With some help from a fellow DC member, I wrote the method below. Its intent is to support auto-resolution of managed alerts:

/// Returns the connection status ("AdapterState") of the Business Service or Operation
/// named in <var>pItemName</var>
ClassMethod GetConnectionStatus(pItemName As %String) As %String [ Language = objectscript ]
    Set tStatement = ##class(%SQL.Statement).%New()
    Set tStatus = tStatement.%PrepareClassQuery("Ens.Util.Statistics","EnumerateJobStatus")
    If $$$ISERR(tStatus)
        Return "Error in Status Query: "_$system.Status.GetErrorText(tStatus)
    Set tRS = tStatement.%Execute(pItemName)
    If tRS.%SQLCODE = 0
        Do tRS.%Next()
        Return tRS.%Get("AdapterState")
    Return "Status not Found"

Here's a little code snippet that the Management Portal uses to get the Arbiter state:

	Set state = $SYSTEM.Mirror.ArbiterState()
	Set thisConnected = $SELECT($ZB(+state,+$$$ArbiterConnected,1)'=0:1,1:0)
	Set otherConnected = $SELECT($ZB(+state,+$$$ArbiterPeerConnected,1)'=0:1,1:0)
	If 'thisConnected {
		Set stateString = $$$Text("This member is not connected to the arbiter")
	} ElseIf 'otherConnected {
		Set stateString = $$$Text("Only this member is connected to the arbiter")
	} Else {
		Set stateString = $$$Text("Both failover members are connected to the arbiter")

You'll need to add an Include statement for %syMirror to use the $$$Arbiter* macros.

Note that the ArbiterState() method is undocumented, and its behavior may change in future releases.

Does SYS.Mirror.GetFailoverMemberStatus() give you what you want? It has to be executed from %SYS.

%SYS>set sc=##class(SYS.Mirror).GetFailoverMemberStatus(.pri,.alt)

%SYS>zw pri

%SYS>zw alt

Not sure why yours is showing OpenSSL v3. I'm running IRIS for Health 2022. on a Ubuntu 20.04.4 LTS (GNU/Linux 5.4.0-121-generic x86_64) physical host and I had no issues with installation.

My guess is that it isn't really complaining about openssl, but that libssl isn't at least version 1.1.1.

I'd try running (as root):

# apt install openssl
# apt install libssl1.1

These commands should install pre-compiled binaries. The first one should automatically install openssl 1.1.1f and the 2nd the same version of the libssl libraries.

And yes, while I haven't specifically used VirtualBox, I am a long-time user of VMWare on multiple platforms, with multiple Linux guests and versions of Caché/IRIS. Virtualization has, so far, very rarely been an issue.

It's a bug, and InterSystems is aware. It's still present in 2022.1, but I expect it will be fixed in an upcoming release.

For now, you'll need to change the resource associated with the database(s) to %DB_%DEFAULT (or whatever you prefer) after the creation of the namespace. That can be done through the management portal, under System Administration | System Configuration | Local Databases.

EDIT: Sorry, didn't notice that Alex Woodhead had already provided this answer ...

If SELinux is enabled, you may need to run the following commands as root:

# semanage fcontext -a -t httpd_sys_rw_content_t '/opt/webgateway/logs/CSP.log'
# restorecon -v '/opt/webgateway/logs/CSP.log'

Note that the '#' character represents the root account prompt and is not part of the command.

I've been troubleshooting issues with WebTerminal that resulted in either long delays after login before the IRIS prompt displayed, or license count exhaustion (which generated the lost connection errors you've experienced). The change that made the most immediate difference was to switch the MPM module used by Apache from event to worker. The latter allows pre-allocation of resources that seem to better support websockets.

On RedHat Linux, the MPM module is configured through /etc/conf.modules.d/00-mpm.conf:


LoadModule mpm_event_module modules/mod_mpm_event.so


LoadModule mpm_worker_module modules/mod_mpm_worker.so
ServerLimit     20
StartServers    10
MaxRequestWorkers 500
MinSpareThreads 75
MaxSpareThreads 250
ThreadsPerChild 25

The values above are likely overkill for many purposes; they're borrowed from @Mark Bolinsky's excellent article on HS web server configuration found here: https://community.intersystems.com/post/apache-httpd-web-server-configuration-healthshare
 It does increase httpd's memory footprint by 30-40% over the "stock" configuration, but unless you're very tight on resources it shouldn't be an issue.

I also heard from @John Murray that there will be another WebTerminal release shortly that addresses the IRIS/Caché version interrogation issue along with being kinder to your license count laugh

Thanks, @Jolyon Smith, that does give me something to go on. This is the error I'm seeing on each connection attempt:

Error: unable to verify the first certificate
    at TLSSocket.onConnectSecure (node:_tls_wrap:1530:34)
    at TLSSocket.emit (node:events:390:28)
    at TLSSocket._finishInit (node:_tls_wrap:944:8)
   at TLSWrap.ssl.onhandshakedone (node:_tls_wrap:725:12)

The cert shows no issues when using Chrome, but what I've read in researching this error is that AV software may be a contributor. Unfortunately, I don't have the ability to turn it off on the system I'm testing with, so I'll need to work with the customer's PC support team to see if that makes a difference. I've already tried setting http.proxyStrictSSL and http.systemCertificates to false, and set http.proxySupport to off.

You shouldn't need to ...

DEV>Set msg = ##class(EnsLib.HL7.Message).%OpenId(29485840)

DEV>Write msg.Name
DEV>Write msg.GetValueAt("MSH:9")
DEV>Do msg.SetValueAt("A08","MSH:9.2")

DEV>Write msg.GetValueAt("MSH:9")
DEV>Write msg.Name

But I guess it wouldn't hurt wink

Is it possible that there's an action somewhere in the DTL that clears MSH:9?

The Name property in a message object is actually calculated from the contents of MSH:9 and is what the constraint editor evaluates. Is MSH:9 in the target message being set using some unconventional method in the Target message?

EDIT: The constraint editor uses the DocTypeName, not the Name property, as Scott points out in followup comments.