You can solve the issue "head-on", namely, to re-convert character stream using %IO.StringStream:

Class dc.test Abstract ]

ClassMethod test()

  "dump char:" zzdump char
  !!,"dump binary:" zzdump bin

  stream.CharEncoding="UTF8" ; here should be the encoding of your CSV file
  stream.CopyFrom(cs; or d stream.CopyFrom(source.Stream)


  Attention! The following code is needed to work around an error in method the SHAHashStream,
  since it expects "Rewind() As %Status", but class the %IO.StringStream uses "Rewind(Output pSC As %Status)"


  "Char (stream):",?21,$system.Encryption.Base64Encode($system.Encryption.SHAHashStream(256,cs)),!,
  "Binary (stream):",?21,$system.Encryption.Base64Encode($system.Encryption.SHAHashStream(256,bs)),!!



dump char:
0000: 0442 0435 0441 0442                                     тест
dump binary:
0000: D1 82 D0 B5 D1 81 D1 82                                 Ñ.еÑ.Ñ.
Char:                2eEII+27ZRfvbZvK4XNsx7WPDb+82DymPPOAdJ0p1SQ=
Binary:              409t7BLE9FmeugePMa6BOUINIbG9LXztfSKwnCB0+0g=
Char (stream):       2eEII+27ZRfvbZvK4XNsx7WPDb+82DymPPOAdJ0p1SQ=
Binary (stream):     409t7BLE9FmeugePMa6BOUINIbG9LXztfSKwnCB0+0g=

  #include %systemInclude
  PLIST(1)="line 1"
  PLIST(2)="multiline 1"_$$$NL_"multiline 2"

procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
line 1
multiline 1
multiline 2

Try change TranslateTable:

Class dc.test Abstract ]

ClassMethod runtests()
  ;d ##class(dc.test).runtests()

  "data: ",?15,data,!



  cstream.TranslateTable="" ;or RAW, SAME


data:          тест
Binary:        409t7BLE9FmeugePMa6BOUINIbG9LXztfSKwnCB0+0g=
Char:          2eEII+27ZRfvbZvK4XNsx7WPDb+82DymPPOAdJ0p1SQ=
Char->Binary:  409t7BLE9FmeugePMa6BOUINIbG9LXztfSKwnCB0+0g=


Keep in mind that

Characters are counted from 1.

, so instead


should be


In this case, it is uncritical, because

If the from value is 0 or a negative number, $EXTRACT returns a null string; however, if from is used with to, a from value of 0 or a negative number is treated as a value of 1.

But in other cases it can lead to the wrong result.

That would work storagetime but not at runtime.

It was just a matter of ease of accessing data using SQL. No more than.

Who knows, maybe the author just decided to use SQL to identify duplicates?

I think runtime hook disallowing duplicate inserts would be better.

I agree. But this is a completely different task and is solved in a different way.
Like this:

Property Actor As list Of packet.Actor(POPSPEC ".ActorFilter():10") [ Required ];

Method ActorFilter() As %Integer
  set actorID=$random(10)+1

  for i=1:1:$order(i%Actor(""),-1) return:actorID=$list(i%Actor(i),1) ""

  quit actorID

The author after all asked about SQL therefore I above and asked to specify that it is necessary actually.

There are a couple of comments:

  1. Instead of
    Class packet.Actor Extends (%Persistent%Populate)
      Property Name As %String Required ];
      Index NameIndex On Name [ Unique ];
      Property Age As %Integer (MAXVAL=100MINVAL=10) [ Required ];
      Index AgeIndex On Age [ Unique ];
      Property Sex As %String (DISPLAYLIST=",Woman,Man") [ Required ];


    Class packet.Actor Extends (%Persistent%Populate)
    Index NameIndex On (Name, Age) [ Unique ];
    Property Name As %Name Required ];
    Property Age As %Integer(MAXVAL 100MINVAL 10) [ Required ];
    Property Sex As %String(VALUELIST ",Woman,Man") [ Required ];

    Otherwise it will not be possible to insert two or more persons with the same age. Or do you specifically want it?

  2. Property Actor As list of packet.Actor (POPSPEC=".ActorFilter()") [Required];

    This code contradicts the documentation (Specifying the POPSPEC Parameter for List Properties):

    Leave basicspec empty if the property is a list of objects.

    However, in this case, ActorFilter() should return strictly one ID, not a collection.

  3. The data in the Actor property is stored as $lb($lb(ID1),$lb(ID2),..,$lb(IDN)), therefore, to select all records that have ID=6 in this field, you need to perform

    select * from packet.Movie where $listbuild('6') %inlist Actor

It seems to me that in your case it would be easier to do so:

Property Actor As list Of packet.Actor(STORAGEDEFAULT "array") [ Required ];

Then the query will be simplified:

select * from packet.Movie_Actor where Actor=6

Or even so

select * from packet.Movie where Movie_Actor->Actor=6

If we have a lot of votes will consider to add it.

Do we still have to vote for this?

On-my enough one moreover, that moderators (you and Dmitry) and engineers InterSystems (Eduard, Alexander, Anton, Sergey, Anastasia, Timur, etc.) - Russian-speaking.

I have one problem with it - if we introduce Russian Community, will you stop answering questions in English?)

  1. I here like writing code more than words.
  2. It will depend on who is asking.
  1. Instead of
    Property Product As %String Required ];
    Property Item As %String CalculatedSqlComputeCode = { {*}=$e({Product},1,5)}, SqlComputed ];

    it is better to use

    Property Product As %String Required ];
    Property Item As %String(MAXLEN 5) [ RequiredSqlComputeCode = { {*}=$e({Product},1,5)}, SqlComputedSqlComputeOnChange = Product ];
  2. Check on the version 2017.2 can not, but checked on 2018.1
    SELECT * FROM Portal.ProductStats ps left JOIN  Portal.ProductCacheUpdates pcu ON (pcu.Item=ps.ItemWHERE ps.Item=?
    • ExtentSize=1 (Portal.ProductStats)
      ExtentSize=1000 (Portal.ProductCacheUpdates)
      Relative cost  = 1338
      ◾Read master map Portal.ProductStats.IDKEY, looping on ID.
      ◾For each row:
       Read index map Portal.ProductCacheUpdates.pcacheUpdsProd, using the given %SQLUPPER(Item), and looping on ID.
       For each row:
       Read master map Portal.ProductCacheUpdates.IDKEY, using the given idkey value.
       Generate a row padded with NULL for table Portal.ProductCacheUpdates if no row qualified.
       Output the row.
    • ExtentSize=1000 (Portal.ProductStats)
      ExtentSize=1 (Portal.ProductCacheUpdates)
      Relative cost  = 1219.2
      ◾Read index map Portal.ProductStats.pcacheUpds, using the given %SQLUPPER(Item), and looping on ID.
      ◾For each row:
       Read master map Portal.ProductStats.IDKEY, using the given idkey value.
       Read index map Portal.ProductCacheUpdates.pcacheUpdsProd, using the given %SQLUPPER(Item), and looping on ID.
       For each row:
       Read master map Portal.ProductCacheUpdates.IDKEY, using the given idkey value.
       Generate a row padded with NULL for table Portal.ProductCacheUpdates if no row qualified.
       Output the row.

      As you can see in both cases the index pcacheUpdsProd is used.

Have you really set up the tables and cleared the cached queries so that the optimizer can start using the new statistics?

Try to do it manually in the terminal:

blablabla>d $system.SQL.TuneSchema("Portal",1), $SYSTEM.SQL.Purge(), $system.Status.DisplayError($system.OBJ.CompilePackage("Portal","cu-d"))
Class dc.test Extends %RegisteredObject

ClassMethod Run(
  w $$$FormatText("a=%1, b=%2",$g(a,"<null>"),$g(b,"<null>")),!

ClassMethod Test()

  d $classmethod(cName,mName,args...)
  d $classmethod(cName,mName,args...)

  d $classmethod(cName,mName,args...)

  d $classmethod(cName,mName,args...)



a=2019-01-01, b=1,2,3,4
a=77, b=<null>
a=<null>, b=33
a=<null>, b=<null>