Question Vivian Lee · Sep 13, 2024 Iterate over array of namespaces How do you iterate over the array of namespaces returned in the result byref from the call below? DO ##class(%SYS.Namespace).ListAll(.result) Running "zw result" displays the namespaces (as individual subscripts in result) in the Terminal but I want to be able to programmatically iterate through each namespace name. #InterSystems IRIS 1 4 1 138
Announcement Vivian Lee · Mar 11, 2024 CCR Table Can Now Be Filtered by Multiple Conditions Now users can filter the CCR table by multiple conditions for the CCR tables displayed on the home page and the CCR tab of the System Details page. Previously users were only able to filter the rows by one condition at a time. This made it cumbersome for users to quickly find CCRs that they knew met multiple conditions, as they would have to choose the condition that would produce the least number of results for them to then manually filter through. #CCR #Other 1 1 1 154
Question Vivian Lee · Jul 7, 2023 %CONTAINS doesn't work with "time" string Is "time" a reserved word in the %CONTAINS function? When I run the following SQL query, I get 0 matching results SELECT ID, text FROM Test.Sentence WHERE text %CONTAINS('time') OR text %CONTAINS('time ') OR text %CONTAINS(' time') However, when I run a query where the search string contains words other than "time" alone, it returns the expected matching results #SQL #InterSystems IRIS 1 7 1 360
Article Vivian Lee · Feb 27, 2023 4m read Accessing Properties of a Relationship in a JSON-enabled Persistent Class Setting the Scene Suppose you have the following 2 persistent classes that are both JSON-enabled (i.e. extends %JSON.Adaptor or #JSON #REST API #InterSystems IRIS 5 0 0 274
Question Vivian Lee · Dec 20, 2021 Having trouble sending an HTTP POST request with form-data from Angular app to Cache backend I'm trying to send an HTTP POST request with form-data from an Angular app to a Cache backend, but my request fails with a 406 Not Acceptable error. #REST API #Caché 1 2 0 15.8K
Article Vivian Lee · Dec 15, 2021 3m read The Perils of Modifying the Storage Definition Setting the Scene I was editing the properties of a persistent ObjectScript class the other day and noticed that the storage definition wasn't updating to reflect my latest changes. In this case, I deleted a property that was no longer needed from the class definition, saved, recompiled, and still saw it in the storage definition. #Object Data Model #ObjectScript #Caché 12 7 4 780
Question Vivian Lee · Nov 18, 2021 Create Calculated Property in Persistent Class based on Relationship Hi Dev Community, I have a persistent Document class that has a FileName string property and another Question class that has an optional one-to-many relationship with Document. I'm trying to add a SqlComputed property to the Question class (docFileName) where docFileName = Document.FileName if there is a related Document or an empty string if there isn't one. I'd prefer the property to be SqlComputed so that if Question.Document changes, Question.docFileName will automatically update. #ObjectScript #SQL #InterSystems IRIS 0 12 0 537