Hi Alexender, I'll send you the WSDL in PM.

But I guess I found a workaround :

I created a new method that parse the XML with %XML.Reader and correlate the payload with my destination class :

 set reader = ##class(%XML.Reader).%New()
 // pRequest.GetPatientsByClinicResult.any.GetAt(1) <-- Header
 // pRequest.GetPatientsByClinicResult.any.GetAt(2) <-- Payload
 do reader.OpenString(pRequest.GetPatientsByClinicResult.any.GetAt(2))
 do reader.Correlate("Patients","FME.Object.Patient")

 while reader.Next(.object,.status) {
   do pResponse.Patients.Insert(object)

Where FME.Object.Patient is :

Class FME.Object.Patient Extends (%SerialObject, %XML.Adaptor)

Property LastName As %String;

Property FirstName As %String;

Property Datex0020ofx0020Birth As %String(XMLNAME = "Date_x0020_of_x0020_Birth");

Property Gender As %String;

Property Code As %String;

Property Insurance As %String;

Property GUID As %String;

Property CLINICGUID As %String;


Hi Mike,
To retrive multi-part from %resquest you have do to this in the %CSP.REST class :

    // Get properties
    set body = %request.Get("body")
    if '$d(body) {
      $$$ThrowOnError($$$ERROR(9200,"no parameters"))
    set dynaBody = {}.%FromJSON(body)

    // Get stream
    set stream = %request.GetMimeData("file")
    if ('$IsObject(stream) {
      $$$ThrowOnError($$$ERROR(9200,"no file"))

To get property you have to use Get and for stream GetMimeData
In my example my body is a json.

Hi Yuri,
Have a look at this : https://github.com/grongierisc/iris-csvgen-ui/blob/master/src/CSVGEN/API...
Here you will find and example of a multi-part upload on a %CSP.REST class.

To get the stream from the multi part you have to do this ligne 39 to 43 :

    // Get stream
    set stream = %request.GetMimeData("id")
    if ('$IsObject(stream) {
      $$$ThrowOnError($$$ERROR(9200,"no file"))

Where id is the name of you multi-part

To send the stream to a business service :



Where BsName is the name of your business service in the active production of your namespace.
And stream you stream.

What a great idea :)

Here is my contribution :

    "Request Class": {
        "prefix": "ClassRequest",
        "body": [
            "Class ${0:ClassName} Extends Ens.Request",
        "description": "Message helper"

    "Response Class": {
        "prefix": "ClassResponse",
        "body": [
            "Class ${0:ClassName} Extends Ens.Response",
        "description": "Message helper"

    "Operation Class": {
        "prefix": "ClassOperation",
        "body": [
            "Class ${0:ClassName}  Extends Ens.BusinessOperation",
            "\tParameter ADAPTER = \"${1:Adapter}\";",
            "\tProperty Adapter As ${1:Adapter};",
            "\tParameter INVOCATION = \"Queue\";",
            "Method ${2:Methode}(pRequest As ${3:Request}, Output pResponse As ${4:Response}) As %Status",
            "\tset tStatus = $$$$OK",
            "\tset pResponse = ##class(${4:Response}).%New()",
            "\tcatch exp",
            "\t\tset tStatus = exp.AsStatus()",
            "\tQuit tStatus",
            "XData MessageMap",
            "\t<MapItem MessageType=\"${3:Request}\">",
        "description": "Operation helper"

    "Service Class": {
        "prefix": "ClassService",
        "body": [
            "Class ${0:ClassName} Extends Ens.BusinessService",
            "Parameter ADAPTER = \"${1:Adapter}\";",
            "Property TargetConfigNames As %String(MAXLEN = 1000) [ InitialExpression = \"${2:BusinessProcess}\" ];",
            "Parameter SETTINGS = \"TargetConfigNames:Basic:selector?multiSelect=1&context={Ens.ContextSearch/ProductionItems?targets=1&productionName=@productionId}\";",
            "Method OnProcessInput(pDocIn As %RegisteredObject, Output pDocOut As %RegisteredObject) As %Status",
            "\tset status = $$$$OK",
            "\ttry {",
            "\t\tfor iTarget=1:1:$L(..TargetConfigNames, \",\") {",
            "\t\t\tset tOneTarget=$ZStrip($P(..TargetConfigNames,\",\",iTarget),\"<>W\")  Continue:\"\"=tOneTarget",
            "\t} catch ex {",
            "\t\tset status = ex.AsStatus()",
            "\tQuit status",
        "description": "Operation helper"

Hi Ravikumar,

All can be done in InterSystems IRIS with almost no code.

Have a look at this demo to convert HL7v2 to FHIR : https://openexchange.intersystems.com/package/FHIR-HL7v2-SQL-Demo

For JSON/XML to FHIR, you can have a look here : https://github.com/grongierisc/HL7ToJson

For HL7 SIU, the same can be achieved with the first link.

For CDA/FHIR you have example here : https://github.com/grongierisc/FHIRaaS/blob/master/src/Interop/BP/CCDATr...

If you need more help, let me know.

I agree with you in most cases.

The most important announcement for me would be Embedded Python.
This will bring to the community the power of python libraries, it's a giant step forward.

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SuperServer port since 2020.3 is 1972 :

docker run --rm --name my-iris -d --publish 9091:1972 --publish 9092:52773 intersystemsdc/iris-community:2020.

docker run --rm --name my-iris -d --publish 9091:1972 --publish 9092:52773 intersystemsdc/iris-community:2020.4.0.521.0-zpm

docker run --rm --name my-iris -d --publish 9091:1972 --publish 9092:52773 intersystemsdc/irishealth-community:2020.

docker run --rm --name my-iris -d --publish 9091:1972 --publish 9092:52773 intersystemsdc/irishealth-community:2020.4.0.521.0-zpm

Don't forget that SuperServer port changed from 51773 to 1972
cf : https://irisdocs.intersystems.com/iris20203/csp/docbook/Doc.View.cls?KEY...

docker run --rm --name my-iris -d --publish 9091:1972 --publish 9092:52773 intersystemsdc/iris-community:2020.

docker run --rm --name my-iris -d --publish 9091:51773 --publish 9092:52773 intersystemsdc/iris-community:2020.

docker run --rm --name my-iris -d --publish 9091:1972 --publish 9092:52773 intersystemsdc/irishealth-community:2020.

docker run --rm --name my-iris -d --publish 9091:51773 --publish 9092:52773 intersystemsdc/irishealth-community:2020.

Hi Klaus,

You have to proxy IRIS to use https. To do so, use this git :