It's amazing how many different ways everyone's taken to read a standard format. I thought I'd add this excerpt from the RFC 4180. So far, I haven't found a way to read a CSV line that takes into account all of the requirements of the escaped field, specifically with the LF character. To see this for yourself, create a new Excel workbook, data into a field and use Alt+Enter a few times, and then save the file as a CSV file. The line feeds are within the field data.

The ABNF grammar [2] appears as follows:
file = [header CRLF] record *(CRLF record) [CRLF]
header = name *(COMMA name)
record = field *(COMMA field)
name = field
field = (escaped / non-escaped)
non-escaped = *TEXTDATA
COMMA = %x2C
CR = %x0D ;as per section 6.1 of RFC 2234 [2]

Here's the next challenge, and one that I'm encountering using the $$CSVtoList^%occLibrary... line feeds within the field data (enclosed in double quotes).

The line ends with CRLF, and within the double quote enclosed field there appears 
 followed by a Line feed. The RFC 4180 standard states this should be acceptable, but I'm reviewing how to review this now. Any thoughts?

Typically, I've dealt with XML, EDI, and tab-delimited files within Cache. All CSV files were typically done in PHP. It's definitely a great exercise.

I did want to note that the above solution did not work with the following string.

CSIN-01,01/01/2002,01/15/2003,,1,1002381,ABC CORP,02/22/2018,"NET ""15""","ANYTOWN, DC",JANE DOE,"ANYTOWN, DC",06/13/2018,$13900.00 ,$101.15 ,$5.13 ,$308.00 ,$281.70 ,$0.00 ,$0.00 ,$217.00 ,JOHN DOE

This does work. I think the only downside is if you were to apply this to longer numbers. For example, an invoice number with 9 digits you'd have to write "000000000". As far as readability, you'd have to count those zeroes every time. For this reason, I'd say the combination of $TRIM and $JUSTIFY would be more appropriate since you'd alleviate how to count the zeroes.