go to post Richard (LTS) Walker · May 7, 2020 That is odd... I see a blue diamond in the "IO" lane, and when I select it, it shows the "Output Data" to the right... I don't see the "IO" lane in your snip at all... so it must be something else?
go to post Richard (LTS) Walker · May 7, 2020 Under settings, select the "Log Trace Events" and "Archive IO". I hope this helps?
go to post Richard (LTS) Walker · May 5, 2020 If the Gateways are configured on mirrored instances of HealthShare, then typically a virtual IP is used to determine and redirect to the active instance, to provide for high availability or fail over. If not, then perhaps this approach could be considered?
go to post Richard (LTS) Walker · Apr 3, 2020 I sure do wish it was documented some where... I looked, but couldn't find it. Any reference to the documentation would greatly be appreciated!
go to post Richard (LTS) Walker · Oct 21, 2019 Thanks for the feedback, and my particular interest does involve working with VA/VHA migration; however, in my research I found the following, which may provide an answer to any who may be interested... Vaccination A vaccination is a special kind of medication. SDA Object Class: HS.SDA3.Vaccination Table: HSAA.Vaccination Relevant Cube: Vaccinations Note: InterSystems maintains a document (in Microsoft Excel format) that contains detailed information on the source or potential sources of data for each element in the DeepSee cubes. To obtain a copy of this document, contact the InterSystems Worldwide Response Center (WRC) and request the Health Insight cube data details spreadsheet.
go to post Richard (LTS) Walker · Jun 18, 2019 Thanks for the information!I found the following in the HealthShare "Help" online documentation: "In Information Exchange, the patient’s medical record is transmitted in a format called SDA (Summary Document Architecture), which is an InterSystems format based on CDA (Clinical Document Architecture)." However, it doesn't tell me much about SDA ( now SDA3 ) nor a very detailed definition or history of the format and purpose.I was hoping to find more details.