go to post Fiona Griffiths · Mar 27, 2019 Probably not the same sort of token and probably nothing to do with your problem... but to create a bearer token for the interface I recently wrote I had to do:s authstring=$TR($SYSTEM.Encryption.Base64Encode(headJSONstring,1),"=")_"."_$TR($SYSTEM.Encryption.Base64Encode(paylJSONstring,1),"=")_"."s request.Authorization=" Bearer "_authstringI had set the flag so that the Base64Encode didn't add CR/LF and strip padded ='s from the end and also the other end want a space before the word Bearer as well as after. I don't know if that's standard.I also only used a standard Ens.BusinessOperation with an EnsLib.HTTP.OutboundAdapter to send my REST requests.