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Member since Nov 11, 2020

I'm not sure if it's related, but my colleagues and I all notice random performance issues with the management portal when accessing our non-production environment that's using IIS.

It was deployed to our non-production environment for similar experimentation reasons, but I never took it further due to these issues (and it dropped from my radar due to still being on 2022.1.2 with no immediate pressures to upgrade)

I need to upgrade the version of web gateway following a recent email from Intersystems, so I'm going to run that now and then reboot the machine and see if I see any changes.

Beyond that, I'm going to be following this discussion closely to see if our issues are related and if there is a solution.

Hi Mary.

If you did want to create your own method to do this, you could do something like this:

Class Demo.StopThings

/// Stops all services in the specified production
ClassMethod StopAllServices(ProductionName As %String) As %Status
    Set sc = $$$OK, currService=""
    Set rs = ##class(Ens.Config.Production).EnumerateConfigItemsFunc(ProductionName, 1)
    While rs.%Next() {
        Set currService = rs.Get("ConfigName")
        Write "Stopping the following service: "_currService_"..."
        Set tSC = ##class(Ens.Director).EnableConfigItem(currService, 0)
        If tSC = $$$OK{Write "Complete!",!}
        Else{Write "Failed",!}
    Return sc


And then you could call it from terminal from relevant namespace by running:

Set Status = ##class(Demo.StopThings).StopAllServices("Insert.ProductionName.Here")

To use the same code for Operations, change the 1 to a 3 in the call to "EnumerateConfigItemsFunc" (and swap out the bits that say service for operation).

The above is some quick and dirty code to demonstrate the approach you could go for, but you may want to add in some error handling etc to make things more robust given your usecase.

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