Hi Rochdi,

The HTTP error 500 indicates that something happened in the server that's cause a error.

I suggest you to do a test using postman or similar REST tool. If the works fine, maybe you can posted the JSON with some problem.

Another suggest, change your code :

 While ('File.AtEnd{
  do Httprequest.EntityBody.Write(Line)

  do Httprequest.EntityBody.CopyFrom(File)


Hi Harshdeep,

The error invalid of is like a Java NullPointerException  or NullReferenceException of .Net.

Check if intFaceDao or InterfaceDaoa are valid objects. Put these macros in you code e execute a test.

 $$$LOGINFO("Check intFaceDado " _ ..Adapter.intFaceDao)
 $$$LOGINFO("Check DaoInterfaceDado" _ ..Adapter.intFace.DaoInterfaceDao)

After execution, see in the Envent Log the result.


Hi Michel,

Yes, your SELECT statement returns the ID of he class. The ID of the %Dictionary.IndexDefinition class is compounded by parent||Name. The property parent is a reference to the class definition that contains the index.


See the documentation for more information: 


HI @phillip jack,

Like @Eduard Lebedyuk told, the better way is using stored procedures written in COS, but if you want to use only SQL you can try this:


If you change the serial object and add more properties increment the outer $LISTGET last parameter


Cristiano José da Silva.

HI Bukhtiar,

Iris has built in validation against a schema see: HL7 Schemas and Available Tools

But, is simple to iterate over all segments of a HL7 message  or any Virtual Document like this example:

#Dim hl7Msg   As EnsLib.HL7.Message = ##Class(EnsLib.HL7.Message).%OpenId(<changByAId>)
#Dim segIndex As %Integer           = 0
For segIndex = 1 : 1 : hl7Msg.SegCount
    #Dim segment As EnsLib.HL7.Segment = hl7Msg.getSegmentByIndex(segIndex)
    Write segment.Name, !

For more details se then documentation:

