go to post Guillaume Rongier · May 18, 2021 Hi Lucas, A simple solution to you question can be this : Property numDossiersMER As list Of %Integer(SQLPROJECTION = "table/column", STORAGEDEFAULT = "array"); Index numDossiersMERIdx On numDossiersMER(ELEMENTS); With those parameters you can achieve : 'As list Of %Integer' allows you to use the Insert() in ObjectScript and 'for some %element' in SQL command 'SQLPROJECTION = "table/column"' allows you to display the table as a column (note, the column does not appear in a select * it must be specified : select numDossierMER, numDossiersMER from User_TestList_Data.Titre ) 'STORAGEDEFAULT = "array"' allows a separate table for the normalized representation 'Index numDossiersMERIdx On numDossiersMER(ELEMENTS);' bring the ability to use index on values with this SQL query : select numDossierMER, numDossiersMER from User_TestList_Data.Titre where for some %element(numDossiersMER) (%Value in (345))
go to post Guillaume Rongier · Apr 30, 2021 Thanks you all ! I am glad to see that this little module is used and useful :)
go to post Guillaume Rongier · Apr 29, 2021 Hi Cindy, To deploy your services, routes and plugins to another environment you can use CI/CD with postman (newman) Some examples here : https://github.com/grongierisc/iam-training/tree/main#12-cicd Another possibility is to use deck (decK helps manage Kong’s configuration in a declarative fashion) from kong https://docs.konghq.com/deck/ I haven't tried this one, I can't give you feedback on it.
go to post Guillaume Rongier · Apr 21, 2021 Nice, the support of ZPM in the json config file is a major improvement. Now we can use this module as a total replacement of the manifest installer ! Great work !
go to post Guillaume Rongier · Apr 16, 2021 I tried your module as a replacement for the Manifest installer, see this example: https://github.com/grongierisc/intersystems-iris-dev-template However, I'm stuck for the part with ZPM.The problem is, with your module, I can create a database, its rights, etc., but how to tell ZPM to load the classes in the freshly installed NameSpace? What are the possible solutions? Add an option to your module to load code ? Add an option to ZPM to take into account your configurations ? What to do with the CPF module? https://docs.intersystems.com/irisforhealthlatest/csp/docbook/DocBook.UI... We have today many options to load configuration IRIS, are they in competition? How to federate these modules who are all complementary?
go to post Guillaume Rongier · Apr 15, 2021 What a nice feature. If I understand correctly, this module can be considered as a replacement for the Manifest installer? If so, then this module has the benefit of exposing the configuration as JSON and API rather than a compiled class.
go to post Guillaume Rongier · Apr 12, 2021 If I understand correctly, you want to replace an HTTP Header basic auth with a bearer token. If the bearer token is static, you can implement a solution like this: - https://github.com/grongierisc/iam-training/tree/training#6-third-add-ou... If it is dynamic, I think you will have to develop your own plug-in: - https://github.com/grongierisc/iam-training/tree/training#11-plugins A good base to start working on could be this plugin: - https://github.com/grongierisc/kong-plugin-jwt-crafter
go to post Guillaume Rongier · Apr 12, 2021 Super benchmark, it's very interesting.Personally, I prefer the squash method because it is easy to implement (no change in the dockefile).
go to post Guillaume Rongier · Jan 28, 2021 Yes your code is correct. Id1 still exist and it's sync with id. When you index a new primary key, id will have that value. In your case Id1 is call as is because you name a column Id. I think, you can't get rid off ID (Id1 in your case). Should ask an expert on that. @Eduard Lebedyuk @Benjamin De Boe @Robert C. Cemper
go to post Guillaume Rongier · Jan 28, 2021 Hi Michael, No plan for that yet, but the solution is quiet similar, fetch the internal data of step count, transform it to FHIR, send them to the registry. But, as soon as I change my iPhone to an Android, I will reconsider to do it for Android ;)
go to post Guillaume Rongier · Jan 28, 2021 Hi Yeung, First how-to auto increment an integer, you can use this property : %Library.AutoIncrement Doc : https://docs.intersystems.com/irisforhealthlatest/csp/docbook/Doc.View.c... Then, why you have ID1 in your table, because by default any persistent class have an column called ID who is an auto increment and indexed as a primary key.You can overload this primary key by your own with this index : Index name On property_expression_list [ PrimaryKey ]; Doc : https://docs.intersystems.com/irisforhealthlatest/csp/docbook/Doc.View.c...
go to post Guillaume Rongier · Dec 7, 2020 Hi, What you can do is a snapshot of this ResultSet. Then use the global of this snapshot for another Operation : Get snapshot global : Method OnGetSnapshot(pRequest As Ens.Request, Output pResponse As Ens.StringResponse) As %Status { set tStatus = $$$OK try{ set pResponse = ##class(Ens.StringResponse).%New() set tQuery = "SELECT * FROM [sqlserver].[dbo].[whatever] " //$$$TRACE(tQuery) Set pSnap = ##class(EnsLib.SQL.Snapshot).%New() //size of snapshot // -1 = Max set pSnap.MaxRowsToGet = -1 $$$ThrowOnError(..Adapter.ExecuteQueryBatch(pSnap,tQuery,1000)) $$$ThrowOnError(pSnap.%Save()) set pResponse.StringValue = pSnap.%GblRef } catch exp { Set tStatus = exp.AsStatus() } Quit tStatus } Use snapshot global : Method UseSnapshot(pRequest As Ens.StringRequest, Output pResponse As Ens.Response) As %Status { set status = $$$OK try { set pResponse = ##class(Ens.Response).%New() set nRow = 0 set tSequence = 0 //Get SnapShot Set tSnap = ##class(EnsLib.SQL.Snapshot).%New() set tSnap.%GblRef = pRequest.StringValue // use of global SnapShot set tSnap.%CurrentRow = 0 set tSnap.FirstRow = 1 set tSnap.MaxRowsToGet = -1 $$$TRACE("MaxRowsToGet : "_tSnap.RowCountGet()) while tSnap.Next() { try { set nRow = nRow + 1 set tSequence = tSequence + 1 set i = 0 set i = i + 1 set tParam(i) = tSnap.Get("Col1") set i = i + 1 set tParam(i) = tSnap.Get("Col2") set i = i + 1 set tParam(i) = tSnap.Get("Col3") set i = i + 1 set tParam(i) = tSnap.Get("ColX") set tParam = i set tQuery = "UPDATE Whatever "_ "SET "_ "Col1 = ? "_ ",Col2 = ? "_ ",Col3 = ? "_ " WHERE ColX = ? " $$$ThrowOnError(..Adapter.ExecuteUpdateParmArray(.tResult,tQuery,.tParam)) } catch exSnap { // Update exeption } } } catch ex { set status = ex.AsStatus() } return status } Furthermore, If you have big table to query/insert in JDBC consider this ZPM module : https://github.com/grongierisc/BatchSqlOutboundAdapter
go to post Guillaume Rongier · Dec 2, 2020 Hi Alexender, I'll send you the WSDL in PM. But I guess I found a workaround : I created a new method that parse the XML with %XML.Reader and correlate the payload with my destination class : set reader = ##class(%XML.Reader).%New() // pRequest.GetPatientsByClinicResult.any.GetAt(1) <-- Header // pRequest.GetPatientsByClinicResult.any.GetAt(2) <-- Payload do reader.OpenString(pRequest.GetPatientsByClinicResult.any.GetAt(2)) do reader.Correlate("Patients","FME.Object.Patient") while reader.Next(.object,.status) { do pResponse.Patients.Insert(object) } Where FME.Object.Patient is : Class FME.Object.Patient Extends (%SerialObject, %XML.Adaptor) { Property LastName As %String; Property FirstName As %String; Property Datex0020ofx0020Birth As %String(XMLNAME = "Date_x0020_of_x0020_Birth"); Property Gender As %String; Property Code As %String; Property Insurance As %String; Property GUID As %String; Property CLINICGUID As %String; }
go to post Guillaume Rongier · Dec 2, 2020 Hi Yuri, Not now but it's plan to be in the future, may be next year.
go to post Guillaume Rongier · Nov 17, 2020 If you have license key for heathshare (no community version of healthshare is available), the installers and familiar with docker, check this git : https://github.com/grongierisc/healthshare-docker It's an unofficial version of HealthShare on docker, very useful to do test and build edge on the fly.
go to post Guillaume Rongier · Nov 17, 2020 If you need an how-to de develop an interoperability production check this git. https://github.com/grongierisc/formation-template It's in french but you will have a lot of gif to get throw the tuto and build a CSV parser and drop the file in the database with transformations.
go to post Guillaume Rongier · Nov 16, 2020 Great app, I'll will definitely take a look, this can be very useful. Thanks, and good luck for the contest.
go to post Guillaume Rongier · Nov 4, 2020 Hi Mike, To retrive multi-part from %resquest you have do to this in the %CSP.REST class : // Get properties set body = %request.Get("body") if '$d(body) { $$$ThrowOnError($$$ERROR(9200,"no parameters")) } set dynaBody = {}.%FromJSON(body) // Get stream set stream = %request.GetMimeData("file") if ('$IsObject(stream) { $$$ThrowOnError($$$ERROR(9200,"no file")) } To get property you have to use Get and for stream GetMimeData In my example my body is a json.
go to post Guillaume Rongier · Nov 4, 2020 Hi Yuri, Have a look at this : https://github.com/grongierisc/iris-csvgen-ui/blob/master/src/CSVGEN/API... Here you will find and example of a multi-part upload on a %CSP.REST class. To get the stream from the multi part you have to do this ligne 39 to 43 : // Get stream set stream = %request.GetMimeData("id") if ('$IsObject(stream) { $$$ThrowOnError($$$ERROR(9200,"no file")) } Where id is the name of you multi-part To send the stream to a business service : $$$ThrowOnError(##class(Ens.Director).CreateBusinessService(BsName,.tService)) $$$ThrowOnError(tService.ProcessInput(stream,.output)) Where BsName is the name of your business service in the active production of your namespace. And stream you stream.
go to post Guillaume Rongier · Nov 3, 2020 Hi Paul, Are you looking for theses classes : HS.Hub.Standalone.HL7.DTL.SubTransform.PD1ToSDA3 HS.Hub.Standalone.HL7.DTL.SubTransform.PIDToSDA3 and co ? And you can have a look at this code to convert any HL7 and all his segment into SDA : https://github.com/grongierisc/FHIR-HL7v2-SQL-Demo/blob/master/src/FHIRD...