The class referencing the account global doesn't even finish a COUNT (ex. SELECT COUNT(acctID) FROM namespace.account). The global itself looks like the following, which have multiple parent and child nodes as well as varying numbers of positions for each. I've posted the structure below.



I apologize for not speaking more specifically. I am speaking to the results page for search and tags pages. In other words, when you are provided multiple posts/questions at once.

The easiest way to simulate this is to click on "Caché" from the BROWSE BY TAG side-bar and review the results provided.

Many users "greet" the reader in the first few lines. This requires you to visit the page to "view a summary" rather than using the query page to pull this information.

After reviewing several, I'd recommend the following on the results page:

  1. Removing any WYSIWYG formatting that was done on the post. Although appropriate for the individual post, you'll find that many are screaming their header.
  2. Replacing line breaks with spaces.
  3. Set the summary's font size to 1em, which the user can scale as they see fit.


This is a forum for InterSystems. This is not a forum for Ontario Systems. If you would like assistance with an application, you should refer to the developer of that application. While the application may run on a Caché database, the specifics of an application would not be supported by the developers of the database the application's developers choose to use.

In other words, your FACS question should not be asked here.


While I'm not experienced with CSP/ZEN, I thought I'd make a suggestion from an outsider's perspective. As we all know, server-side does the work and client-side does the tidying up. So, let's keep things simple. I see your current situation is as follows.
Back-End Issue
You need to know a CSP/Zen Mojo approach to including code.
Front-End Issue
You are unsure how to create a fixed header with a navbar; and sticky footer in Bootstrap.
Back-End Solution
In PHP, this is usually obtained with includes. However, CSP does this in a similar fashion through the include directive (#INCLUDE), which you can find more info here: Also, any client-side changes you'd want to be done with JS so that unnecessary load isn't placed on the server.
Front-End Solution
The front-end should be simple. There's lots of articles on how to use Bootstrap to achieve this. Here's on example: Be sure you are using a CDN to maximize the load time for the client.

This is definitely something that the community, and InterSystems, needed. Since the language is not taught in schools, rarely used, and hidden as it's the backbone of some major applications, many developers, like myself, are not, if ever, usually introduced to it.

When I began, I was told its sort of like C and nothing like PHP/JS, but I needed to develop a payment application for a website that integrated with the DB. After lots of trial and error, reading high-level (understandable, but quite difficulty when never exposed to it) technical documents, and time, I did produce the application. Since, I've enjoyed the power it has, but wished the community was larger.

I am glad to see learning opportunities becoming available to increase its exposure and the community. The more people apart of our community, the quicker we expand and develop things for our IoT and Big Data issues.