· Nov 14, 2022
Image Download from URL


I'm currently struggeling with a HTTP request to a URL, which contains an jpeg image file.

Testing the request with a browser or Postman results in the image being shown normally.

Using a %Net.HttpRequest with different configurations has resulted in a corrupted file.

My code works for some URLs from other servers perfectly fine, but with some it produces corrupted file contents which do not represent a jpeg.

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First the question then the background:

Can you increase the amount of read operations that are being performed simulatiously to the hard drive where the cache.dat file is located.

Alternatively: Can you increase the amount that is being read with every operation?

The database is setup with 8k blocks of data that are being read. I'm currently struggeling with a bottleneck concerning the read operations from a disk.

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· May 25, 2022
%File Delete not Working

Hey there,

I'm writing an import Routine to read files into a global. The code is working fine except for the 'Delete' command. The files are being imported, copied but not deleted. Maybe someone has an Idea what ist happening.

I get the low level return value of -32 but i couldn't find anywhere to show me what that actually means. And my Caché version doesn't support the $ZU command.

Here's the Code

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I'm currently working on a custom version control implementation.
I'd like to show differences between a copy of a previously saved routine as a merge of the ^ROUTINE Global and the current version of that same routine.

I've found legacy Documentation for %RCMP which does the trick in the terminal but I'd like a similar result stored inside a variable.
I also want to show differences, not only see if they are the same or not.

The management portal has that exact feature, so maybe someone can direct me to the function that is being used there.

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