I tried the line on my local windows IRIS install and I am getting the following error...

ERROR #5002: ObjectScript error: <METHOD DOES NOT EXIST>zGetInstallerProperties+11^%ZPM.PackageManager.Developer.Utils.1 *%GetData,%SQL.StatementResult
  > ERROR #5574: Error reported while running generator for parameter '%ZPM.PackageManager.Developer.Processor.CSPApplication:ATTRIBUTES'
    > ERROR #5030: An error occurred while compiling class '%ZPM.PackageManager.Developer.Processor.CSPApplication'
Detected 1 errors during load.
2022-06-30 14:58:21 0 %ZPM.Installer: ERROR #5002: ObjectScript error: <METHOD DOES NOT EXIST>zGetInstallerProperties+11^%ZPM.PackageManager.Developer.Utils.1 *%GetData,%SQL.StatementResult
  > ERROR #5574: Error reported while running generator for parameter '%ZPM.PackageManager.Developer.Processor.CSPApplication:ATTRIBUTES'
    > ERROR #5030: An error occurred while compiling class '%ZPM.PackageManager.Developer.Processor.CSPApplication'
2022-06-30 14:58:21 0 %ZPM.Installer: Installation failed at 2022-06-30 14:58:21
2022-06-30 14:58:21 0 %Installer: Elapsed time 10.222858s
Time spent 10.295294
ERROR #5002: ObjectScript error: <METHOD DOES NOT EXIST>zGetInstallerProperties+11^%ZPM.PackageManager.Developer.Utils.1 *%GetData,%SQL.StatementResult
  > ERROR #5574: Error reported while running generator for parameter '%ZPM.PackageManager.Developer.Processor.CSPApplication:ATTRIBUTES'
    > ERROR #5030: An error occurred while compiling class '%ZPM.PackageManager.Developer.Processor.CSPApplication'
      > ERROR #5090: An error has occurred while creating projection %ZPM.Installer:Reference.
Detected 1 errors during load.

Yes, I was able to create separate roles, and copy the existing Data Lookup pages, locking the users down to only being able to access that particular page for their lookup tables. There are two class files that would need to be created. 

1. Filter Dialog if you want to limit the users down to their particular tables.

2. A copy of EnsPortal.LookupSettings - which will limit users ability to get to other places within Ensemble. 

I haven't tested this in IRIS just yet as we are in the process of moving to IRIS.

Thanks that helped a  lot. However I am seeing when I make a call to send the HL7 message to an operation, the callresponse is coming back NULL. Is there a way to send the message but make the process think we don't need a response back?

Can you show me a screen shot of what you mean by

"Routing rules that are called synchronous respond with a "NULL" message when the Response From parameter is empty.

The fix was to set the Response From parameter e.g. to "*" - the first response received will be the one returned"

In reviewing everything within the Business Process, I finally found that in my CALL requests that the response actions were not always filled in. So I am working through those now.

However I am seeing something weird with when a Router sends to the Business Process. Do I need to do something in the Business Process to send a response back to the Router?

1. I would stay away from Modifying the current EnsLib.HL7.SearchTable if at all necessary. Modifying the source code could lead to consequences down the road, especially when you upgrade it might get overwritten. What I did was that I copied the existing code and modified it for our use. That way we can add and remove fields anytime we want.

Class osuwmc.HL7SearchTable Extends (%Persistent, Ens.VDoc.SearchTable) [ ClassType = persistent, CompileAfter = EnsLib.HL7.Message, Inheritance = right, ProcedureBlock, System = 4 ]


Parameter DOCCLASS = "EnsLib.HL7.Message";

Parameter EXTENTSIZE = 4000000;

/* Re-declare indices because the superclass is abstract */

Index indexValue On (PropId, PropValue, DocId) [ IdKey, Unique ];

Index indexDocId On (DocId, PropId, PropValue) [ Unique ];

XData SearchSpec [ XMLNamespace = "http://www.intersystems.com/EnsSearchTable" ]



<Item DocType=""  PropName="MSHTypeName" Unselective="true">{1:9.1}_"_"_{1:9.2}</Item>

<Item DocType=""  PropName="MSHControlID" PropType='String:CaseSensitive' >{1:10}</Item>

<Item DocType=""  PropName="PatientID"   >[PID:2.1]</Item>

<Item DocType=""  PropName="PatientID"   >[PID:3().1]</Item>

<Item DocType=""  PropName="PatientID"   >[PID:4().1]</Item>

<Item DocType=""  PropName="PatientName" >[PID:5()]</Item>

<Item DocType=""  PropName="PatientAcct" >[PID:18.1]</Item>

<Item DocType=""  PropName="Order#"      >[ORC:2.1]</Item>

<Item DocType=""  PropName="Order#"      >[SCH:26.1]</Item>

<Item DocType=""  PropName="Order#"      >[ZOR:1]</Item>

<Item DocType=""  PropName="Accession#"  >[ORC:3.1]</Item>

<Item DocType=""  PropName="SIUVisitType">[AIS():3.1]</Item>

<Item DocType=""  PropName="SIUProvider#">[AIP():3.1]</Item>



Storage Default


<Data name="HL7SearchTableDefaultData">

<Value name="1">













Yeah tracking down the messages is the hardest part in trying to figure out what is causing it. I am trying to hunt down the problems by using the TimeCreated from EnsLib.HL7.Message and looking for messages around the timeframe of the message in question. 

Others have told us that a message always needs to go somewhere, so does that mean if we use a "WHEN" statement within a Router that we should use OTHERWISE too if the message hits the rule but it is not used?

I am not sure I am following what you are trying to do. In my experience with calling stored procs from an external SQL database, I have always returned a RETURN value to tell me if the procedure executed successfully.

I have done a few cases that MS SQL Server assigned a Identity value after the stored procedure executed. In that case I define the output as Output pResponse As EnsLib.SQL.Snapshot within the Method definition, then I will return/loop through the EnsLib.SQL.Snapshot within the Business Process to get the value I need.

Method FetchHospitalEntityKSp(pRequest As osuwmc.CPD.DataStructures.FetchHospitalEntityK, Output pResponse As EnsLib.SQL.Snapshot) As %Status


    set SPQuery = "{ ?= call CPD.dbo.usp_Interfaces_Fetch_HospitalEntityK_Ens(?) }"


    s parm=2

    s parm(1,"SqlType")=$$$SQLVARCHAR

    s parm(1,"IOTypes")=$$$SQLPARAMOUTPUT


    s parm(2)=pRequest.Entity

    s parm(2,"SqlType")=$$$SQLVARCHAR

    s parm(2,"IOTypes")=$$$SQLPARAMINPUT


    set tSC = ..Adapter.ExecuteProcedureParmArray(.FetchEntities,.outputs,SPQuery,"oi",.parm)


    if tSC = 1


        set pResponse = FetchEntities.GetAt(1)



    quit tSC


If the Stored Procedure is just returning a RETURN statement then you should not need to define it in tQuery. So I am imagining that it would look something like this... If you are returning something other than just the RETURN statement from the Stored Procedure it will be a little different.

               set arrParam = 2
               //for input and output parameter
               set arrParam(1,"IOType") = 2
               set arrParam(1,"SqlType") = $$$SqlLongVarchar
               //for input parameter
               set arrParam(2)= Message
               set arrParam(2,"SqlType") = $$$SqlLongVarchar
               set arrParam(2,"CType") = $$$SqlWChar
               set arrParam(2,"IOType") = 1
               set arrParam(2,"Prec") = 8000
               set arrParam(2,"LOB") = 1
               set arrParam(2,"UseLOBLen")= 1
               set arrParam(2,"SqlTypeName") = "TEXT"    

  Set tQuery="{?=call dbo.sp_insertMessage(?) }"
   Set tSC = ..Adapter.ExecuteProcedureParmArray(.InsertMessage,.tOutParams,tQuery,"oi",.arrParam)

I generated the Key and CSR from openssl on the Red Hat server. I sent the CSR to our server folks for them to generate the Cert. 

SSL/TLS configuration: %SuperServer
02/28/22-14:48:42:680 (770636) 0 [Generic.Event]
TLS enabled versions, minimum: 16, maximum: 32
02/28/22-14:48:42:680 (770636) 0 [Generic.Event]
Cipher list for TLSv1.2 and below: ALL:!aNULL:!eNULL:!EXP:!SSLv2
02/28/22-14:48:42:680 (770636) 0 [Generic.Event]
Ciphersuites for TLSv1.3: TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384:TLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256:TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256
02/28/22-14:48:42:680 (770636) 0 [Generic.Event]
Certificate file: /etc/pki/tls/certs/ssl_vd01.crt
02/28/22-14:48:42:680 (770636) 0 [Generic.Event]
Private key file: /etc/pki/tls/private/ssl_vd01.key
02/28/22-14:48:42:681 (770636) 0 [Generic.Event]
error:06065064:digital envelope routines:EVP_DecryptFinal_ex:bad decrypt
02/28/22-14:48:42:681 (770636) 0 [Generic.Event]
error:23077074:PKCS12 routines:PKCS12_pbe_crypt:pkcs12 cipherfinal error
02/28/22-14:48:42:681 (770636) 0 [Generic.Event]
error:2306A075:PKCS12 routines:PKCS12_item_decrypt_d2i:pkcs12 pbe crypt error
02/28/22-14:48:42:681 (770636) 0 [Generic.Event]
error:0907B00D:PEM routines:PEM_read_bio_PrivateKey:ASN1 lib
02/28/22-14:48:42:681 (770636) 0 [Generic.Event]
error:140B3009:SSL routines:SSL_CTX_use_RSAPrivateKey_file:PEM lib
02/28/22-14:49:02:170 (770555) 0 [Utility.Event] REDEBUG: new netdebugflags FF
02/28/22-18:01:15:093 (759932) 1 [Utility.Event] [SYSTEM MONITOR] DBLatency(/ensemble/DEV/mgr/iristemp/) Warning: DBLatency = 2075.368 ( Warnvalue is 1000).
02/28/22-18:11:45:685 (759932) 0 [Utility.Event] [SYSTEM MONITOR] DBLatency(/ensemble/DEV/

So it sounds like the Key and CSR/Cert wasn't generated correctly.