
Heres something I did on a Windows system at one point to purge files in a directory that were older than a given time frame

ClassMethod PurgeFiles(Path As %String, OlderThan As %Integer)
    set Date=$zd($h-OlderThan)
    set cmd="forfiles /P "_Path_" /D -"_Date_" /C ""cmd /c del @path"""
    set sc=$zf(-1,cmd)

I'm pretty sure there is also ways to do this using something in %File or one of those classes also. I will poke around for an example there as well, but this should get you started.


Hi Jimmy

The short answer is that the EnsLib.File.PassthroughOperation is a special operation that can take a stream and write it out to a file.  The operation expects you to pass in an instance of Ens.StreamContainer and you need to populate the Stream property which is what the PassthroughOperation is looking for.

An example might be:

set sc=##class(Ens.StreamContainer).%New()

set stream = ##class(%Stream.GlobalCharacter).%New()

do stream.Write("This is my text to go into the file")

set sc.Stream=stream

Once you have done this, you can send sc as the input to your operation using ..SendRequestAsync or ..SendRequestSync, or from a BP if that is where the message is coming from

My question is given your request message you created, what are you hoping the output in the file will look like?



Yes, that is true, however, that doesnt allow you to execute a class method from namespace A in namespace B.

When you :

do ["b"]tag^routine

Cache actually executes tag^routine in namespace b vs the namespace you are currently in.

Creating a package map for namespace a that maps a particular package from namespace b only makes that class available to namespace a.  When I execute methods within the mapped class those methods are executed in namespace a and not b.

So a customer asked me a question about this and I decided to actually implement a mechanism to encode a global as JSON.  I haven't done the opposite which would be to take the encoded json and turn it back into a global, but the reverse is pretty simple

Here's the way I encode the Global as json  There is a top-level object with two properties, globalName and nodes.  globalName is a string and represents the actual global name, nodes is an array and contains an object for each node of the global which contains data.  To ensure that non-printable characters are handled properly,  I am using HTML Escaping to escape both the data and the subscript values



Here is an example of the class method that generates this output

Class ISC.JSONGlobalProcessor [ Not ProcedureBlock ]

ClassMethod Export(GlobalRoot As %String, Output JSON As %DynamicObject) As %Status [ ProcedureBlock = 0 ]
    if '$d(@GlobalRoot) quit $System.Status.Error(5001, "Nothing to export; "_GlobalRoot_" <undefined>")
    set root=$p(GlobalRoot,")",1,$l(GlobalRoot,")")-1),node=GlobalRoot s:root="" root=GlobalRoot
    set JSON=##class(%DynamicObject).%New()
    set JSON.globalName=$p(GlobalRoot,"(",1)
    set JSON.nodes=##class(%DynamicArray).%New()
    while $e(node,1,$l(root))=root {
        if $d(@node)#10 do ..addNode(node,.JSON)
        set node=$q(@node)
    quit 1

ClassMethod addNode(node As %String, ByRef JSON As %DynamicObject) As %Status
    set nodeJSON=##class(%DynamicObject).%New()
    set data=@node,nodeJSON.data=##class(%CSP.Page).EscapeHTML(data)
    set subscripts=$p(node,"(",2,999),subscripts=$p(subscripts,")",1,$l(subscripts,")")-1)
    if ""'=subscripts {
        set nodeJSON.subscripts=##class(%DynamicArray).%New()
        set cp=1
        for {
            set subscript=$p(subscripts,",",cp)
            f  {
                set cp=cp+1,subscript=subscript_","_$p(subscripts,",",cp)
            set subArray=$i(subArray),subArray(subArray)=subscript
            set cp=cp+1
        for i=1:1:subArray do nodeJSON.subscripts.%Push(##class(%CSP.Page).EscapeHTML(subArray(i)))
    do JSON.nodes.%Push(nodeJSON)


To call this code you can do the following

set sc=##class(ISC.JSONGlobalProcessor).Export($na(^SAMPLE.PersonD),.json)

Once you have the global encoded in a JSON object, you can output that JSON by:

do json.%ToJSON()

I think it really depends on your coding preferences. There are benefits to writing using Objects (CLS) and benefits to writing in (MAC) and which you use may simply depend on what your coding preferences are.

Do you like to code using objects, then CLS is the way to go. Are you a procedural programmer, then (MAC) is the way to go.

Using CLS, you program using objects with properties and methods. You gain the benefit of being able to access your object data via three different mechanisms, direct global access, object access, or sql. You implement methods and typically your methods are logically organized into the classes that they pertain to. You gain inheritance, XML support, JSON support, and so much more.

All that said, if you come from a background of procedural programming and don't have a need or desire to work in objects, there's nothing wrong with using MAC routines.


First, admittedly I'm not sure the cause to your error as I do not have access to your generated SOAP client classes, your SSL Configuration, etc.

That said, I was able to implement the UPS API for the Tracking API and was able to execute without issue.  To get it to work you will need to do the following.

1.   Create a SSL client configuration (test it against the UPS server) to be used for SSL encryption.  it does not appear that UPS provides a non encrypted connection for testing.

2.   Obtain all of the wsdl files (including the additional xsd documentts that define the different types that UPS API supports. 

3.  Use the SOAP wizard to create a client.  I used the package UPS.   In the wizard, on the Step 3 page, select the option "Use unwrapped message format for document style web methods "  This is critical because the SOAP wizard will not create the correct client without it checked.

Once created, the following class method can be used to test your service.  I just added this to my SOAP client class UPS.TrackPort

ClassMethod Test(InquiryNumber As %String) As UPS.common.ResponseType
    ; Setup Web Service Client and Security
    s ws=##class(UPS.TrackPort).%New()
     s ws.SSLConfiguration="SSLClient"
     s sechdr=##class(UPS.upss.UPSSecurity).%New()
     s usertoken=##class(UPS.upss.UsernameToken).%New()
     s usertoken.Username="myusername"
     s usertoken.Password="mypassword"
     s sechdr.UsernameToken=usertoken
     s acctoken=##class(UPS.upss.ServiceAccessToken).%New()
     s acctoken.AccessLicenseNumber="myaccessLicenseNumber"
     s sechdr.ServiceAccessToken=acctoken
     do ws.HeadersOut.SetAt(sechdr,"UPSSecurity")
    ; Setup Request
    set trakRequest=##class(UPS.trk.TrackRequest).%New()
    set trakRequest.Request=##class(UPS.common.RequestType).%New()
    do trakRequest.Request.RequestOption.Insert(1)
    set transactionReference=##class(UPS.common.TransactionReferenceType).%New()
    set transactionReference.CustomerContext="My Ensemble Process "_$j
    set trakRequest.Request.TransactionReference=transactionReference
    set trakRequest.InquiryNumber=InquiryNumber
    quit ws.ProcessTrack(trakRequest)

Once this is done, you can test as follows

USER>s resp=##class(UPS.TrackPort).Test("1Z12345E0205271688")
USER>w resp
USER>zw resp
resp=<OBJECT REFERENCE>[20@UPS.trk.TrackResponse]
+----------------- general information ---------------
|      oref value: 20
|      class name: UPS.trk.TrackResponse
| reference count: 2
+----------------- attribute values ------------------
|           (none)
+----------------- swizzled references ---------------
|       i%Disclaimer = ""
|    i%Disclaimer(1) = "You are using UPS tracking service on customer integration test environment, please switch to UPS production environment once you finish the test. The URL is https://onlinetools.ups.com/webservices/Track"
|       r%Disclaimer = "49@%Collection.ListOfDT"  <Set>
|         i%Response = ""
|         r%Response = "21@UPS.common.ResponseType"
|         i%Shipment = ""
|      i%Shipment(1) = ""
|         r%Shipment = "48@%Collection.ListOfObj"
|      r%Shipment(1) = "24@UPS.trk.ShipmentType"

Hope this helps