in memory, but only on disk. On the other hand, OpenId() reads data from disk and knows nothing about the changes on disk that occurred after its call.

To avoid confusion, I would look to the side Version Checking (Alternative to Concurrency Argument) or/and <propertyname>GetStored()

I decided to try Columnar Storage (IRIS CE):

Property As %String(STORAGEDEFAULT "columnar");

When compiling a class, I get the following error:

ERROR #15804: Columnar Storage (STORAGEDEFAULT=COLUMNAR) is not available with this license

I turn to the documentation to find out what's the matter:


Override this parameter value to specify what value should be used as a null marker when a property of the type is used in a subscript of an index map. The default null marker used is -1E14, if none is specfied for the datatype. However %Library.PosixTime and %Library.BigInt datatypes could have values that collate before -1E14, and this means null values would not sort before all non-NULL values.

For beauty, I would also use the value of this parameter, for example:

Class dc.test Extends %Persistent

Property idp As dc.test;

Property idpC As %Integer(INDEXNULLMARKER "$c(0)") [ CalculatedPrivateRequiredSqlComputeCode = {{*}=$s({idp}="":$c(0),1:{idp})}, SqlComputed ];

Property Name As %String Required ];

Index iUnq On (idpC, Name) [ Unique ];

ClassMethod Test()
  &sql(insert into dc.test(Name,idp)values('n1',1)SQLCODE,! ;0
  &sql(insert into dc.test(Name,idp)values('n2',1)SQLCODE,! ;0
  &sql(insert into dc.test(Name,idp)values('n2',1)SQLCODE,!! ;-119

  &sql(insert into dc.test(Name,idp)values('n1',null)SQLCODE,! ;0
  &sql(insert into dc.test(Name,idp)values('n2',null)SQLCODE,! ;0
  &sql(insert into dc.test(Name,idp)values('n2',null)SQLCODE,!! ;-119
  zw ^dc.testD,^dc.testI



^dc.testI("iUnq",1," N1",1)=""
^dc.testI("iUnq",1," N2",2)=""
^dc.testI("iUnq",$c(0)," N1",3)=""
^dc.testI("iUnq",$c(0)," N2",4)=""


Property idpC As %Integer CalculatedPrivateRequiredSqlComputeCode = {{*}=$s({idp}="":$$$NULLSubscriptMarker,1:{idp})}, SqlComputed ];


^dc.testI("iUnq",-100000000000000," N1",3)=""
^dc.testI("iUnq",-100000000000000," N2",4)=""
^dc.testI("iUnq",1," N1",1)=""
^dc.testI("iUnq",1," N2",2)=""
Class dc.test Extends (%RegisteredObject%JSON.Adaptor)

Parameter %JSONENABLED = 1;

Property AppointmentID As %String(%JSONFIELDNAME "AppointmentID"%JSONINCLUDE "inout");
Property AppointmentType As %String(%JSONINCLUDE "inout");
Property AppointmentTypeID As %String(%JSONINCLUDE "inout");
Property Date As %String(%JSONINCLUDE "inout");
Property DepartmentID As %String(%JSONINCLUDE "inout");
Property Duration As %Integer(%JSONINCLUDE "inout");
Property PatientAppointmentTypeName As %String(%JSONINCLUDE "inout");
Property LocalProviderID As %String(%JSONINCLUDE "inout");
Property ProviderID As %String(%JSONINCLUDE "inout");
Property StartTime As %String(%JSONINCLUDE "inout");
Property Reason As %String(%JSONINCLUDE "inout");

XData AthenaAppointment
<Mapping xmlns="">
  <Property Name="AppointmentID" FieldName="appointmentid" />
  <Property Name="AppointmentType" FieldName="appointmenttype" />
  <Property Name="AppointmentTypeID" FieldName="appointmenttypeid" />
  <Property Name="Date" FieldName="date" />
  <Property Name="DepartmentID" FieldName="departmentid" />
  <Property Name="Duration" FieldName="duration" />
  <Property Name="PatientAppointmentTypeName" FieldName="patientappointmenttypename" />
  <Property Name="LocalProviderID" FieldName="localproviderid" />
  <Property Name="ProviderID" FieldName="providerid" />
  <Property Name="StartTime" FieldName="starttime" />
  <Property Name="Reason" FieldName="reasonid" />

/// d ##class(dc.test).Test()
ClassMethod Test()
  json="{""date"":""06/27/2022"",""appointmentid"":""1214525"",""departmentid"":""195"",""localproviderid"":""187"",""appointmenttype"":""NEW PATIENT 45"",""providerid"":""187"",""starttime"":""14:00"",""duration"":45,""appointmenttypeid"":""1188"",""reasonid"":""-1"",""patientappointmenttypename"":""New Patient""}"


    #dim ex As %Exception.AbstractException



+----------------- general information ---------------
|      oref value: 3
|      class name: dc.test
| reference count: 1
+----------------- attribute values ------------------
|      AppointmentID = 1214525
|    AppointmentType = "NEW PATIENT 45"
|  AppointmentTypeID = 1188
|               Date = "06/27/2022"
|       DepartmentID = 195
|           Duration = 45
|    LocalProviderID = 187
|PatientAppointmentTypeName = "New Patient"
|         ProviderID = 187
|             Reason = -1
|          StartTime = "14:00"

PS: pay special attention to the reason field: is it a string or an array of strings?

The new version of IRIS 2022.2 has a new feature Columnar Storage, about which the documentation says the following:

Choosing a storage layout is not an exact science. You might need to experiment with multiple layouts and run multiple query tests to find the optimal one.

Therefore, you are unlikely to find an exact answer to your question.

Usually, the more efficient the query is and there are "correct" indexes, the smaller the GREF and, accordingly, the shorter the execution time. But this is influenced by many factors, not just the above: see InterSystems SQL Optimization Guide

This can be done much easier, for example:

Include %occUtility

Class dc.test Extends %Persistent ClassType = persistent, ProcedureBlockSqlTableName demo ]

Property Foo As %String SqlFieldName FooBar ];

Property Bar As %Boolean;

ClassMethod Test()
  ; d ##class(dc.test).Test()
  &sql(insert into dc.demo(FooBar,Bar)values('f1',0))
  &sql(insert into dc.demo(FooBar,Bar)values('f2',1))
  &sql(insert into dc.demo(FooBar,Bar)values('f3',null))
  rs.Prepare("select * from "_tablename)
  while rs.Next() {
    i=1:1:rs.GetColumnCount() rs.GetColumnHeader(i)," = ",$$quote(rs.GetData(i))," "



ID = 1 Bar = 0 FooBar = "f1"
ID = 2 Bar = 1 FooBar = "f2"
ID = 3 Bar = "" FooBar = "f3"

Caché 5.0.21:

Class DC.DemoPropertyQuery Extends %Persistent ClassType = persistent, ProcedureBlock ]

Property Foo As %String;

Property Bar As %Boolean;

ClassMethod Benchmark()
  set Job=##CLASS(%SYSTEM.Process).%OpenId($job)
  set start $zhorolog
  set startGlobalRefs Job.GlobalReferences
  set startLines Job.LinesExecuted
  for i=1:1:1000 {
    kill properties
    do ..GetPropertiesAsQuickly(.properties)
  set endLines Job.LinesExecuted
  set endGlobalRefs Job.GlobalReferences
  write "Elapsed time (1000x): ",($zhorolog-start)," seconds; ",(endGlobalRefs-startGlobalRefs)," global references; ",(endLines-startLines)," routine lines",!
  do ..Print(.properties)
  write !

ClassMethod Print(ByRef properties)
  set key ""
  for {
    set key $order(properties(key),1,data)
    set $listbuild(type,origin) = data
    write !,"property: ",key,"; type: ",type,"; origin: ",origin

ClassMethod GetPropertiesAsQuickly(Output properties)
  // Getting properties via macro-wrapped direct global references is harder to read,
  // but is the fastest way to do it.
  set key ""
  set class = ..%ClassName(1)
  for {
    set key $$$comMemberNext(class,$$$cCLASSproperty,key)
    set type $$$comMemberKeyGet(class,$$$cCLASSproperty,key,$$$cPROPtype)
    set origin $$$comMemberKeyGet(class,$$$cCLASSproperty,key,$$$cPROPorigin)
    set properties(key) = $listbuild(type,origin)



USER>do ##class(DC.DemoPropertyQuery).Benchmark()
Elapsed time (1000x): .018047 seconds; 25003 global references; 40000 routine lines
property: %Concurrency; type: %Library.CacheString; origin: %Library.Persistent
property: %IsInSave; type: %Library.CacheString; origin: %Library.Persistent
property: Bar; type: %Library.Boolean; origin: DC.DemoPropertyQuery
property: Foo; type: %Library.String; origin: DC.DemoPropertyQuery

See $SYSTEM.SQL.SetServerInitCode() (there are differences for IRIS)

Simple example:

Class dc.test

ClassMethod Test()

  programname="blablabla.exe" {

    ;useful work

    s $EC="ERROR"
    s $ROLES="r1"


USER>d $SYSTEM.SQL.SetServerInitCode("d ##class(dc.test).Test()")

Now, when connecting from a specific program via ODBC/JDBC to namespace "USER", an error will occur. You can configure something another.

See Parent-Child Relationships and Storage


  1. Class dc.child Extends %Persistent
    Property name;
    Property parent As dc.parent;
    // Relationship parent As dc.parent [ Cardinality = parent, Inverse = child ];
    Class dc.parent Extends %Persistent
    Property name;
    // Relationship child As dc.child [ Cardinality = children, Inverse = parent ];
    ClassMethod Test()
      &sql(insert into dc.parent(namevalues('parent1'))
      &sql(insert into dc.parent(namevalues('parent2'))
      &sql(insert into dc.child(name,parentvalues('child11',1))
      &sql(insert into dc.child(name,parentvalues('child12',1))
      &sql(insert into dc.child(name,parentvalues('child21',2))
      &sql(insert into dc.child(name,parentvalues('child22',2))
      zw ^dc.parentD,^dc.childD
  2. Important: do not touch the existing Storages in both classes!!!
    Class dc.child Extends %Persistent
    Property name;
    //Property parent As dc.parent;
    Relationship parent As dc.parent Cardinality = parent, Inverse = child ];
    Storage Default
    Class dc.parent Extends %Persistent
    Property name;
    Relationship child As dc.child Cardinality = children, Inverse = parent ];
    ClassMethod Test()
    Storage Default
  3. Important: now remove Storage from dc.child class and recompile both classes. Note that now the Storage of the dc.child class has changed.

    Now the data in ^dc.childD from the previous test/step is hanging in the air and cannot be accessed via SQL

Based on the above, the answer to your question will depend on what and how exactly you changed in your classes.

PS: for simplicity, I would advise you to create a clone of your dc.child class (without Relationship) and already take the "disappeared" data from it. After linking the tables (possibly with subsequent copying of data from the old Storage to the new one), the clone with the data can be deleted.

See MultiValue Basic | Caché Alternative Exists for SOUNDEX()


Class dc.test Abstract ]

ClassMethod Test()


  &sql(select SOUNDEX('McD'into :r)

ClassMethod SOUNDEX(sAs %String Language = mvbasic, SqlName SOUNDEXSqlProc ]


