go to post Scott Roth · Oct 4, 2022 Linked Tables, Views, and Stored Procedures all use the JDBC Gateway (JDBC_Default) at the server level. While this article is nice to explain how to setup individual connections, how do you troubleshoot the Default connection at the server level to ensure your Linked Tables, Views, and Stored Procedures stay connected. I have opened a WRC ticket because I am finding the Management Portal -> JDBC Gateway page unresponsive to get into, update, or restart the service. Do you have any helpful hints?
go to post Scott Roth · Sep 30, 2022 I was unable to get the container/image to run with podman compose as I was getting OCI Image Format warnings. So while investigating I saw a suggestion to use buildah to first build and format the image to use with podman. However I keep running into issues still with "SHELL is not supported for OCI image format, [/bin/bash -c] will be ignored. Must use 'docker' format. HEALTHCHECK is not supported for OCI image format..." Has anyone gotten this to work using podman or buildah instead of docker? I don't have docker available to my RHEL8 environment. Thanks Scott
go to post Scott Roth · Sep 28, 2022 I have to agree with @Irène Mykhailova, its the same for me as well. Tough Problems, and Finding Solutions.
go to post Scott Roth · Sep 21, 2022 Can someone help me out with the gen-certificates.sh? I have the CA_server.cer from our CA, and I need to just generate the key and csr files so I can submit them to get the cer signed by CA. I tried removing some of the script, but could someone help me change the gen-certificates.sh so this can be done?
go to post Scott Roth · Sep 21, 2022 What if we just want to run this daily? Should we just specify Start Time of 00:00 and End Time of 23:59? Would the class file run for the entire day then?
go to post Scott Roth · Sep 16, 2022 In "ExecuteCode" do you have to specify the "do ##class....." or can you just enter "##class...."
go to post Scott Roth · Aug 29, 2022 I had originally tried to setup a web server outside of docker, but forgot to write down my steps. Instead of building a stand alone web server, I figured this might be a better option. Can someone help me understand the process if I don't want to use a self signed CA certificate? I have downloaded the organization CA certificate but I can't remember what I need to do next to generate and register the key with the organization so I can implement it on our docker session for the web server. Please and thanks.
go to post Scott Roth · Aug 29, 2022 Yeah I figured that out. I am just not sure how to incorporate the data just yet.
go to post Scott Roth · Aug 25, 2022 Can you explain "Keep in mind that if there are self-signed certificates, web browsers will show security alerts. Obviously, if you have a certificate delivered by a certified authority, you can use it instead of a self-signed one (especially for the Apache server certificate)." a little bit further? Would I send the .key to my organization to get a CA signed cer file back? Which file should I replace once I receive my CA signed certificate from my organization?
go to post Scott Roth · Aug 23, 2022 Is there any benefit to just using Prometheus/Grafana vs using the SAM?
go to post Scott Roth · Aug 23, 2022 I was looking to connect to the SAM container to add code for custom metrics to SAM for our group. If it isn't a suggested path I could always create the code locally and move it over to the SAM container.
go to post Scott Roth · Aug 22, 2022 Is there a magic trick to get it to work with VS Code as well? I have configured all the security settings and I am getting a "Forbidden" error when trying to access it via VS Code?
go to post Scott Roth · Aug 22, 2022 What if I only want to run the metric once a day? I don't know how much of a performance hit it will be to keep on having these queries run every 5 min or so.
go to post Scott Roth · Aug 19, 2022 I was able to get it to work once I added the command statement. Thanks.
go to post Scott Roth · Aug 19, 2022 writing status to file: /home/irisowner/irissys/iscagent.statusReading configuration from file: /home/irisowner/irissys/iscagent.confISCAgent[15]: StartingISCAgent[19]: Starting ApplicationServer on *:2188[ERROR] Required Linux capability cap_setuid is missing.[ERROR] Required Linux capability cap_dac_override is missing.[ERROR] Required Linux capability cap_fowner is missing.[ERROR] Required Linux capability cap_setgid is missing.[ERROR] Required Linux capability cap_kill is missing. I found this link that references the error. I will make the changes to the docker-compose.yml
go to post Scott Roth · Aug 18, 2022 Alex can you explain a bit more on how >set tSC=##class(UnitTest.Test.DTL.TestTrans.TransformSource2).AddTestFromMessageBody("EnsLib.HL7.Message",1218511,1,.sourceXdataName,.targetXdataName) is suppose to work? I tried the message above with the 1218515 message ID and got a syntax error. DEVCLIN>set tSC=##class(UnitTest.Test.DTL.TestTrans.TransformSource2).AddTestFromMessageBody("EnsLib.HL7.Message",1218515,1,.sourceXdataName,.targetXdataName) SET tSC=##CLASS(UnitTest.Test.DTL.TestTrans.TransformSource2).AddTestFromMessage^Body("EnsLib.HL7.Message",1218515,1,.sourceXdataName,.targetXdataName)<CLASS DOES NOT EXIST> *UnitTest.Test.DTL.TestTrans.TransformSource2
go to post Scott Roth · Aug 17, 2022 I tried install csvgen and got ERROR! 'csvgen' not found in any repository. Anyone else having this issue? IRIS for Windows (x86-64) 2022.1 (Build 209U) Tue May 31 2022 12:16:40 EDT