Thanks for the feedback, and my particular interest does involve working with VA/VHA migration; however, in my research I found

the following, which may provide an answer to any who may be interested...


A vaccination is a special kind of medication.

  • SDA Object ClassHS.SDA3.Vaccination
  • TableHSAA.Vaccination
  • Relevant CubeVaccinations


InterSystems maintains a document (in Microsoft Excel format) that contains detailed information on the source or potential sources of data for each element in the DeepSee cubes.

To obtain a copy of this document, contact the InterSystems Worldwide Response Center (WRC) and request the Health Insight cube data details spreadsheet.

Thanks for the information!

I found the following in the HealthShare "Help" online documentation: 

"In Information Exchange, the patient’s medical record is transmitted in a format called SDA (Summary Document Architecture), which is an InterSystems format based on CDA (Clinical Document Architecture)."

However, it doesn't tell me much about SDA ( now SDA3 ) nor a very detailed definition or history of the format and purpose.

I was hoping to find more details.