This is on the Atelier team's radar. There is an internal bug report to get this implemented. It is currently categorized as a low priority and targeted for Atelier 1.5. I just noted in that report that a customer requested this feature and linked to this DC post.

If you (or any of you other customers out there) would like to discuss changing the priority on this report, I'd suggest filing a new WRC case with Support. Our Support team can have a conversation with you about your specific needs then make the case with development.

The Atelier/Eclipse equivalent for jumping to a class/routine/macro referenced in the code you are looking at is F3 (or Open Declaration in the right-click context menu):

I don't know of an exact Eclipse equivalent for Studio's bookmarks. An Eclipse bookmark can be set on the line your cursor is at by going to Edit > Add Bookmark. Then you can open the Bookmarks View (Window > Show View > Bookmarks) to see a list of your bookmarks and double-click them to navigate to that line in the code:

The go to tag+offset feature is still in development for Atelier. It is a very high priority and should be coming in an upcoming version soon.

Here are another couple of keyboard shortcuts that I often use for Eclipse/Atelier navigation:

Ctrl+O (or cmd+O on a Mac) shows Atelier's Quick Outline, where you can see a list of members for a given class/routine. Hitting ctrl/cmd+O again shows the inherited members. You can start typing in this view to narrow down the members listed:

I also use Eclipse's go back and forward navigation commands to jump back and forth as I'm viewing/editing code. To go back you can use Navigate > Back, ctrl+[ on Windows or cmd+[ on Mac. To go forward it's Navigate > Forward, ctrl+] or cmd+].

Ctrl+Shift+R and Ctrl+Shift+T (again, cmd instead of ctrl on a Mac) can be used to open a resource or an Atelier class/routine, respectively, that exists in a local project. The "Open Atelier Class/Routine" dialog (Ctrl+Shift+T) will show server-side files in an upcoming version of Atelier.

There is also a page in the documentation on Atelier equivalents for Studio actions here.

You can also see this information in the Atelier Documentation view as you are moving focus within a class. If you do not see this view you can launch it by selecting Window > Show View > Other > Atelier > Atelier Documentation > Open.

For example, I opened Sample.Person on my local Atelier client, selected the tab at the bottom for Atelier Documentation, then clicked on "%Populate" in the list of superclasses. Now I can see this in the Atelier Documentation view:

The way to test out Atelier is to install Eclipse and download the Atelier plug-in. Then you can connect that to any 2016.2+ instance. As Eduard mentioned you can do that by following the instructions here:

If you want to learn more about Atelier without installing, there are a number of InterSystems docs where you can read about the new development environment.

The Atelier documentation has a lot of information on getting started:

The Atelier release notes outlining bug fixes and new features can be found here:

The Caché documentation has a number of sections that mention Atelier, such as:

There is also an Atelier playlist on the InterSystems Developer Community YouTube channel with a mix of introductory and more advanced/targeted videos:

Hi Mike, I know you already figured this out yourself but just wanted to write up some instructions for others who find this post.

The Eclipse documentation will contain separate sections for each plug-in. To filter on only the "InterSystems Atelier User Guide":

  1. Select the Scope link next to the search box
  2. Pick the radio button for "Show only the following topics"
  3. Click the New button
  4. Check the Atelier guide and give this scope a name
  5. Click OK > OK

The documentation is also available online here, where it contains only the Workbench and Atelier User Guides.

I just wanted to share a couple other Atelier tools I find useful that have some similar functionality to the Studio Inspector. The first is the Atelier Outline View. This shows the currently defined members of a file (parameters, properties, methods, etc):

The second tool is the Quick Outline, which you access using cmd+O on Mac or ctrl+O on Windows. The first time you hit cmd+O/ctrl+O you will see a list of members defined in the current class:

You can then hit cmd+O/ctrl+O again to show the inherited members, along with which class each member comes from. The inherited members show up in a lighter gray font instead of black:

You can also start typing in this box to narrow down the list:

I assume that by the droppins version you mean the standalone Atelier client? Starting with the 1.1.386 release, we dropped support for the standalone Atelier client. There was an announcement in the Developer Community here.

You will need to install Eclipse OXYGEN and add the Atelier plug-in. Detailed instructions can be found in the article linked above, or on the Atelier download site,

If you are still having trouble installing the Atelier plug-in, I would suggest opening a WRC case with Support (by emailing or calling 617-621-0700) to investigate what is going wrong on your system.

Studio's server-side source control hooks are supported in Atelier.

What version of Atelier are you using? What version of Caché? Do you have a successful connection set up to your Caché server? Are you using the Server Explorer view to look for these classes?

I would suggest opening a Support case to investigate (by emailing or calling 617-621-0700), since it would probably help for someone to dial into your system.