Hi guys,

Does rebuilding of Data Quality Manager cubes affect patient index linkage definition data?

What I want to understand is, does DQM have any negative impact on the data each time you rebuild the cubes.

Additionally, if I make changes to the cube and rebuild it..will this have any impact on the original data?

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Hi Team

I have enabled Data Quality manager on InterSystems healthshare Patient Index and the SSN field holds south african Identity numbers on our system.

I would like to modify the rule to validate according to South African ID number and not SSN. Data quality manager classifies this South African Identity numbers as Invalid because the rule is based on SSN.

Please see the current and default SSN rule below and advise how I can go about accomplishing this task, if anyone has that rule please share how it's done.

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Hi All,

I have been given the following xml class file with objectscript code that has methods that I need for file conversions. These method implementations will do necessary conversions but I don't know how to add it to Iris studio and run it as a task or maybe if it must be put on any location and call each method from the terminal and even if so how do I then call it.

Please advise how to go about this.

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Hi All,

When I log into Backup mirror member it becomes too slow to load and navigate, I tried to check message log and I saw the error message about Database mirror latency and database disk issue which when I check it looks fine to me. Please have a look at the below screenshots and advise what the issue could be.

When I run df -h through SSH :

200G is the volume size, 194G is used space, 6.5G is available space and 97% IS %Use

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Hi all

We are looking into automating worklist report SQL queries that we run manually on InterSystems IRIS platform but we would like to have them run on a Java application.

This means we must have a way to get our java application to talk to IRIS in order for those queries to run. Please advise on how to go about this?


Ephraim Malane

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