If you only need SQL access, then will be easier to create a view (CREATE VIEW), if need both, then - %CacheSQLStorage, e.g.:

Class demo.A Extends %Persistent

Property P1;

Property P2;

ClassMethod Fill()
  i=1:1:3 {

Storage Default
<Data name="ADefaultData">
  <Value name="1">
  <Value name="2">
  <Value name="3">


Class demo.B Extends %Persistent FinalStorageStrategy = Default ]

Parameter READONLY = 1;

Property P2;

Storage Default
<SQLMap name="BDefaultData">
  <Data name="P2">
  <RowIdSpec name="1">
  <Subscript name="1">



SQL Command Line Shell
The command prefix is currently set to: >.
Enter q to quit, ? for help.
USER>>select * from demo.A
1.      select * from demo.A
ID      P1      P2
1       P1_1    P2_1
2       P1_2    P2_2
3       P1_3    P2_3
3 Rows(s) Affected
statement prepare time(s)/globals/lines/disk: 0.1426s/46110/260143/45ms
          execute time(s)/globals/lines/disk: 0.0004s/16/809/0ms
                          cached query class: %sqlcq.USER.cls12
USER>>select * from demo.B
2.      select * from demo.B
ID      P2
1       P2_1
2       P2_2
3       P2_3
3 Rows(s) Affected
statement prepare time(s)/globals/lines/disk: 0.0696s/44550/243602/0ms
          execute time(s)/globals/lines/disk: 0.0002s/4/619/0ms
                          cached query class: %sqlcq.USER.cls13

Ok, exclusively for fun.

I made some improvements and now my score is 9, but if you try very hard, even - 0!
Who less ? ;)

Here is the code:

Class ITPlanet.Task2 Abstract ]

Parameter p = {$zwbunpack("㤸㜶㔴㌲㄰")};

ClassMethod main() As %String


Class ITPlanet.Test Abstract ]

ClassMethod length(
  class = {$classname()},
  method "main"As %Integer CodeMode = expression ]

ClassMethod test(makeDeploy = {$$$NO})
  ;do ##class(ITPlanet.Test).test()

  set classname="ITPlanet.Task2"
  set check=9876543210
  do:makeDeploy $system.OBJ.MakeClassDeployed(classname)
  set result=$classmethod(classname,"main")
  write !,result,!,check,
        !,"correct: ",$select(result=check:"yes",1:"no"),
        !,"length: ",..length(classname)

USER>do ##class(ITPlanet.Test).test()
correct: yes
length: 9
USER>do ##class(ITPlanet.Test).test(1)
correct: yes
length: 0

You can use the class %ZEN.proxyObject, e.g.:

Class demo.Customer Extends %RegisteredObject

Property p1 As %String;

Property p2 As %String;

Property list As %Collection.ListOfDT;

/// d ##class(demo.Customer).Test()
ClassMethod Test()
  ; Cancellation
  response.Code,":",! response.%ToJSON(,"2aelow")

  ; Customer
  !!,response.Code,":",! response.%ToJSON(,"2aelow")


  ; Appointment
  !!,response.Code,":",! response.%ToJSON(,"2aelow")


Initially the question was about alternative ways of solving the issue (in addition to recursive FileSet and $ZSEARCH).

I just proposed a third method, namely using the capabilities of the OS itself. Maybe someone here didn't know about it.

Which option at end to choose - to solve the developer.

We here vote for the best solution or in general for offered solutions?

If the first, then I'll pass.

Anything with this flag can change or be removed with no warning.

There are a few comments:

  • Let's say that the developers changed something in new versions of the DBMS. Is this a problem?

    It is enough to check Caché Recent Upgrade Checklists, where usually there is a ready list of changes that may affect existing user code, for example.

    Note that this can apply to absolutely any member of a class, and not even marked as [Internal]. Suffice it to recall the recent story with JSON support.

  • For a class does not exist flag [Internal], the warning is only on the level of comments.

    As for the other members of the class, according to the documentation this flag is for other purposes, namely:

    Internal class members are not displayed in the class documentation. This keyword is useful if you want users to see a class but not see all its members. proof
  • In any case, the final choice for developer.

Does this example need to handle this?

Correct, of course, to close the device:

#include %systemInclude

#dim cDev As %String $IO

; see "dir /?" and RunCommandViaZF()
Also, do you not worry that its an internal class?

No, since for me internal ≠ deprecated.

However, given the openness of the source code, you can make own similar method, thereby to protect yourself from possible issues in the future.