Question Lawrence Grace · Jul 23, 2020 Cube Build Frequency via Scheduled Task What is the shortest frequency of time I can set to have Cubes rebuilt. #Analytics #InterSystems IRIS BI (DeepSee) 0 2 0 170
Question Lawrence Grace · Feb 12, 2020 DeepSee Pivots and Dashboards I am moving some DeepSee components to another environment and would like to know if the pivots and dashboards have to reside in the "Other" branch of the Workspace in Studio. Thank you, LG #InterSystems IRIS BI (DeepSee) 0 2 0 208
Question Lawrence Grace · Dec 26, 2019 Computing Axes in DeepSee Dashboards Is there anyway to improve the performance of the display of DeepSee dashboards? It takes minutes to do the cell calculations of computing the axis members. Any direction or help would be appreciated. Thanks,LG #Performance #HealthShare #InterSystems IRIS BI (DeepSee) 0 5 0 207
Question Lawrence Grace · Oct 31, 2019 Referencing Data in Another Cube I have a cube that lists services, processes, and operations information and wanted to make the names of the items more user-friendly to end users and to use a flag to determine which components would be displayed in the dashboard. We created another table/cube that has a status flag (1/0) to determine whether we would look at the item, the existing name, and the human-readable name. What is the best way to reference the data in the new cube from the original cube to use the human-readable name? Thank you, LG #HealthShare #InterSystems IRIS BI (DeepSee) 0 1 0 197
Question Lawrence Grace · Sep 19, 2019 Filters and Favorites not showing after creating new dashboard After creating a new dashboard the filters and favorites are not displaying on the left side. The version info is as follows: Cache for Windows (x86-64) 2017.2.1 (Build 801_3_18358U) Tue Jul 24 2018 16:38:29 EDT [HealthShare Modules:Core:15.032.8680 + Linkage Engine:15.032.8680 + Clinical Viewer:15.032.8680 + Active Analytics:15.032.8680 Thanks, LG #Dashboards #InterSystems IRIS BI (DeepSee) 0 3 0 174
Question Lawrence Grace · Sep 18, 2019 Ens.Activity.Data.Seconds (.Hours, .Days) Is the TotalDuration column (processing times for all messages w/in a time frame) measured in seconds? Thanks,LG #Ensemble 0 2 0 248
Question Lawrence Grace · Sep 12, 2019 Removing the standard COUNT measure Is there any way to remove the Count measure from a pivot table or more importantly, a DeepSee widget.Even if I do not add it as a measure in the Analyzer, the column "All" shows up.Anyone have an idea on how to hide or remove it in a Dashboard Widget?Thanks,LG #InterSystems IRIS BI (DeepSee) 0 3 1 198
Question Lawrence Grace · Sep 12, 2019 How to use Rest API in DeepSee We have a rest service that collects production status information like whether a connection is disabled, enabled, etc.I would like to present that data in a DeepSee dashboard but do not know how to create a pivot that accesses the data gathered by the service.Does anyone have any information or documentation about how a dashboard would be configured to use use a Rest service?Thank you #InterSystems IRIS BI (DeepSee) 0 2 1 285
Question Lawrence Grace · Feb 5, 2019 Support for gender code "U" in Healthshare Does Intersystems Ensemble support (for LGBTQ+) gender code "U" in Healtshare? Specifically for the clinical (or physician) viewer? Test shows the gender code is consumed without error and stored, but the viewer does not present it except (as far as I can see) in the patient search drop-down. The 2.3.1 HL7 ADT schema code table lists "U" as a supported option. Would this require customization in the viewer code to support this? #HL7 #Ensemble #HealthShare 0 3 0 452
Question Lawrence Grace · Aug 1, 2018 Facility column in the Clinical Viewer Can anyone tell me what controls the contents of the Facility column of the Encounters tab in the clinical viewer of Healthshare? I am ADT messages to populate the columns and have been unable to change the displayed value.Might this be a TrakCare modification?Thanks,LG #HealthShare #TrakCare 0 2 0 403