I have seen this on both...  HealthShare Health Connect

IRIS for Windows (x86-64) 2022.1 (Build 209U) Tue May 31 2022 12:16:40 EDT

IRIS for UNIX (Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 for x86-64) 2022.1 (Build 209U) Tue May 31 2022 12:13:24 EDT

using the link from https://pm.community.intersystems.com/packages/zpm/latest/installer


%SYS> zpm 0.5.0
https://pm.community.intersystems.com - 1.0.6

When I try to install webterminal, I am getting the following...

IRIS for Windows (x86-64) 2022.1 (Build 209U) Tue May 31 2022 12:16:40 EDT

zpm:USER>install webterminal
[USER|webterminal]      Reload START (C:\InterSystems\HealthConnect_2022_1\mgr\.modules\USER\webterminal\4.9.2\)
[USER|webterminal]      Reload SUCCESS
[webterminal]   Module object refreshed.
[USER|webterminal]      Validate START
[USER|webterminal]      Validate SUCCESS
[USER|webterminal]      Compile START
Installing WebTerminal application to USER
Creating WEB application "/terminal"...
WEB application "/terminal" is created.
Assigning role %DB_CACHESYS to a web application; resulting roles: :%DB_CACHESYS:%DB_USER
Creating WEB application "/terminalsocket"...
WEB application "/terminalsocket" is created.
ERROR #879: Target role %DB_CACHESYS does not exist.
[webterminal]   Compile FAILURE
ERROR! Target role %DB_CACHESYS does not exist.
  > ERROR #5090: An error has occurred while creating projection WebTerminal.Installer:Reference.

Since I increased the Heap size it appears that another problem has shown up that I didn't realize we had. The JVM is spawning multiple instances but never closing them out. Is there a way to force close the number of java sessions open? I thought if we used JDBC the connections would be closed instead of spawning additional sessions. Does anyone have a JVM (JDBC Gateway) guide to the settings that should be set?

We have put our upgrade on pause right now due to constraints, but will be starting it back up and hopefully upgrading by March.

What InterSystems products + versions are you running? ($zv is ideal.) We are currently running HealthShare Health Connect 2018.1.3

Cache for UNIX (IBM AIX for System Power System-64) 2018.1.3 (Build 414U) Mon Oct 28 2019 11:24:02 EDT

What makes you decide to upgrade? Push to move away from AIX and more towards Red Hat for costs, support, additional enhancements and options available to us in IRIS vs 2018.1.3

What are your blockers to upgrading? New network/security policies, new hardware, new OS

What is your process for evaluating and planning a possible upgrade? 

  • What is the benefit to upgrade
  • What does the new version offer and benefits to the Medical Center
  • Where is the Medical Center going
  • What new requirements/policies do we need to address
  • What is the EOL/EOS for the version we are on

What documentation resources do you use? Release notes, installation requirements and guide

What gaps/issues do you see in our existing documentation around upgrades? While the release notes is nice, but more explanation of what is changing, screen shots, etc...

What would make your InterSystems software upgrade process better?

  • Lessons Learned Guide to Upgrades
  • What we should be on the lookout for
  • Notes on the individual changes to be worked
  • Dedicated InterSystems contact that could help with any questions or guide us on the upgrade.

I have modified docker-compose.yml to include command: --check-caps false without any luck

[root@int-lxiris-vd02 docker-webgateway-sample]# more docker-compose.yml
version: '3.6'

    image: tls-ssl-webgateway
    command: --check-caps false
    container_name: tls-ssl-webgateway
      context: .
      dockerfile: Dockerfile
      # change the local port already used on your system.
      - "80:80"
      - "443:443"
      - IRIS_HOST=
      - IRIS_PORT=1972
      # Replace by the list of ip address allowed to open the CSP system manager
      # https://localhost/csp/bin/Systems/Module.cxw
      # the list of web apps
      # /csp allow to the webgateway to redirect all request starting by /csp to the iris instance
      # You can specify a list separate by a space : "IRIS_WEBAPPS=/csp/sys /api /isc /swagger-ui"
      - "IRIS_WEBAPPS=/csp/sys"
      # Mount certificates files.
      - ./certificates/webgateway_client.cer:/opt/webgateway/bin/webgateway_client.cer
      - ./certificates/webgateway_client.key:/opt/webgateway/bin/webgateway_client.key
      - ./certificates/CA_Server.cer:/opt/webgateway/bin/CA_Server.cer
      - ~/webgateway-apache-certificates/apache_webgateway.cer:/etc/apache2/certificate/apache_webgateway.cer
      - ~/webgateway-apache-certificates/apache_webgateway.key:/etc/apache2/certificate/apache_webgateway.key
    hostname: webgateway
    command: ["--ssl"]

    image: intersystemsdc/iris-community:latest
    command: --check-caps false
    container_name: tls-ssl-iris
      - ./iris-config-files:/opt/config-files
      # Mount certificates files.
      - ./certificates/CA_Server.cer:/usr/irissys/mgr/CA_Server.cer
      - ./certificates/iris_server.cer:/usr/irissys/mgr/iris_server.cer
      - ./certificates/iris_server.key:/usr/irissys/mgr/iris_server.key
    hostname: iris
    # Load the IRIS configuration file ./iris-config-files/iris-config.json
    command: ["-a","sh /opt/config-files/configureIris.sh"]

      driver: default
        - subnet: ""

When IRIS goes to start as part of the script I am seeing the following errors... 

[iris]       | [ERROR] Required Linux capability cap_setuid is missing.
[iris]       | [ERROR] Required Linux capability cap_dac_override is missing.
[iris]       | [ERROR] Required Linux capability cap_fowner is missing.
[iris]       | [ERROR] Required Linux capability cap_setgid is missing.
[iris]       | [ERROR] Required Linux capability cap_kill is missing.
[iris]       | [FATAL] Your IRIS container is missing one or more required Linux capabilities.

I didn't have this issue with the SAM docker file, what could be missing??

What are the network sections within the docker-compose.yml used for? Do we have to change the ipv4_address for our needs? What should the ipv4_adress be set to? Should it be the local address of the server we are running it on? I keep running into issues when I attempt to run it and receive "RuntimeError: missing networks: app_net". I have been struggling with this for weeks now, and would like some insight on getting this to work as it is preconfigured instead of having to install and setup the webgateway on my own.