This is a permission issue.   The ^ZUSET routine needs to be able to write to the database and cant because it was mounted read-only because of the IRIS.lck issue.   There is a permission issue at the linux level on the directory where your database is stored.   Need to make sure it's set properly so that the user which IRIS runs under has write permissions to the directory.

Then you can unmount and remount the database and it should solve your problem.

Hi Ignacio

I think your next step is to get your CACHE.DAT that contains RPMS up and running on IRIS.

1.     Copy your (dismounted) CACHE.DAT file to the cloud server

2.     Rename the file to IRIS.DAT

3.     Create a Database/Namespace in IRIS that uses this database file.
          (dont forget to add all of the appropriate RPMS global and routine mappings)

Once you get to this point everything else is application related and the best source for information about that would be the Indian Health Service themselves.