Hi Oliver,

I suspect the note is there because InterSystems IRIS Interoperability does not have healthcare related functionality like InterSystems IRIS for Health and HealthShare Health Connect does and %UnitTest.TestProduction has implied support for healthcare use cases like receiving and sending HL7 messages. For example it has properties HL7InputDir, HL7OutputDir etc.

However, I agree with you, I cannot find anything in %UnitTest.TestProduction that specifically precludes it from being used in InterSystems IRIS instances.

This needs confirmation but it looks like the com.rabbitmq.examples package is deprecated.

Have you tried https://www.rabbitmq.com/tutorials/tutorial-one-java.html?

Am I understanding your last question? You are not interested in trying RabbitMQ adapter because you do not need to connect to Rabbitmq using Ensemble; you only need to connect to Rabbitmq using Caché?

I managed to install the update by uninstalling and reinstalling the Atelier plug-in:

  1. Close the Atelier perspective (see notes below)
  2. Navigate to the Eclipse Marketplace Installed tab, Help > Eclipse Marketplace > Installed
  3. Scroll to the InterSystems Atelier plugin and click on the Uninstall button
  4. Click on the Restart Now button
  5. Navigate to the Eclipse Marketplace; Help > Eclipse Marketplace
  6. Enter "atelier" in the Find text box and either press the Enter key or click on the Go button
  7. Click on the InterSystems Atelier plug-in Install button
  8. Accept the terms of the license agreements and click on the Finish button 
  9. Click on the Restart Now button


  • I noticed multiple ghost <Atelier> perspectives, the label Atelier surrounded by < and >.
  • Unconfirmed, but could they be the root cause of the automated update failing?
  • Closing the Atelier perspective before uninstalling the Atelier plug-in seems to eliminate this side effect.
  • I deleted the ghost <perspectives> by doing the following (this is macos): 
  1. Eclipse > Preferences > General > Perspectives
  2. Select the ghost <Atelier> perspective
  3. Click on the Delete button
  4. Repeat if necessary

You can use %SYSTEM.Security ChangePassword

Set tSC = $$$OK
Set tPasswordChanged = $system.Security.ChangePassword(pUsername,pNewPassword,pOldPassword,.tSC)  

Assuming a web client has previously been authenticated, and the web service method called post the password expiring returns a SOAP authentication fault:

The caller could catch the authentication fault and then assume that the password has expired,

call the password change web service method,

and then retry the original call again.      

Thanks Evgeny,

The difference in Markdown render engines makes it difficult to work offline, where you think the rendering is fine and then when pasting here you find that the Wordpress render differs making it somewhat challenging. A fair amount of trial and error to get a final cut.

Heres an example of tables are not rendering with enough padding:

Description Value
This is a long description the value

Are you able to adjust the css to improve padding?