
I do have the problem to send mails to outlook after getting the new OAUTH2 token.

I have no problem getting the token, but after I got the token I try to send the mail thru smtp but authorization failed , please see my try to send the token thru the %Net.Authenticator mechanism %Net.SASL.XOAUTH2

Is this ok?

Or is there an other method to authenticate using the needed bearer method instead of user/pwd with the authenticator?

....code to get the token is working..

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I have a problem when starting the docker container that the collation is standard US


docker run --name iris1 -d --publish 1972:1972 --publish 52773:52773 containers.intersystems.com/intersystems/iris-community:2022. --check-caps false

After the installation I like to import existing classes and globals but it failed due to an collation error

We usually use DEUW = German3

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