Thanks that did work when I took out the %OnOpen. What I was trying to do was copy from an existing
I've had a quick go of PuTTY and I do like that. Simple to set up and configure to work like terminal!
thanks for that.
Thanks that did work when I took out the %OnOpen. What I was trying to do was copy from an existing
I've had a quick go of PuTTY and I do like that. Simple to set up and configure to work like terminal!
thanks for that.
Actually, it wasn't quite working. When I reopened the class it couldn't access the file property as it was looking at the default stream location rather than the one it was filed with, so thought it was empty! It doesn't appear to save the directory along with the filename in the D global. So I'm having to do a workaround when I open the object I set a variable to the HTMLZIPDoc.Filename, piece out just the filename part then put the directory and a slash on the front and put it back into HTMLZIPDoc.Filename and that seems to work. If anyone has a better solution let me know. thanks.