Question Shane Elliott · Nov 24, 2022 Cannot log into the container registry IS anyone else having issues logging into the container registry? I log in and it just says logging in and hangs? #Docker #InterSystems IRIS 0 1 0 251
Question Shane Elliott · Oct 17, 2022 Iris Docker 2020: Invalid ownership for ./irisdb I have installed Iris in Docker container with the above version. I need to create an additional user to log in via ssh. I have created a user and put in both the irisuser and irisowner groups, and created a user in iris with permissions. But, when I run "iris session iris" I originally got an error about permissions: /usr/irissys/bin/irisdb: Permission denied.I looked @ the /usr/irisys directory and the permissions was only (r-x------). I changed to (dr-xr-xr-x.)and now I get a different error:Invalid ownership for ./irisdbAny suggestions? #Docker #InterSystems IRIS 0 8 0 443
Question Shane Elliott · Mar 30, 2022 IRIS Docker Image Timezone I am working on a setup using the iris docker image (iris:2020.4.0.547.0). I need the timezone to be a different timezone than the host. Is there a way to do that by passing in an options / variable? #Docker #InterSystems IRIS 0 2 0 281