Hey Thembelani.

You have a few options you can go for depending on what formats you are attempting to convert from.

You could look at something like using pandoc via the command line (as in, building an operation that does the command line calling, and then creating a set of request/response classes to call from a Process in your IRIS instance), or with with Python becoming more popular in IRIS, you could look what packages are available for doing what you're looking to do.

You could also look at libreoffice from the command line, but I found that headless libreoffice was a fair bit slower when running on Windows vs linux, so you may not get a lot of use with this approach depending on what you're running on.

What environment did you run the installer on?

If Windows, did you have IIS enabled before running the installer?

I had some oddities when attempting to install a version that no longer includes the PWS (including a few self inflicted), and found that the best method was to:

  1. Enable IIS
  2. Run the installer (making sure to select the option to "Configure local IIS web server for this instance" when the installer prompts)
  3. check the default site in IIS to make sure it's got all the "sites" required (api,csp,etc).
  4. Restart the "Default web site" in IIS
  5. Navigate to http://hostname/csp/bin/Systems/Module.cxw per ludwig's reply below, logging in with the password you set during install along with the username "CSPSystem"
  6. Attempt the test via "Test Server Connection"
    1. If that fails, go to "Server Access" select the instance and edit server, and make sure that the config has the Username/password set there as well before retesting.

2025 edit:

For instances where VSS can be utilised, the above scripts are no longer required and instead this entire setup can be replaced with the following steps:

  1. Set  EnableVSSBackup = 1 in iris.cpf or via the management portal
  2. Enable the vSphere snapshot option "Quiesce guest file system"

This is based on information found in the documentation here which towards the bottom reads:

InterSystems IRIS supports the Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS) on Windows by acting as a writer on behalf of its databases. Copies of InterSystems IRIS databases included in a VSS shadow are physically consistent, although not logically consistent with respect to transactions, and therefore may be restored individually. To ensure the transactional integrity of these restored databases, journal files should also be restored. Only databases that are mounted at the time of VSS shadow creation are included in the VSS shadow.

The VSS writer for InterSystems IRIS can be started only by an administrator.

On Windows systems, EnableVSSBackup parameter in the iris.cpf file is set to 1 (enabled) by default. At InterSystems IRIS startup, the message “InterSystems IRIS VSS Writer started” is written to the messages log. When you create a VSS shadow copy, InterSystems IRIS automatically calls Backup.General.ExternalFreeze()Opens in a new tab and Backup.General.ExternalThaw()Opens in a new tab, as indicated by messages in the messages log.


If you use VSS, make to use vSphere snapshot option Quiesce guest file system. This option invokes calls the VSS callbacks, which will freeze the database before the snapshot and thaw the database after the snapshot. The messages log will show VSS Writer: OnFreeze and VSS Writer: OnThaw.

In contrast, without this option, vSphere performs only a memory snapshot and the messages log does not contain these messages.

The values you are trying to replace are HL7 escape characters, so I would start with swapping your nested ReplaceStr()'s with:


So it looks like:

More info can be found here: https://docs.intersystems.com/latest/csp/docbook/DocBook.UI.Page.cls?KEY=EHL72_escape_sequences

There are a few options you could go for here. One would be to have your DTL go from your HL7 Message to Ens.StreamContainer, and then use a code block in your DTL to create and write the stream to store in the stream container.

Something like:

    Set stream = ##class(%Stream.GlobalBinary).%New()
    Do stream.Write(yourTextString)
    set streamContainer=##class(Ens.StreamContainer).%New(stream)

(Above is untested, and you may need to set other values within the container.)

You can then use the operation class EnsLib.File.PassthroughOperation to then write the file out to your desired location.

Hey Enrico.

The value of KeepIntegrity is set to True. I don't believe we have ever run the purge without including message bodies, but it's a non-production environment so stranger things have happened.

However, I did also just try running ##class(EnsLib.HL7.Message).Purge() in our production environment with the settings matching the retention period there, and it ran for a period, freed up around 5gb and then failed over to the other mirror as running the method consumed all of the ram on the box 😅

This namespace has been around for a long time (started life at around caché/ensemble 2014) and has likely accumulated a lot of baggage. I had a similar problem when trying to run Ensemble Orphaned Messages Purge Routine 

Hey David.

Your solution has caught my attention. What led you to this?

I have just run this against a non-production namespace that had a 30 day retention period and was sat at around 6GB. Running this command with the "pDaysToKeep" parameter set to 30 days has managed to free up 5GB and deleted 92158 messages, where I would have expected to have not deleted anything given the retention period for the purge task and the running of this method were the same.

My approach would be to make use of the OAuth 2.0 Client configuration via the Management Portal.

You can configure the Issuer Endpoint here, as well as add the details of the Client, Secret, etc.

To then make use of this configuration within an Operation, you can then do something like this:

Method AuthoriseMe(Output AccessToken As %String) As %Status
 //Set basic parameters
 Set tSC = $$$OK
 Set myscopes = "profile"
 Set clientName = ..Client
 Set AccessToken = ""
 //Check to see if client is already authenticated
 Set isAuth=##class(%SYS.OAuth2.AccessToken).IsAuthorized(clientName,,myscopes,.accessToken,.idtoken,.responseProperties,.error)

 //If we're not authorised already, we need to authorise ourselves.
 If isAuth=0{
   //Not Authenticated - authenticate client
   //Quit on error is used here as, if we're unable to get the token 
 Set AccessToken = accessToken
 Quit tSC

Where ..Client is in the code snippet, the value of this will need to match the name of the client as configured in the management portal.

Hey Brad.

Apologies, I'm not entirely sure why I typed unicode in full upper-case when that's not present in the helper dialog or the drop down.

How confident are you that what you're receiving is actually unicode?

The adapter by default will look at what's in MSH:18 and will only use the selection in the adapter setting if this is blank in the message.

Firstly, try setting this to "!latin1" (without the quotes) to force it to operate as latin1 as per the support info for DefCharEncoding:

Putting ! before the encoding name will force the use of the named encoding and will ignore any value found in MSH:18.

If that fails, I'd then cycle through the other options starting with "!utf-8" and then one of the variants of Unicode available when using the drop down

Be careful - there are some overlaps when it comes to come encodings where things look fine until certain symbols come into play, at which point you end up with some interesting outputs. 

Hey Brad.

The adapter has two sets of options here which can lead to confusion. We first have the charset for the adapter for the File adapter elements, and then the Default Char Encoding for the HL7 adapter elements.

As a starting point, I would try changing the Charset setting to Binary, and then setting the DefCharEncoding to UNICODE to match what is in your header.

So to do what you're trying to do in your DTL, add in a code block and paste in the following:

  Set CHUNKSIZE = 2097144
  Set outputStream=##class(%Stream.TmpCharacter).%New()
  Do source.EncodedPdf.Rewind()
  While ('source.EncodedPdf.AtEnd) {
    Set tReadLen=CHUNKSIZE
    Set tChunk=source.EncodedPdf.Read(.tReadLen)
    Do outputStream.Write($SYSTEM.Encryption.Base64Encode(tChunk,1))
  Do outputStream.Rewind()
  Set Status = target.StoreFieldStreamRaw(outputStream,"OBXgrp(1).OBX:5.5")

Yours is almost doing the same thing but, as Enrico points out with your code sample, you have the "Set tSC = tStream.Write($C(10))" line adding in the line breaks whereas my example has this excluded.

Separately, as alluded to by Scott, when adding the base 64 encoded PDF stream to the HL7, you'll want to use the StoreFieldStreamRaw method for the HL7. Trying to do a traditional set with a .Read() risks the input being truncated.